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hopefully they fix the NPC's levelling up with the character. shit completely ruined any sense of progression in oblivion.

part of the joy of RPG's is stumbling across a dragon when you're level 3 and going OH SHIT then coming back when you're level 50 and being like YEAH I FUCKING KICKED YOUR ASS NOW BITCH
hopefully they fix the NPC's levelling up with the character. shit completely ruined any sense of progression in oblivion.

part of the joy of RPG's is stumbling across a dragon when you're level 3 and going OH SHIT then coming back when you're level 50 and being like YEAH I FUCKING KICKED YOUR ASS NOW BITCH

absolutely true. You could be Darth fucking Vader and still get your ass handed to you by the standard rent a cops when you steal something
and fuck difficulty sliders too.

a level 3 should not be able to get Umbra just by turning the difficulty slider to the far end of the easy scale and spamming fireballs
seriously, oblivion was unplayable beyond belief. how bethesda get even the slightest bit of respect is completely beyond me.
may have felt a little bit more realistic combat-wise, but morrowind actually had much better gameplay because the numbers driving the gameplay were solid. its like oblivion had the numbers tacked on just so it could call itself an RPG, but the focus was obviously elsewhere. if theyd have just removed the RPG elements from it altogether I'd probably respect them more for it. especially fallout 3, the RPG elements there felt REALLY tacked on because at its heart it was just a first person shooter with quests and an open world. levelling anything other than small guns was pretty much fucking pointless because the game didnt actually take advantage of any of the other shit. why? because its a fucking shooter. they like to pretend it's not, but it is.

a spade is a spade, not a fucking lawn mower and maybe I shall once again gain some respect for Bethesda if they'd commit to either being hardcore or casual, not some shitty middle-ground that's making it impossible for either end of the scale to excel.
ranting aside
nearly finished red dead redemption
5 missions left and my playthrough hasnt even hit 20 hours yet. spose ill have to run through it again and be more thorough!
levelling anything other than small guns was pretty much fucking pointless because the game didnt actually take advantage of any of the other shit.

Actually "repair" was by far the best thing to level. Makes you do more damage (better weapons), take less damage (better armor), spend less money (don´t have to buy or pay for repair stuff) and get more money as the items become more valuable and take much less inventory space, allowing you to collect more shit to sell.

I saw some ingame screenshots from Fallout New Vegas and it seems to be almost an expansion of Fallout 3. Same HUD and everything. It would be better if they´ve copied the Borderlands controls.
Finish exams on tuesday, then it will be Red Dead Redemption, Bayonetta and Darksiders.

Should be good fun, also trying to source Metroid Prime for my gamecube.
yeah fallout new vegas is looking like one of those games id rather just pretend doesnt exist. shame.

@ metroid prime, wish i still had that, game was mindbogglingly good
Elder Scrolls Arena for DOS Is better than all three of those games !!!!:lol:

hehe is that one still free on their site? I tried it with dosbox but I couldnt get the movement/attack scheme on the mouse to flow well, granted it was before any control standards were set like we are all used to now. Daggerfall was a little easier but still a little weird, still got pretty far on that one. That game is actually bigger than any other elder scrolls game before or after, the land mass would take you weeks in real life to cross. I dont see the incessant need to compare these things to one another, so whether any game is better than the other isn't really important, it's the experience you get from each that is unique.
hehe is that one still free on their site? I tried it with dosbox but I couldnt get the movement/attack scheme on the mouse to flow well, granted it was before any control standards were set like we are all used to now. Daggerfall was a little easier but still a little weird, still got pretty far on that one. That game is actually bigger than any other elder scrolls game before or after, the land mass would take you weeks in real life to cross. I dont see the incessant need to compare these things to one another, so whether any game is better than the other isn't really important, it's the experience you get from each that is unique.

Haha I know I was making fun of the whole , "this game is better than that!". I played ES Arena ages ago , I don't know if it's still around
Assassin's Creed 2 (PC) (not finished yet) : 8.5/10 - Very good game, picked up from where the first one left off. Kept good elements and introduced refreshing new ones. However, very frustrating at points (bugs, pissy controls etc.)

Battlefield Bad Company 2 (PC) : 8.5/10 - A nice change from MW2, and I seriously don't know if I'll ever go back to the Call of Duty Multiplayer after this. Takes ages to kill someone in multi though! Got a lot of practicing to do :)

Going to pick up World In Conflict tomorrow... in truth I'm a die-hard RTS fan, with Company of Heroes being my relic, but WiC looks very promising and should be interesting, even though it's been out for a long time.
Assasin's Creed 2 (xbox360): 9/10

Red Dead Redemption (xbox360): 9.5/10

Fukken awsome!