Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

JUST finished Half Life 2 AGAIN about 30 minutes ago, still the best.

Got Deadspace 3 so will try that out next
Just got my copy of Bioshock Infinite installed and played for about 10 minutes, looks pretty damn good so far (never seen the Unreal 3 engine look so good, they must've modded the shit out of it)
Just got my copy of Bioshock Infinite installed and played for about 10 minutes, looks pretty damn good so far (never seen the Unreal 3 engine look so good, they must've modded the shit out of it)

Probably not.. so far we havent seen many games run at the full potential of the U3 engine due to the average joe's hardware being too old.
I remember some of the really early demonstrations of the U3 engine, even back then it could compete with modern titles visually.

Besides, the U3 engine is built similar to the source engine if i remember things right, that everything is built in modules that can be expanded etc.
Probably not.. so far we havent seen many games run at the full potential of the U3 engine due to the average joe's hardware being too old.
I remember some of the really early demonstrations of the U3 engine, even back then it could compete with modern titles visually.

Besides, the U3 engine is built similar to the source engine if i remember things right, that everything is built in modules that can be expanded etc.

Seems they did: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/273623/bioshock-infinite-unreal-engine-3-wasnt-enough/

It looks too good to be stock, nothing like UE4 though

Anybody playing Deadspace 3 and or Crysis 3 yet with some reviews to share?

Crysis 3 was fucking awesome IMO, probably the best graphics I've seen in any game, I had never played a Crysis game before so the gameplay was new to me, and I really liked it, its mostly about stealth considering most of the time if you try and run to the enemies you get your ass kicked.

I just got Dead Space 3, going to start it tonight or tomorrow.

I think most of what they are speaking of was made by adding "modules" like i said(And i seriously cant see the floating world thing as a HUGE thing to implement.).
But yeah, seems they added some pretty cool stuff that no doubt took some massive work to get done.

This part was probably the biggest overhaul to the engine though, as i could imagine that it affects huge parts of the previous "modules":

"Finally, we've built a whole new parallel processing framework (a "job architecture", in programmer lingo) that lets the engine take advantage of as many cores as you can throw at it."

And yeah, UE4 seems like an amazing tool for developers.. its not the most visually stunning next-gen engine, but as far as what it can do and how the developers will be able to create with it i actually dare to say that this might become one of the greatest game engines so far. :)
Good times for indie game devs.

I dare to say that even Unity is getting pretty good:
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I have started the new Metal Gear. I don't know if I like it or hate it, has any of you finished it ? I did only a few hours of play and got a little bored, should I push further, is it worth it ?
I have started the new Metal Gear. I don't know if I like it or hate it, has any of you finished it ? I did only a few hours of play and got a little bored, should I push further, is it worth it ?

Are you talking about Metal Gear Rising? Cause I enjoyed the shit out of that one. I'd say its worth it getting through the whole game for the final boss fights or any of the boss fight really, being as they are so entertaining. Story's pretty cool too and hours of codec calls that explain everything that's been going on.
Bioshock infinite was cool. I give it a 8/10. The story, ambience and art are pretty cool altough the game could have been better IMO, the gameplay and A.I. are dumb and basically the same as Bioshock 1. Still fun and interesting and it's very good compared to other first person shooters released these days.
Alan Wake: "I don't hate numbers that much"/"Seriously, not even 10, even though I walked in on it in the middle of a geriatric gangbang and it scarred me for life", to the extent that one sentence has been taken out back and shot so that the following could be issued as part of a hostage bargain for the following to be posted.

I can't even get how this game can be scary to people who still need to be read bedtime stories and assured that Ronald Reagan isn't hiding under their bed, let alone anyone who would be won over by the constant Stephen King todgerlodging.

The whole thing looks like it's one Rohypnol away from 'THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL FEEL IT IS SUPER SCARY YES YOU HEY LOOK HOW UNSETTLING IT WOULD BE IF YOU HAD NO SENSE OF HOW SPECIAL-NEEDS CHILDREN ARE SPOOKED BY HAUNTED HOUSES MADE OF POPPING SOUNDS AND ODDLY-LUMBERING ELDERLY INCOMPETENTS', with that shortage only occurring because they used up all their lye trying to get the voice actors sounding as predictable as possible... with further recording as the stick and chemical burns as the carrot. There's as much subtlety as an atom bomb, but without the satisfaction of thinking that the people who died screaming in agony did so for a good cause.

I severely do not get it at all. Everything terrible occurs because the main character is a massive asshat, and why I'd play the game instead of having him die at the hands of sheer pointlessness is beyond me...

Alan Wake said:
"Ooh, look at me, I'm going to use my wife's crippling fears against her because she tried to help me as a writer facing a massive *writing block*! Whore of Babylon, Minister of Evils Darkest!

"I could have done easier things like space engineering, or biomedical combustulography, or literally just throwing toilet paper away after I've used it for its intended purpose, but instead I became a horror writer - because making nonsense up was truly my calling and only the strongest of will and character are up for that daunting task!

When the weaker of their generation hide behind such nonsense as 'laser-cooling to induce Bose-Einstein condensation' or 'solving world hunger by rewriting nature itself', I came forth to deliver us from slightly-less unnerved evenings, and OH HOW I HAVE STRUGGLED!

"And a pox on the horrible bitch who spends her life not only putting up with me but actually doing graphic design for my books, because even in the face of a massive shortage of pamphlets on how to not be an absolute twat she bravely stormed into putting things on the front of rubbish that people would have bought anyway because apparently I'm in some bizarro universe where 'being taken out back and shot' has been replaced by 'being propelled into the limelight as a brilliant horror author' by people who evidently think books should be burned on principle and need a posterchild for their movement!

"Can't she see that writer's block is such a massive obstacle that nobody from philosophy to the sciences to government could possibly understand just how complicated it is to not be able to do my one obviously-ridiculously-difficult-to-the-point-of-self-flagellating duty as a member of a supposedly sentient species, and that this is literally the worst thing to ever happen to anyone ever, and that caring about someone and trying to help them out is such a horrible crime against humanity that anyone even considering that path immediately deserves to be hung by their own entrails from a tree made of their own massive betrayal, grown from the seeds of their deepest, darkest personal torments, on the soil of desperation made flesh and turned into a monster?"

There is literally not a single aspect of this production that doesn't make me want to just have Alan Wake die as many times as possible. Even the 'I have to rescue my wife' angle is blown right out after the realization that the only difference between that asshole and the kidnapper is that the kidnapper at least has a modicum of honesty about using people's deeply-set fears to manipulate people around them for absolutely clinically fucktarded reasons. I am literally siding with a backwoods felon wearing *flannel* over the title character in a manner so genuine that my heart would have grown three sizes too large if I had the energy to possess one anymore.

I am so disappointed by this that I actually started questioning my value of things like 'atmosphere'. There was a level in the *worst* Thief game (Shalebridge Cradle, in Deadly Shadows) whose atmosphere made this game seem like asphyxiating on hopelessness itself in the least worthwhile way possible, and there was a brief moment before I remembered that storyline where I thought that maybe I have always hated gaming and just never realized it.

Mass Effect DLC, overall a ~$100 scam to throw more money at people who blew ~$80 on launch day for the non-nerfed edition of the latest game, had so much more grip on my sense of reality that I must have become some really rubbish cinematic Cylon in order to appreciate clear corporate cockgobbling more than independent innovation on such a truly remarkable scale. Everything about this game looked like a labor of love meant to explore fear itself, but all I want is to advance through the game only as quickly as absolutely necessary to see the poncy protagonist die demonic deaths in as many ways as possible. I just give up.
