[RC Autumn Reco Madness MMXIII] : The Reports

Serious observation: Your commentary is fair, but surely the album is deserving of more than a 6.

OK I'll give you a head's up as to the "game's" rules too: the rating should pertain to the quality/relevance of the reco in relation to one's tastes, not to the actual album. It's a fine line I'll grant you.

For instance if I head straight to discogs upon first listen, I'll give it a 9/10.

14:13 - Self-Titled

Recommended by: Ellestin

Short Description: Heavily layered psychedelic/ambient music with Kraut-Rock influence, swirling electronic sounds, dipped in liquid LSD, packed in a water bong, then shot into outer space.

What I liked about this album: I dig all the trippy vibes that these dudes create. If listened to in isolation with headphones on and ripping through a bowlpack, you can truly lose yourself within their mind-bending, kaleidoscopic world.

What I did not like about this album: It's not something I can listen to at any given time. I would have to be in the mood for it and provide the appropriate setting. It's not really a knock on the music but more so a nitch. I also didn't like how they tried to incorporate sound clips in the first piece.

Bottom Line: If Psychedelic/Ambient/Kraut/Mind-Melting/Swirling Vortex of sound is your thing, then you'll love this album. 14:13 succeed in what they set out to accomplish with this music. Like I said though, it warrants the appropriate setting and attention to get the optimal experience from the album or else it's just background noise.

Will I listen to this album again: If I am in the mood and looking for this type of sound/experience, this would be a good pick but in all honesty, I'll probably forget all about it.

Will I buy this album: No. I may have considered it though if released on CD.

Overall quality of recommendation: Now that I have returned from my trip, a solid 7.5/10 within the boundaries of psychedelic delirium.
What I liked about this album:
Solid musicianship as you'd expect from guys who want to walk in the steps of early-Genesis, VDG Generator and the likes.

I thought you didn't know VDGG?

Sorry it didn't tickle your nether regions but I had no clue wtf to reco you tbh. Aside from Atmospheric BM, your taste in music is enigmatic to me.

Children - Hard Times Hangin' at the End of the World

From, Reign in Açai (with love)

NYC Thrash Attakk!

What I like:
Well it's thrash metal, and thrash metal is sort of like a blowjob. Sure, you can get a bad one, but I'll take a bad bj over any number of good whathaveyou. The distinct lack of '80s cliches makes this far better than typical retro-fun. Also the vocals are really good, and there are some blast beats. This doesn't sound nearly as dated as it easily could have been.

What I don't:
It just doesn't stick to my ribs. There is something instantly forgettable about Children, even after I fingerdrum and lightly headbang throughout most of the album, when it's over, it's over. I've only gone back to it several times in hopes that something really truly clicks, but it just hasn't happened. In a lot of ways, it sounds like a promising demo from a band that might've been great.

Bottom line:
This would have blown my mind in 1993.

Will I listen more:
I can see myself frantically reaching for it after a few beers next summer.

Will I buy:
No, but I couldn't find anything besides purchasable mp3s anyhow. Fuck that. And considering that I still don't own any Sodom releases, I can't see myself buying a thrash album from 2009 before I fill that particular gap in my collection. I've gone historical over the last year or so.

Overall rating:
:o / 10

Old Man Gloom - Seminar III: Yo Yo Ma
Reco'd - Sir Nadrick

What I like: That it wasnt recorded by an accused kiddie fiddler.

What I don't: A few minutes of dead silence and lull to start it off, could have easily been trimmed fat. While it starts gathering it legs about mid way through, I feel like Ive heard this all before, and done in a much more memorable fashion. Unfortunately, this review is based off of two quick back to back listens at work with only one ear phone. Sorry Nad, but I cant drag this round around for much longer. I will give you the courtesy of giving it a few more listens post round. I may even check out their "Christmas Album." :dopey:

Bottom line:
At 27 minutes and change, this felt more like a one song reco than an entire album of filth and hellraising. In similar vein to Isis, Cult of Luna, et al. This album is in my wheelhouse, and with the majority of albums of this ilk, they take more than a paltry passing listen to digest. Since it's in my wheel house, I think I can slug this single into a double, and maybe even into a triple with further at bats.

Will I listen more: I'll give it another half a dozen listens throughout the week.

Will I buy: I cant even afford to pay attention.

Overall rating:
7/ 10 (For Now)
Unfortunately, this review is based off of two quick back to back listens at work with only one ear phone.
:lol: Christmas is definitely a better put together album, but I love Zozobra the most. All are worth exploring if you dug this one.

Next time crank that shit LOUD! They get better with volume. :kickass:

BE'LAKOR "Stone's Reach"

Recommended by:
General Zod

Short description:
A rather modern take on melodic death metal in the vein of DARK TRANQUILLITY or AMON AMARTH with more than a few nods towards the epic scope of (earlier) OPETH.

What I liked about this album:
It seems overall well-composed with lots of variety and plenty of riffs. The acoustic interlude "Husks" is pleasantly somber and makes me think of the 90's, when Swedish melodic death metal bands did this sort of thing routinely ("The Mind's Eye", "Everlasting Neverness", "Timeless" etc.)

What I did not like about this album:
The drummer is boring, does the 8/8 double kick thing far too often, and the album overall has a very "click track" feel to it. The vocalist has pretty much one mode, which is very much like a somewhat less powerful Johan Hegg (AMON AMARTH) and that gets a bit samey. There are dynamics in the music in the sense that sometimes it's acoustic and sometimes it's pretty heavy, yet it fails to evoke any real feelings: there are no huge crescendos or outbursts of emotion. It just keeps going at basically the same trot throughout, and the vocalist does the same thing all the time, and the drummer does the same thing all the time, perfectly on every beat. It's too safe, too clean, too ProTools.

