RC March Madness - The Finals (votes needed)

JayKeeley said:
This round is bullshit by the way. I think it should be restarted before we go further with one mandatory rule:

Just let people vote without comment on who they vote for. The entire thread should contain nothing but votes for the bands.

Seems to me as if people are being bullied into voting for Bathory.

Again - absolutely, positively, 100% agreed.
Erik said:
My logic to vote Bathory over Agalloch is that Bathory is the best musical project that has ever existed and thusly, Bathory > X, where X is ANY OTHER BAND. EVER. Any questions?

Yes, you said that you had to vote for Agalloch over Maiden because of "Pale Folklore". You even made mention of the fact that it is the greatest album of all time, and therefore negates all which Maiden have done, no matter how good their albums are even collectively.

The term 'greatest' isn't exactly wishy washy. It means there is none better.

Therefore, by your logic, "Pale Folklore" > any other album, including anything Bathory have ever put out.

Same logic applies, right? Either Agalloch should have beaten Bathory, or Maiden should have beaten Agalloch.
I'll be fine with either band winning. Honestly. I guess some jokes just don't go over well with some individuals. So I apologize if anyone's precious, tender opinion was shaken in any way. Carry on.
Demilich said:
You bitches are bitching like bitches! Just shut up and wait for this shit to be over before you start whining about who won!

I don't really care who wins. There are about 50% of the people yet to vote - all I'm saying is, let them vote without any narrative from others. It just makes it more fair, and whoever wins it, then kudos to them! :tickled:
Honestly, if all the bickering actually sways anyone's vote, who is it hurting, really? It's part of RC tradition to meander in and out of the "topic" in any particular thread, why make this one any different?

people who let themselves be "bullied" into voting for EITHER band need to be given a swift kick in the face with a steel-toed boot!
J. said:
I'll be fine with either band winning. Honestly. I guess some jokes just don't go over well with some individuals. So I apologize if anyone's precious, tender opinion was shaken in any way. Carry on.

Dude, joking around is cool, and I know TONS of that goes on in this forum. No problem, it's just that sometimes the way certain posts are phrased it can be hard to tell ok? Those kinds of posts can strike a personal chord sometimes because I genuinely feel Agalloch is the better band, but have no animosity towards those who feel the opposite.

Anyway, thanks for the clarification.
Erik said:
Yes, but I don't vote on an album basis here. "Pale Folklore" is my favourite album ever, indeed I think it's > anything else (save for maybe "Brave Murder Day," which is neither here nor there) but Bathory overall is the better band. For example, Bathory has written my second favourite song ever, "A Fine Day to Die". However, I voted Agalloch over Burzum too, and Burzum has written my favourite song ever... Please don't ask me for logic. I vote with my heart, not with my brain. :cool:

Look, all I know is that you voted for Agalloch over Maiden and now you're switching the rules around. :lol:

I'm telling Steve Harris on you. :loco:
if agalloch wins ... this forum is no longer considered metal ... think of all the bands that were ousted .... because of Agalloch?????

fucking fags :loco:
lurch70 said:
if agalloch wins ... this forum is no longer considered metal ... think of all the bands that were ousted .... because of Agalloch?????

fucking fags :loco:

Hey hey, I voted for Maiden all the way.

There are people here who actually voted for "Svidd Neger" lest thee forget -- this final round pales in comparison.

By the way, how are Agalloch not metal? Ulver I can understand, but not Agalloch.