
Ok Computer actually rulres. The Bends and Kid A too. Amnesiac is good, but it's really different of what Radiohead used to produce.
Karma Police, Paranoid Android, Creep, Street Spirit 'Fade Out', Lucky = ace.
Hail To The Thief is also awesome.

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So I'm going to purchase OK Computer, and I'm giving Kid A a couple more listens before making a decision. What album is the next logical step from here?!? Essential material only por favor, I have enough albums to wade through.
Either The Bends for more straight forward rock/alternative....or Hail To The Theif, which is very ambitious. Its all GOLD.

I cant even begin to tell you what this band has helped get me through in life.

edit: Kid A took a while for me to get into because it was so fucking different at the time. When I first heard it, I wanted to throw the fucking CD out my car window. Then it became one of the most important albums of my life.
Yeah, Kid A was way too electronic to me. I've always had a hard time with it because I had spent so many years with The Bends and OK Computer.

It was a total shock to the system.

If you get OK Computer, I think it's only natural to get The Bends. They're practically siblings.
I must be the only person on the planet who enjoys Amnesiac more than Kid A, but Radiohead has always been one of those bands that I respect, but don't really get the way their worshippers do...except for the unconditional love of albums 2 & 3...
Ok, I decided that every person on the goddamn planet cannot be wrong about this band, so I picked up Ok Computer today. Feedback later.
I eventually passed my snobism and checked OK Computer which I more or less knew from distant listenings and Kid A and decided that they were both 9.5/10 at least (not a big fan of Electioneering yet but I love every other track on both these albums)

10 years late. Fück.
Radiohead = Pink Floyd

Even if they range all kinds of styles, you always know what you're getting into, and chances are it's the best thing you've heard all day.
Even if they range all kinds of styles, you always know what you're getting into, and chances are it's the best thing you've heard all day.

So true.

There are times when I'm staring at my shelves stacked with CDs, not really in the mood to listen to any of it....

...that's when I pick out a Radiohead CD. :notworthy

And when I'm not in the mood for Radiohead, I put on Kid A. :hypno: [/not lying]