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Assassin's Creed 2 was a 9.5 /10 for me , loved every minute of it

Crysis was really good looking (especially on my PC) but the gameplay and story didn't really resonate with me. Hopefully 2 will be better
Just finished up the new splinter cell and im giving it a 10/10 the graphics, storyline, and game play were all fucking ace in my book

Plus the co-op is a complete different story than the single player mode
latest splinter cell is pc and 360
played it on pc, really short, really over the top and unrealistic whereas splinter cell was always far more reserved
still really liked it though actually
very intense
My last game was Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. I give it an 8/10. Solid good fun but nothing mind-blowing. Mainly got it because it was only 20 bux.

Just picked up a used copy of Mass Effect 2. Took a break from chores the other day to just "check it out" and didn't put the controller down for 6 hours, haha.

I'm really interested in checking out Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, as I'm really into the idea of a very realistic open world military shooter. Some say its too realistic and it seems people either love it or they hate it. I've noticed a lot of the positive reviews come from actual war vets, which is very intriguing to me.
the new flashpoint isnt that realistic greg
check out arma 2 if you want realism, but it's almost too much, it's like inpenetrably hardcore
I shall investigate this arma 2. How was flashpoint on the fun factor? I almost rented it once but blockbuster wants 10 bucks just to try it out, and that seems kind of steep when I can own the damn thing for 18.
didnt really get into it. wasnt actually that good a game on its own right. there are many games that do that same brand of faux-realism but far better.
I don't really get hugely into Arma 2 either, but it's a gem because it's commited to realism to the point where it's completely and utterly stupid, and I respect the fuck out of that.
I don't really get hugely into Arma 2 either, but it's a gem because it's commited to realism to the point where it's completely and utterly stupid, and I respect the fuck out of that.

Many military forces from around the world are using modified ARMA to train their soldiers.
Thats how realistic it is.
And i love it.
yeah exactly, if you are gonna play a realistic game, might as well do it properly
Alpha Protocol: 7/10

Great premise, but poor execution as with most of Obsidian's titles. The world is engaging and your choices feel extremely consequential, as a result you actually give a damn how you go about interacting with other characters. It's let down by some pretty poor combat mechanics, and obligatory boss battles that make absolutely no sense for someone who is a spy and intended to be in and out.

Too linear as well. Need multiple ways to approach objectives, with way more open maps.

Assassin's Creed 2: 7/10

Engaging game with a great graphics engine and fun cinematic combat and chase sequences. Missions still get way too repetitive and it feels more like a sandbox filled with fetch quests rather than a cohesive game.

Mount & Blade - Warband: 9/10

Probably the best indie game I've ever played. Fun persistent world, nice RPG mechanics, the option to conquer the land as you see fit.
The only thing that I really really HATE about Assassins Creed (2) is that you don't need a weapon except the hidden blades. Srsly this is so dumb, you buy the sword of altair for 40k bucks and when you're in a fight, the fuckers block always as usual and when you counterattack using a sword you only do a failed counter, especially when fighting brutes. When using the hidden blades, you just need to counter 1 attack and then they get stabbed in the face. :rolleyes:
The only thing that I really really HATE about Assassins Creed (2) is that you don't need a weapon except the hidden blades. Srsly this is so dumb, you buy the sword of altair for 40k bucks and when you're in a fight, the fuckers block always as usual and when you counterattack using a sword you only do a failed counter, especially when fighting brutes. When using the hidden blades, you just need to counter 1 attack and then they get stabbed in the face. :rolleyes:

I loved AC2. As far as the countering , it took a long time to master. A lot of people did not know that you have to go back to the training center at the villa multiple times throughout the game and pay to learn new moves (such as how to counter brutes !!) They should have made it more apparent , but once you know how to learn the new moves they are VITAL to the gameplay near the end. I ended up using Altair's sword and one other more expensive sword the most
I think I may pick this up later today , gonna be swinging by Gamestop and my bro and his friends have it

word there's also 3 expansions. the underdome will make you want to kill yourself. make sure you get 3 other people to play it with you!
Crysis 8/10:

Slick looking game with intense action, interesting storyline and some cool unique features using your nano suit.... looking forward to the second one