Re: "Attack of the trolls"

havid sucks balls, yuppie fucks, though havid squayah is fun shit. and ya damn right im a masshole....and proud of it.
dilema1362 said:
havid sucks balls, yuppie fucks, though havid squayah is fun shit. and ya damn right im a masshole....and proud of it.
Tut Ankh Amon said:
well, if the thread needed a lecture on wanking then MAYBE........ anyway
MagSec4 said:
...I will remove anything short of being relevant and constructive the first chance I get.
I think you should remove at least the posts I've quoted.
MightyA: Nah, I've since gotten in a laxer mood
At least I knew when to stop.....
And if you're going to troll anyway, be creative and funny (satyrical), not boring and generic.
And some of you would be familiar with my history involving trolling. If I say it's bad, then it really is.
Slaggin off people for liking a certain band is perfectly okay I think.....

As long as they are your friends

--------Oh poopie! There's a newt in my underwear.......
awww but its so fun to fuck with people. they get all angry and then you laugh. its all in good fun though, if you really want to piss someone off then its best to do it in person, because then you can take a shit in their mailbox or something. :p