
anyway, I just want to say for all european people : if you don't vote for your nationalist party you are a traitor for your family and ancestors.
By saying that i do not represent AA or any other group. I'm independant so don't erase my post. Think of the future of your children and of your culture. I live in one of the european countries which is the most in danger of cultural and racial mixing, and i live every day the consequences of this madness.
By telling you (northern and eastern europeans) that racial breeding is madness, its not just this racist guy talking, its someone with experience. People who mug others are always immigrants from africa or middle east, if this immigrant calls you a "dirty white boy" no association will defend you although there are dozens of associations in France which defend the poor arabs and black people living in France, in some towns the police doesnt even come because its too dangerous (in france, policemen aren't even alowed to point a gun to someone) so these arabs can live there without paying taxes. every year, in france, we are reminded of our horrible past when we exploited africa with our colonies (in aparte : the population of Algeria doubled under french rule.. so if ever you hear a fucking algerian complaining about french colonisation in Algeria, you tell him how much France made Algeria a strong nation. Same for Haiti, this island was the glory of the french colonial empire.. since the french abandoned it to the black slaves, there has been civil war there constantly. no president has held power in Tahiti for more then 10 years).

What i believe is that every people should stay home, there would be much less problems if everyone would stay in their own country (or continent) to make it better. Immigration from africa to europe might seem humanitarian for a leftist scum, but african politicians hate that their elite people leave africa for europe or the US. lets leave africa develope themselves.. the continent will always stay poor if we keep taking their elites.

anyway this is all a long argument.. i'm not gonna go on.. but i'd like to precise that i do not represent AA at all with what i'm saying. i'm just an independant nationalist who appreciates extreem metal including AA. nothing more.
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A little comical that I found this reading article today.
To the Scandinavian countries, I can only fear the state of your countries in 20-30 years. It is nice to have the most flexible immigration laws in Europe but this is what is awaiting you (see article below).
It is a known fact that all other countries that for years have let these people flock to their land, have seen a huge surge in far right political parties, hate crimes, riots, extremists groups.
Exodus of Iraqi Spilling Into Europe
One-third of them came to Sweden, a country of 9 million people with an Iraqi immigrant community of more than 70,000 which has so far resisted clampdowns on immigration seen elsewhere in the EU.
The latest immigration figures in Sweden show the surge has intensified in recent months. By October, nearly 5,000 Iraqis had sought asylum in the Scandinavian country this year - more than double the total in 2005.
The immigration authority was forced to set up a special unit last month to deal with the case load. "We're up to 1,000 per month" in September and October, said Magnus Ryden, a former case worker at Sweden's Migration Board. "That's quite a remarkable figure. I think our staff is experiencing a certain overload."
An additional 3,000 Iraqis this year have applied for residence permits to be reunited with a spouse or parents already living in Sweden.
It follows the same pattern that countries like France, Belgium, England, Germany have.
One comes, the rest of the numerous family applies for visa (usually getting it), is getting social and gov aids in the 1000's of $, and over time the 70,000 become 2x these figures. (70K is just for Iraqis).
Latest statistic in Belgium for example have shown a big rise in analphabetism (again most of them being for the most part from muslim countries & eastern europe). Either they are in the country and never learn the language, have no skills, could not read nor write before even moving there and they get unemployment, social security, benefits and then we wonder why we are billions in debts.
With all that said, I can understand how someone could or have racist views and that does not even have anything to do with being white or black.
My opinion is that if you get granted my country's visa and nationality, don't come and spit on my land thinking you are getting a free ticket.
I usually hate arguing such loaded issues, but I've never really understood the problem. Whether or not I identify with my racial, national, or cultural heritage doesn't matter. And I've never seen why it's such a big deal with some people. Yeah I'm proud of my background but that doesn't mean I have to defend it aginst a threat which is really nothing more than a cultural shift that is almost impossible to stop anyway. And it doesn't mean that I'd be any less proud once it happened.

On another note; politically speaking I hate to be identified as American. People always assume that the majority of the occupants are all sympathetic to the few people who are actually in power. I know the same basic stereotyping happens with any country of origin. It's not that I ashamed to be American. On the contrary I love it most of the time. But I believe that the terms "race", "culture", and even "nationalism" have nothing to do with politics or the government.

Racially speaking I could really care less. I'm white as a dove and sometimes I wish I didn't burn like a goddamn lobster any time I was outside in the sun for more than 20 min. Of course there are physical differences but to me they are all trivial. Any psychological difference is a result of difference in culture.
fallenangel217 said:
I believe that rasism will always exist. Just ask yourself who you would rather meet in a dark alleyway in the seedy part of New York. A white male, or a black male. It's not that I'm a racist... I'm just more of realist.

