
OK, OK, I concede. You guys were right about them. This is really good and soothing stuff. I've only listened to The Bends so far. I'm impressed. I really like "The Bends" and "Fake Plastic Trees". "High and Dry" is also pretty good.

Anyway, yeah Radiohead is pretty cool. What else should I get?

Funny how every single thing J likes has an approximate 3 year shelf-life.

If you want a CD of his, just tack on 3 years to his purchase date and wait for it to appear on his trade list. I mean, we've got this down to a science now. :tickled:
The album is 10/10 but there's something quite shockingly magical about "Sulk", "Black Star", and "Street Spirit", particularly Thom Yorke's vocals.

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

This album annihilates O.K Computer. You're absolutely right about the trifecta of goodness that comes at the conclusion of this album. It's on another plane my friend!!