Recabinet 3.0.1 Update

Hey Shane,

If you wrap Recabinet 3.0.1 with JBridge, it will no longer recognise the license file. And it wont actually license itself at all when loaded into JBridge.

Can you please fix??? I can't use Recabinet otherwise, and neither can anyone else who is using a 64bit DAW with JBridge :)
Sorry to hear that...

We're not supporting 64 bit yet. Soon we'll release a full 64 bit version. Until then, it's not tested or supported in 64 bit, although it is working fine in some hosts. What DAW and OS are you running?
Yeah I get you're not supporting 64bit, which is why I'm using a bitbridge! :D

There shouldn't really be an argument as to why bridging the plugin isn't supported. It's still being run as a 32bit VST, but it's being run inside its own process thread. There is some sort of bug where it cannot parse the license file - I've seen this before in other products (ones that I do actually have some control over!)

Win7 64bit, Studio One 1.6.3.
Right now it makes far more sense for us to invest time into getting the 64 bit VST working, than into trying to make the 32 bit VST behave well with bridging. I get what you're saying, and there's no logical reason why there should be any issue. Perhaps try running JBridge as administrator?
I run everything as an admin Shane, and UAC is completely disabled. :)

I'm happy to wait if indeed there is a 64bit version coming, and if you need someone to beta test it, hit me up.
In the mean time - have you tried authorizing with, say, 32 bit Reaper and then seeing if the plugin will find its license file once in JBridge after that?
Yup. The program works fine in Ableton Live, which is 32bit. It just isn't recognising the license file that was created. When I try to create a new one in the 64bit bridge, it accepts it (ie: lets the dialog pass) but doesn't recognise the file once it is created.