I'd actually prefer it if it were not a male at all... Don't really care what colour skin the guy that's going to try to rape me is.
Again, I would like to point out that eventhough my views can sometimes be extreme, I did travel to countries like Tunisia and Senegal and somehow found the people there to be much nicer than the BMW, adidas, gold chain,... wearing Morocans I see in Brussels.
One guy in Senegal showed me his hut before we went fishing where 8 of them lived and he told me " see we have so little and I smile all the time, because smiling is all I have to offer" that was 5 years ago and I never forgot what he told me.
Seems to me that most of the people we get in Europe quickly forget where they came from and how to be humble.
Warheart91 said:
yeah, you are gay stop saying it, you motherfucking cockriding asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two things:
1. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the fucking kitchen.
2. Celtic, Belgar and a bunch of other people have been able to express varying views in response to an honest question, in good English and with some intelligent thought behind their answers. You should try it sometime. People understand your viewpoint so much better that way.
why is everyone freaking out about being nationalist? nationalism is not the same thing as racism... they may be linked in some constructs, but as a whole, they are neither one or the same...
I have no problem with racism because most the time the people who are racist have a very good reason for being so. Anyone who is a racist for the sake of hating people really have problems they need to deal with.

I don't really have any comments on nationalism right now, I still have much research to do on it.

What I believe is that races are not meant to be mixed. There are so many problems here in Finland about rapings and molestings and the newspapers always report that the criminal is of a "foreign nationality". In this day and age race and culture is suppose to be mixed to make people more aware of the world and to feel the effects of "globalization" but in reality it is actually tearing down and destroying so many cultures and communities. For example Oslo has so many foreigners living there that the actual natives of the land are moving away from the capital of their own country. How is that good for anyone?

(Being an immigrant myself) I believe it is fine for people to change their location. BUT those people who CHOOSE to leave and live in a foreign land have to be ready to change their lifestyle and culture as well. I am more than willing (and have proven it everyday) that I want to live as a Finn. I'm tired of living American. But I know so many immigrants here (mostly from the Middle East) who hate living here and would go back if they didn't have a wife and kids. To me, I think they should just go home. Running around yelling in Arabic all day long is doing no good to any Finns (or other immigrants like me who want to be Finnish).
Söy said:
why is everyone freaking out about being nationalist? nationalism is not the same thing as racism... they may be linked in some constructs, but as a whole, they are neither one or the same...

Well, exactly, and I think that's what some of us are trying to say. Racism, to me, is something quite different from being a nationalist. It's like comparing apples to oranges, but for some reason (yes, I do know what they are, you don't have to explain) the two get confused all the f-ing time. This would be why I keep having to defend my aeigismundr tattoo all the time. I put it on my arm for many reasons, one of which is that I am proud of my cultural heritage, but not because I want to put down yours or because I assume my bloodline has never been intermingled with that of a person of another culture. I may be blonde, but I ain't that blonde.
my opinion:
:mad: holy shi*. there`s a lot of n*zi shi* written on this page.

we`re all foreigners, in almost every place in this world!!
racists are idiots, in every place in this world!!!!!!
Aye true nationalism everyone can partake in if they are willing to assimilate themselves at least marginally into their adopted culture. It's nothing more than a celebration of where you live. Hell it doesn't matter if I lived in Mongolia or Madagascar I'd party about it wherever.

KKK style racism is another thing entirely. Stuff like that is what doesn't make sense and IMO is the most intolerable form of discrimination. It's that whole mob mentality thing that I really can't stand. Whether it's racism or any other type of discrimination.
am i racist? i dont know..

i tell you what i think and then you might have an opinion...

the biggest problems arise with religion, i mean, when we say things about muslims we dont really mind if people come from that part of arabia,morocco or wherever, we are concern about what rules their lives, and that is islam, then it can be extreme islam or normal islam...same things happens with xtians...or whoever follows a religion to the extreme and consider it as a true commandment, therefore, believes others who do not follow as "not pure".

I think religions( all of them) should be a private thing to keep at home, churches, mosques and other places of gathering are really nice buildings but totally not neccesary, the only point to go there is to show others how in tune with your god you are, and that is pervert, you should solve things with your gods, evryday in your mind, at your home, in your garden or wherever you like, and dont bother others.

other thing is to behave yourselve, i mean, respect others and their cultures and if you go to another country to increase your living standart try to accomodate to the country which is welcoming you ,and not try to impose new rules of living...if i move to Norway, is there any point if i try to convince(government) to celebrate the holy week xtians do in spain in the way it´s done here??no, it has never been done there and it does not need to be done, it´s an spanish thing and that is how it should remain, am i´m going to annoy norwegian etting street band like Lating kings,ñetas,KKK or other things like that...No,i´m moving to norway so i should accomodate myself to norway, at home i can still cook spanish ommelete and whatever i´m use to do but not try to fight agains norwegians ways of living, then WHY I´m there???just to get their money???

