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@ narcossintese & Notuern
If it makes you feel better, i just died in a very stupid way...
While driving in my jeep, i saw a car and no one around (sometimes they stop and get out to take a leak).
Said to myself:
Screw it ! I'll just keep driving.
Passed the car and when i was about 30 meters from it i got a full clip from an AK in my back when i was trying to slalom to avoid the fire and tried to get out of my jeep...
~3 hours of playing lost to a stupid mistake.
Mirror´s Edge: 8.0
Many folks hate this game but I love it. The graphics, gameplay, sound and style are top notch and innovative. Everything worked for me and it still is one of my favourite games to play on the interval of soccer matches. Need big ass LCD TV to get the feeling.

The flames kept spreading to the grass and killing me and all blowing the cars around :lol: I can see how unique Far Cry 2 was as a FPS, but damn, I really hated it.

I loved Mirror's Edge too , I just never got to finish it. I was on some mission getting chased by cops and I had no idea where to go , and I just got fuckin mowed down over and over until I gave up
Doom 2 online with a few friends...

Incredibly fun online!! As for the game, everyone knows what I'm talking about, it's the god of FPS.
You should... I know it's not a pretty game, but you just can't beat the athmosphere it can give you!

Doom 3. :heh:

Read Dead Redemption 9/10
Great single player game with good story and voices. Online is a blast with friends, team up and take on the world :)

Well that's like 10 glowing reviews for this game here alone, looks like I'll be getting it.

I fired up Oblivion again last weekend. Havent played it in a while, there's been about a year and a half of new mods for it, so kudos to games with healthy mod scenes.:Smokedev:
Are they ever doing a sequel or what

Havent heard a peep. It will likely happen eventually. It's a cash cow. The ES series is the reason we know who Bethesda are. Fallout 3 development rights probably would not have been sold to them had they not had a hit game on the market.
morrowind is way better than both of those games

That game was my life for two years, it ate 2003 and 2004 for me lol. I must have made like 50 mods for it, one I think is on the planet elder scrolls mod HoF. Funny thing is, people were saying the same thing you are about Daggerfall when Morrowind came out.
That game was my life for two years, it ate 2003 and 2004 for me lol. I must have made like 50 mods for it, one I think is on the planet elder scrolls mod HoF. Funny thing is, people were saying the same thing you are about Daggerfall when Morrowind came out.

Elder Scrolls Arena for DOS Is better than all three of those games !!!!:lol: