[RC Autumn Reco Madness MMXIII] : The Reports


Zud - The Good, The Bad and The Damned

From, Ellestin (aww).

Black metal + rock n' roll!

What I like:
Black metal that qualifies as A Rockin' Good Time, almost like Deströyer 666 meets Samhain. The second song is fantastic and shows great promise. If they do more of this, this might turn into a good band. The production is dirty but not ooh-we're-so-underfunded-it-hurts to sound forced.

What I don't:
The guitar solos are pretty terrible for the most part. Also, whilst making this black n' roll hybrid works very well, they aren't particular adept at either genre, so it becomes a novelty fairly fast.

Bottom line:
Clean up the leads and write better riffs. Keep drinkin' beer.

Will I listen more:
I can see this being tossed on on rare occasion. It's fun enough for casual remembrance.

Will I buy:
No, but I'm not buying anything right now. I have dug myself a 'gugsian sized hole, with an entirely too large smattering of unlisten'd albums!

Overall rating:
:) / 10

Recommended by: Ken/Doomcifer/Krill Reece's
Crowpath appear to be technical death metal/hadcore/grind band. Some pummeling shit, shares some musical similarity to Converge, Soilent Green, Pig Destroyer. Unruly shit, crushing production, definitely not easy listening.

What I liked: While there are clear hardcore elements, this is HEAVY fucking music and no screamo horseshit. Took two listens to really latch on to some of the songs thanks to the funky-ass time changes and chaotic composition. The sludgier moments are killer, and this is dark and crushing the way I love my grind and crust.

What I didn't like: I think some of the songs lack significant identity and even after two listens I would be hard pressed to say which tracks really stood out. That said, the album overall is pretty damn strong.

Bottom line: a worthy recommendation and I'm adding some of this to my workout playlist. Also burning a copy for the car since it is good driving music. :kickass:

I give it an 8/10 for quality ass-kicking and uncompromising destruction.

Edit: also adding to my "will buy" list since this is definitely in my preferred list of music genre currently.

Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Recommended by Erik

What I liked about this album: The moment I took a peep to this burnt offering I knew it was of Greek origin. The opener was reminiscent to early Ancient Rites, but after that it dips clearly into Hellenic waters, a tidal wave of cess. I gave an honest half a dozen listens to the recording thus far, and the atmosphere improved every time as was expected. The overall tempo lifts one's spirit to an overcast fiery temple where worshippers are making sacrifices to Sathanas and Obama. While the former is satisfied after a few minutes, the latter hungers. Forty-seven minutes of Kenyan clamor later, and he is escorted back to the oval office by the Man in the Yellow Hat, his thirst for blood quenched by the glorious cacophony of two basses, Lisa Simpson like Saxophone, and necrovox to dry the eyes of Claire Danes.

What I did not like about this album: N/A, all was well.

That's the Bottom Line Because Stone Cold Said So.

I'll definitely buy this album if I can snag it for under 20 kopecks. (Osmose edition, not shitty re-release.)

Rating 9/10

ORATOR "Kapalgnosis"

Recommended by:
Reign in Acai

Short description:
A competently death-thrashing din of modernized SODOM worship with some flourishes of folk orchestrated by some blokes from Bangladesh.

What I liked about this album:
The intensity. The drummer is interesting and creative sometimes, especially in his ride work. Some cool riffs. The mid-paced, folk-infused instrumental "Devoid of Dharma", which is actually pretty spectacular, and far more interesting to me than the other songs. The mix is well-balanced and strikes a decent balance between modern and raw.

What I did not like about this album:
Most of the songs and riffs are in the same tempo, style and key and seem interchangeable. Take a riff from the middle of song X and put it in the beginning of song Y and no one would notice, and so on. While the intensity of the music floored me at first, ORATOR has but a tenous grasp of dynamics and pacing and ends up feeling like a real one-trick pony, with the exception of the aforementioned instrumental. By the time the album reaches half-time, I feel like I've pretty much heard it all. Also, the master is too compressed.

Bottom line:
Maybe I'm too old for stuff that just thrashes all around and bangs its head against the stage non-stop, but I can take just about three songs at a time of this stuff and little more. If they had incorporated more of the "Devoid of Dharma" folk stuff into their "normal" songs I would likely have been more impressed.

Will I listen to this album again:
Not from start to end, at any rate. I'd be okay with cherry-picking "First Born of Sataninsam" (probably the finest of the thrashers) and "Devoid of Dharma" for occasional and enjoyable listening.

Will I buy this album:

Overall quality of recommendation:
The Residents - Eskimo


Recommended by:

Short description:
A collection of eerie "arctic" soundscapes verging on the grotesque, the closest thing to this I've heard are some works by Fantomas. Some of the vocals make me think of the aquatic levels of Rayman: Origins...

What I liked about this album:
As a concept album, there is a lot of consistency to what is happening, sound wise. There is an unmistakable, almost claustrophobic feeling of being trapped on some ice-field and assailed by Lovecraftian mirages of madness. Great vocals throughout.

What I did not like about this album:
I'm a bit embarrassed because there's really nothing to "hate" on this record, it just doesn't completely fuel my fancy. I'm not against a dose of delirium now and then but I have real trouble entering this here game and not being distracted after 5 minutes.

Bottom line:
Considering the fact that this was done in the 70's, and thus predates any of Patton's stuff, I guess it's a founding record (or disc). It's certainly unique and radical in its intentions and form.

Will I listen to this album again:
Certainly not on a regular basis, but I'll probably come back to it at some point. Moreover, I'm curious about other Residents material now.

Will I buy this album:

Overall quality of recommendation:
A well-informed recommendation, sorry it didn't completely work, but the discovery was worth it: 7/10
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Cool. It's definitely not an album I listen to often, but when the mood strikes, there's nothing else quite like it. Perhaps I should investigate Rayman, wasn't that an Atari 64 game?! Wait, Google just corrected me: Atari Jaguar.
It's probably the best 2D platformer series out there apart from good old Mario. Smoothest controls ever in a game. Rayman: Origins and Rayman: Legends are available on Steam.
Is that shit better than Castlevania? Because not much is better than Castlevania.

Symphony of the Night = better than almost everything on this planet Earth.
reports missing from:

Corporal Zod
Hell Mike
Dick Sirloin

The expected disaster occured :lol:

You got another week.
Blame the government shutdown! :loco:

My updated report is in my head, I just haven't put it to typing just yet.

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