I do think that people from everywhere have the right to move where they consider their lives would be better, i truly understand people crossing meditarrenean in tiny boats to increase their standars..but everything should be done carefully..as an spanish citizen I´m really concern about the situation in here, this country CANNOT have more people,it´s nothing about races or any other thing like that, our crappy economy cannot cope with the situation, there are not enough jobs, we have a tremendous surplus of "cheap workforce" ( not cheap people) therefore, people is getting 600 euros per month or less, but still have to pay taxes, and those taxes( we know it well) do not go to increase national security systems,educations or important things, they are mostly spent on inmigrants, because of course you cannot have people wandering on the streets, however, if an spanish guy arround 25 tries to buy a home, that´s not possible, they are unbeliabale expensive but you still have that crappy salary, on the other hand, inmigrant get protected homes and you still have to live with mum&dad( then you read in reports that "hey, spanish young people stay at home for long" what the hell,ther´s any place to go without money)...

and then Europe is concerned about the new arise of national pride???it´s the logic end of all that i have explained before..and it´s nothing to do about people beign racist,but people being tired of woking for no money and for nothing...

Ummm...sorry,my reply is a way too long..i would rather prefer to explain this on the pub with some drinks:kickass: ....

but..sorry, i cannot finnish without telling you that all those problems bring along social problems like the increase of crimes, my city is a really small one and from 5 years ago( more or less) crime has increased dramatically, for the glory of the almighty, not long ago a guy was killed with an AXE near my home,everyweeked there are knives and even guns...this is going from bad to worse...people is scare to go to certain places because it means problems, always...

PEOPLE FROM EUROPE( i know every country has its problems..) HELP US!no one listen to us in brussels, and i promise, things are going really bad here, and they will move up north in no time...
What I'm most concerned about with the whole Islam invasion of Europe is that once there's enough of them here, they'll start political parties that want to have our laws replaced by that of the Shariah. And odds are they'll succeed considering the large amount of Muslims that keep coming here.

To allow that to happen is to allow a century of progress to be thrown right out the fucking window. The day that happens, I'm fucking out of here.
i'm against racism if it has to do with religion and 'you-look-different-so-i-dont-like-you' reason. If it goes to political reasons, i think everyone has the right to say wat he wants to, But, one can not respect every way of political thinking. example: will everyone here respect someone who is nazi? dont think so, i certainly dont respect the thoughts of someone who thinks hitler was wright etc.

edit: nationalism is something totally different. Everyone has some nationalistic thoughts and that why countries still have their own look etc. Becouse the inhabitants want that, they want to keep their own culture. but it could be dangerous.. i mean, if you look tot WO1, which was all about nationalism.
Celtik Militia said:
ok, darcy. in France we have a real problem with muslims. i know very well that not all muslim are islamic assholes... the thing is that islam in general generates problems. Islam hasn't evolved like christianity has. islam in general is extreemist. i know that if the situation continues; my white grand children will have to hide or stick to walls if they're not islamic. (the president of the nationalist party here was put to trial for having said that... do you think that's normal??)
many leftist traitors tell us nationalists to "open our eyes". but thats ridiculous... we are nationalists because we thought beyond the hippie bullshit. i defend my culture and history and race. leftists are manipulated by white ethnomasochism "yeah white people don't exist..etc..". if i had the power i'd torture them for their treachery.

by the way, i'm not "racist". i just have the notion of culture and difference of ethnies. it depends on the definition of racism.
I understand your viewpoint. My point is, I think the threat of indo-european extinction or subjugation is exaggerated at best.

I say "white isn't really a race" because "white" is a meaningless blanket term used to describe a great number of ethnicities that are grouped together arbitrarily. I'll happily agree that my roots are Nordic and Celtic, and I really value my roots in that respect- but "white" is a meaningless fucking term, ethnically speaking.
Ikki said:
PEOPLE FROM EUROPE( i know every country has its problems..) HELP US!no one listen to us in brussels, and i promise, things are going really bad here, and they will move up north in no time...

Brussels doesn't even listen to the people in it's own country, let alone the people of Europe
guys well nationalism is something that is normal i didn't say to bearn the juses.
i think taht every should be proud for his country. and well economi is really bad because of foreigners .examle see germany it is full of turksish.10 millions!well i know it is sound wierd from a greek because greek people are all over the world.but i am proud of my country and i won't it to go to another country!

vagner said:
and well economi is really bad because of foreigners
To me that just sounds like a scapegoat, certainly immigration does affect the economy but that's usually just the most visible problem & the one that's easiest to get the people to focus on. It's like in the USA, they blame Mexicans for problems in their economy, but so many companies would go out of business if they weren't illegally employing Mexican immigrants... so the immigration problem is really just scratching the surface.
darcy said:
To me that just sounds like a scapegoat, certainly immigration does affect the economy but that's usually just the most visible problem & the one that's easiest to get the people to focus on. It's like in the USA, they blame Mexicans for problems in their economy, but so many companies would go out of business if they weren't illegally employing Mexican immigrants... so the immigration problem is really just scratching the surface.

OK But why should people move to an other country?why don't they stay to their own country and try to improve it?