Bottom line:
I would need more time with this in order to give it a truly fair assessment, but right now my stance is that while the album is enjoyable and inoffensive enough as background music, nothing really reaches out and grabs me. Most of the riffs are not bad but nearly all of them seem kind of generic and make me think of other similar parts by bands that did this (better) back in the nineties.

Will I listen to this album again:
Possibly, actually. As I said, I don't believe I'm being entirely fair to it, but the deadline has come and gone, so here we are, I guess.

Will I buy this album:
Not likely, but I'm very sparse with my disc purchases these days, so that's not necessarily a slight to the album...

Overall quality of recommendation:
You had little to say what you liked about the album in contrast to what you did NOT like about the album yet you rated it a 7/10. :u-huh:

no, i rated the RECOMMENDATION a 7/10

as in: it was a pretty good guess to think that i might enjoy this

EDIT: also i find it generally easier to articulate what is wrong with an album than what is right, because when something is right with music you just FEEL IT, you can't necessarily put it into words. but i sure can whine about production issues and guitar tones and shit
no, i rated the RECOMMENDATION a 7/10

Well, that's stupid.

EDIT: also i find it generally easier to articulate what is wrong with an album than what is right, because when something is right with music you just FEEL IT, you can't necessarily put it into words. but i sure can whine about production issues and guitar tones and shit

if you say so, pal.
even if it is, it's what we're supposed to be doing according to the rules of this thing, pal

Not sure about that, bud. Why the fuck would you rate the recommendation rather than your personal assessment? How the hell do you even rate a recommendation based on the recommendation?

Originally, Ellestin even said to recommend to your partner something that they wouldn't normally listen to. So, wtf?

Oh boy, am I really getting into a debatable conversation with Erik?! OMGWTFORXZ!
that's how i interpreted the rules

i think we need clarification from bert

it's not that i mind rating the music, but i didn't think that was exactly the point

also just because something is in a style i dont normally listen to, it can still be a suitable reco, no?
A rather modern take on melodic death metal in the vein of DARK TRANQUILLITY or AMON AMARTH with more than a few nods towards the epic scope of (earlier) OPETH.
Admittedly, the first few times I listened to this, I would find myself thinking, "Why am I listening to this, rather than just listening to classic Opeth?" Than one day, the album just clicked for me. I agree that the vocalist isn't very dynamic, but I do enjoy his growl. If the drummer is at all one dimensional, I never noticed. I guess for me, it just works with the music. I just love the riffing and the atmosphere they create.
Bathory has always been one of those bands I just don't get. I want to get it… I've tried to get it… but I just don't. I say this not because I have some burning desire to claim a degree of Bathory fandom. Rather because I feel as though I'm genuinely missing out on something special. Much like Negura Bunget (who I also don't get), Bathory is so revered by so many people who's musical opinion I respect, I feel as though I must be missing something. And I can't help but think there's some aspect… some angle… some hidden element I've simply yet to discover, and if I invest the appropriate amount of time attempting to unearth it, I'll be rewarded. As a consequence, I make it a point to revisit Bathory with some regularity. So when Erik recoed Twilight of the Gods for me, I thought to myself, "Perfect".


BATHORY Twilight of the Gods

Recommended by: einride

Short Description: I think we can all agree this is completely unnecessary for this forum.

What I liked about this album: At first listen, I began writing a review in my mind that read like every opinion I've ever expressed here on Bathory. Honestly, I thought it was awful. The production seemed one dimensional, the vocals were off-putting, and the songwriting just didn't appeal to me. I had to force myself to sit through it. Consequently, I wasn't looking forward to that second listen. However, as the album played that second time, the hooks slowly started to find their way into my brain. When the album completed that second spin I thought to myself, "Alright, it's not awful." As I sit here typing this out and listening for a third time, I find myself enjoying the music. I have a special affinity for music that takes time to grow on me. Clearly, this album has an epic quality to it. And I especially like the lead play and the uniqueness of the melodies, especially "Under the Runes".

What I did not like about this album: The kick drum is insanely loud in the mix, and given that the drumming is so simplistic, it can be a bit distracting. The vocals have graduated from grating to passable for me. Perhaps they will continue to grow on me. For now, they still feel a bit too strained and not completely capable of carrying the melodies.

Will I listen to this album again: Definitely.

Bottom Line / Will I buy this album: I need more time with this album; probably two more spins to truly know how I feel about it. I would have liked to have reviewed it after those spins, but felt the need to get my review submitted. I can see myself really growing to love this album... or finding that the vocals continue to keep me at arm's length.
Sometimes you just don't like something, that's how it goes. Sometimes it doesn't click with you until a certain point and time in your life. Looks like that time is upon you and it's good to see that you feel you may grow to appreciate at least this era of Bathory.

One thing to keep in mind - his vocals are terrible at times, no doubt. He completely misses notes and to be honest that's part of what makes it so endearing. Why? Because Quorthon was so passionate about his music that how proficient he was at singing didn't restrain him from creating it. It took a back seat to the actual lyrical content and instrumentation.

Didn't hurt he happened to be doing something that would influence two major genres of metal, eh?
By the way, from what I initially suspected of what you guys were doing but what Ellestin made clear to me with a subsequent post, you guys ARE supposed to be rating the album based on how suitable the recommendation was based on your tastes. It's not a general rating for the album itself.. though it's easy to confuse the two or have them be one and the same.