
I agree completely. I'm just like you. Political stuff like Looptroop, NWA and, as you mentioned, Public Enemy is extremely listenable. But the stuff that's all about 'bitches and bling-bling' could just as well die for all i care.

I really think you should give Looptroop a listen, f you haven't already heard them. Really great, extremely political hip-hop from Sweden.
Rap used to be cool, when it was political. The only decent stuff anymore is Eminem (because he's clever) and Dr. Dre (because he's funny). Everything else is that bitches, bitches, hoes, bitches, tacos, bitches crap.
rap is horrible, cant stand it

but some stuff I guess is alright, that isnt sex money drugz and hoez like you said......RUN DMC....NWA....some Tupac maybe?
Originally posted by stezstyx
I agree completely. I'm just like you. Political stuff like Looptroop, NWA and, as you mentioned, Public Enemy is extremely listenable. But the stuff that's all about 'bitches and bling-bling' could just as well die for all i care.

I really think you should give Looptroop a listen, f you haven't already heard them. Really great, extremely political hip-hop from Sweden.

I haven't heard them. I will have to check em out.
Yeah I used to hate rap then I picked up NWA's greatest hits..and uhh WOW..since then I've been into Public Enemy, Onyx, and a couple of others so long as it's actually taking a stand to make a point. I agree with all of you that shit like Nelly and Ludacris can fucking choke on my hog.
I forgot to mention Jurassic 5. Those guys kick ass, it is the only rap CD I have purchased in over 10 years.
Nelly type rap sucks and it' obvious. I find it absolutely amazing how much rap and pop are turning into the same thing. Rappers incorporating pop, and pop incorporating rap to sell their records. Makes me want to choke on my own vomit.

I do also like the more political rappers or rap that has incorporated some decent groove in it:

Swollen Members
Ice T
Some Ja Rule
I was a major hip hop head around 4-5 years ago and didn't listen to anything else. On Sunday I'll sell the last of my hip hop records & cd's I guess. Just doesn't do anything for me anymore I'm afraid! I think the reason why was because I started looking for the originals (99% of all hip hop is stolen from old records if you didn't know) and I quickly found out that the originals was much better than the rap versions. The rap stuff was just the same 4 seconds repeated over and over again while the originals had much, much more variations! I've never listened to the lyrics either, so why not listen to some music where I can find variation? It took some while for me to get off the hip hop train and the hip hop records (and I also bought a little house, trip hop & downbeat) I bought in that period didn't get played more than 4-5 times.
Another thing, which has absolutely nothing to do with how the music sounds, is that I think it sucks that 99% of the music is just rip-off of other people's records. I've always had that opinion, although it's more or less a rule that you should think it's cool to rip off other people's records if you like rap music. I could just never see what was so cool about people who couldn't play their own instruments and couldn't write their own songs and just released pieces of other people's records with their own name as the artist and songwriter on something they didn't do!
Anyway, I think NWA is pretty much that "Bitches, hoes, guns" stuff. At least some of it.
I was also into Necro and I think "Sick of you" and "Underground" was the best songs he did! I don't know if they're released on cd (I doubt it), I had them both on vinyl.
there is a few good rap bands, i can't say i really love it.. but its never disturb me as long as the rap is not "hot hot hot and suck my dick bitch, i'm the man." :mad:

i like eminem lyrics because his lyrics come from his heart and not from his dick.
public enemy is great too.