
As headphones i always use my Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro.
Oh, I know this one very well! Do you use the headphone amplifier?

Pretty Maids - Pandemonium
Halford - Made of metal
Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare

Avenged Sevenfold was my discovery of the year ) never heard them before! :D

Pretty Maids in Jönköping, Sweden
Rammstein in Stockholm, Sweden
Kiss in Stockholm, Sweden

I have not seen that many, the last one was probably the one about Anvil.

Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I like many different kinds of music, and i was highly into Thrash in the mid to late 80's and was totally buried in bands like Kreator, Anthrax, Metallica, Megadeth, Nuclear Assault, Exodus, Slayer and so on. I also had my own thrashband in the late 80's. But i was never that much into black and death, but has some favourites there anyway. I have many friends in bands like that so i have been around anyway. I have also produced albums with bands like Vondur and Ophthalamia, both in 90's and in 2010 actually, and i have a big interest in that. But everything that sounds can be music, and as a musician and producer i listen to music in a different way than i believe most "normal" people do. I can like an album just because of the production as an example. The best sounding album ever is Michael Jacksons "History".

Thank you very much for the full and interesting answer, and unexpected finale :)

That's very difficult to asnwer, but i believe any genre that is honest and has its true and dedicated fans will always be there even though it might look like the commercial part of it comes in cycles. Some genres came and went, and then never came back again while others comes and goes over and over again.

I think so too :)
Thank you very much!
I know, it doesn't really fit into this topic (as it is a PAIN forum), but David/Michael, do you know anything about how the work on the hypocrisy dvd is going?
We did two videos, for the first two singles, and i can give you a teaser of how it went...




Result: catastrophy as usual.
First single and video is already in April, so you don't have to wait that long. It will be "Dirty Woman".

We will also play that song next saturday at Bandit Rock Awards in Stockholm - our first public performance in 2011.