Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

Halo3 of course! :D Best videogame ever! :headbang:

Resisting the urge to strangle..

Anyways, wasn't my last played but the honorable mention goes to AVP2 for being the best, the best, the best, the best.

9/10, classic. Fuck the new one. There's a reason everyone got bored of it after a week.

EDIT: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO actually anybody remember that old Half Life mod Natural Selection? GOOD SHIT.
Dude, Natural Selection was the FUCKING tits!! Spent a whole lot of hours on that game! I remember the devs saying they were releasing NS 2 or something as a standalone game with its own engine and shit... this was like 5 years ago lol ...

Edit: Actually!!!! http://www.naturalselection2.com/buy



Yes!! gonna buy this shit
Only recently got my 360 fixed and played it for the first time (i'm slow when it comes to aquiring consoles)

First three games i've played on it (but not first 360 games i've played, i'm not that socially shit)

- Flatout ultimate carnage, always a favourite for party mode 7/10
- Battlefield Bad Company 2 8/10
- Left for Dead 2 - 7/10 - won't let me n the lass use two player until my HD arrives...
Read Dead Redemption 9/10
Great single player game with good story and voices. Online is a blast with friends, team up and take on the world :)
Starcraft 2 Beta

Playing SC2 with other people is probably the most comprehensive challenge and in the same time it's just so much fun.
Streets of Rage was fucking awesome ! I have all three on my Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection for PS3 !
About Far Cry 2 , what do you mean sucks , the ending? The gameplay seemed a lot better than the first one...
Final Fantasy 13 7/10
Reminiscent of FFX , my fave in the series so far. Haven't had the chance to play past the first 3 hours but I am kinda dissapointed that the ATB is still happening... really that shit is very last gen now.
Postal 2
5/10 for the gameplay itself on a technical level
10/10 for the amount of fun I'm having with it anyway
Postal 2
5/10 for the gameplay itself on a technical level
10/10 for the amount of fun I'm having with it anyway

Been wanting to check this out for awhile
Ever see the Postal movie by Uwe Boll? Fucking Terrible !
On that note , anyone ever see the Uwe Boll Far Cry movie? Fucking TERRIBLE
Far Cry 2 single player > Any current megapopular shooters like Bad Company 2 or Modern Warfare 2.

Mainly because of freedom and total replayability.
Every new game is different, many different ways and strategies.
Currently trying to beat the game at Infamous with 1 "life" (1 death (not even using buddies for rescue) = starting over again, no saving every minute and loading when dead).
(X360) Far Cry 2: 2.5
I absolutely hated Far Cry 2. It´s one of the very few games I have on Xbox that I didn´t care to end it. Seriously, the guns break, the cars break, the road is terrible, the map is awful, there are diseases and I´ve kept killing myself with the flamethrower (or accidently exploding all the cars and having to walk more than Frodo).

(PSP) Modnation Racers: 5.0
A decent kart game. Short racings makes it great for playin on the throne or before sleep. As most arcade racing games, it´s all about the last lap. You can rule the entire race, but if you screw (or get screwed) at the very end you finnish in the last position.
I absolutely hated Far Cry 2.
Well, some love it, some hate it.
Some love chess, some like checkers.

Seriously, the guns break
Every time you are near a shop, get a new shiny set of gear.

the cars break
And can be easily fixed.

the road is terrible
It is much better than IRL in Africa ;)

the map is awful
The map is actually much too good and high tech.

there are diseases
A nice feature that made the game unique and atmospheric.

and I´ve kept killing myself with the flamethrower
LOL how ?

(or accidently exploding all the cars and having to walk more than Frodo).
a) Don't accidentally blow up all cars around.
b) Just steal a new car from almost every outpost, or take it from patrolmen.
c) Use bus stations.
Haha that is true , the malaria , all the shit breaking and the long walks in Far Cry 2 are honestly what made me stop playing. Cool ideas but terribly implemented , I found myself running away like a little girl often when my gun jammed and running through the woods for an hour to get away , only to then have to trek 9000 miles back to my hut to get more ammo and hike back to try again...

But I do like the scenery , the open endedness , and the fact that it doesn't have gay monsters in it like Far Cry 1
Well, some love it, some hate it.
Some love chess, some like checkers.

Not going to argue with that

Every time you are near a shop, get a new shiny set of gear.

IF you have bothered collecting those diamonds that are f-ing annoying to find.
The main missions wont allow you to keep buying new weapons at all.

And can be easily fixed.

That has nothing to do with it.. when you have to spend 30 minutes driving between each mission, you get fucking pissed when that god damn car breaks down.
Its a quick fix, but its damn annoying after a few times.

The map is actually much too good and high tech.

Cant say that the map in the game was that bad, but saying that it was too good seems a bit far to me.. i want a game to be fun, not a wild goose chase where you just hope you might find where in the jungle that one guy is hiding.

A nice feature that made the game unique and atmospheric.

No, it added nothing to the gameplay what so ever as you always had those medicines to take.. it was just really, REALLY annoying.
It could have been a really cool feature to make the gameplay experience more alive, but in reality, it was just a really bad animation creeping on to the screen, that was fixed by the press of a button(And long annoying shitty and repetitive side-missions to aquire the pills.).

It was a game that had huge potential to be something new and creative, but it ended up being a buggy messy piece of shit game where enemies could take a whole mag or even a sniper shot in the head without dying(And no, i dont have bad aim.).
Oh, and lets not forget how repetitive it was! It was so clear that every single mission was based on a set of templates(Bad ones at that.).

But in the end, you are entitled to your opinion, but those "gameplay elements" you listed as innovative, actually had no affect to the player at all(Other then a slight annoyance.).
Battlefield: BC2

8/10 would get better score if it had prone and if the scopes shook from hand movement (i mean the crosshairs not moving is bullshit come on most games have that now) other than that this game is great i mean totaling a building with a artillary stike is to much fun
Mirror´s Edge: 8.0
Many folks hate this game but I love it. The graphics, gameplay, sound and style are top notch and innovative. Everything worked for me and it still is one of my favourite games to play on the interval of soccer matches. Need big ass LCD TV to get the feeling.

LOL how ?

The flames kept spreading to the grass and killing me and all blowing the cars around :lol: I can see how unique Far Cry 2 was as a FPS, but damn, I really hated it.
Mass Effect 2
Great Story, can't wait for the third installment.

I only play about 2 video games a year at most (Usually longish RPGs). I'm dissapointed that the next KOTOR is an MMO as 1 and 2 are my favorite games of all time (alongside baldurs gate II). Next game I'll play is gonna be fallout: New Vegas or The Witcher II.