RC Reco in the Bronx

Did you ever get the $1500 for your amp? Whatever happened to that guy btw?
He paid a third of it so far, but I've been drinking a lot of his beer for like 3 years now so it's sorta being paid up through that. I see him every weekend, he and I have the gayest fucking manstory in the world. He's been a close friend for many, many years although about once every 18 months we have a hissy fit toward one another. Fuckin' homos.
It's just one of those off/on love/hate things that he and I have always had, that I've NEVER allowed with other men in my life. Or women for that matter. Once I'm done with someone, fuck off, be gone, get out! But for whatever reason, he and I always find ourselves back together. We share a musical bond, and honestly, there is nothing higher than that for someone such as myself. It does transcend other petty life quarrels.

Also I thought about this on the way to work, because honestly I forgave this debt a long time ago. I really don't care anymore, but I just realized that over the past 18 years we've been friends, at least 7 of which have involved he and I in some sort of band together, he's always covered all rehearsal, PA, and recording costs. So even with the $1,000 he still "owes" me, maybe I'm the deadbeat after all. :lol:
Sweet, more time to avoid work. And it'll take me the rest of the damn week to catch up on your recos
you know what's great about this thing? it's made me actively seek out new music to recommend, because my back-log of things i haven't recommended to this forum yet is growing pretty thin, to say the least. i've found some pretty amazing things and i'm feeling really inspired at this moment