Recabinet 4 suite


i've got cankers!!
Mar 8, 2011
east midlands,UK
As a registered user, I FINALLY got around to upgrading to v4.0.3 from v3.6.3 wahay!!

Admittedly the 50% off code that I was emailed at the start of the week prompted me to do so, especially when I realised I was entitled to a further 50% off simply for being registered and upgrading, bringing the grand total to a whopping £16.57 !! No brainer really eh??

As for the software itself, what can I say that (I presume) hasn't already been said. The cab simulation alone more than warrants the (FULL) price tag and the amp sims seem very promising.

Massive kudos to Shane. GREAT software from a GREAT developer.
From the Recabinet 4.1 thread on the Kazrog forum:

The new amp models will be free for VIP members, and paid add-on packs for regular users. Here's a list of amps the first model packs are based on (names will be changed, of course, as all names below are trademarks of their respective holders):

  • Stock JCM 800 (2204)
  • Stock Plexi
  • Stock JTM45
  • Stock 1978 JMP
  • Soldano Modded 1979 JMP
  • Jose modded 1979 JMP

  • 1959 Bassman
  • Blackface 65 Deluxe Reverb
  • Early 60s Champ
  • EVH 5150 III

  • Mark IIB with graphic EQ and loop mod
  • Mark IIC+ with graphic EQ
  • Mark IV
  • Dual channel Dual Rectifier (as opposed to the 3 channel version in the Recabinet 4 factory pack, very different sound)

  • Vox AC30 (vintage UK model with top boost)
  • Vox AC30 (vintage UK model without top boost)
  • Friedman BE-100
  • Soldano SLO-100
  • Bogner Uberschall
  • Supro 1690T Coronado

PS - just to clarify, VIP packages are no longer available. It was a limited time crowdfunding campaign. That said, other types of package deals will be available when 4.1 launches. Thanks!
so these will be sold as an extra to suite? will they require suite to run them or can they be bought on their own?

They will be sold as expansions to the existing plugin, and cannot be run without the plugin itself.

Also, have you ever considered modelling cabs in any other way than impulses?

There's not really been any reason to, as impulses get you about 95% of the way there on their own (conservatively), and Recabinet's speaker dynamics engine gets you the rest of the way.
They will be sold as expansions to the existing plugin, and cannot be run without the plugin itself.

There's not really been any reason to, as impulses get you about 95% of the way there on their own (conservatively), and Recabinet's speaker dynamics engine gets you the rest of the way.

of course it's subjective, but I completely disagree. I'm yet to hear any kind of cabinet breakup (like a greenback) captured in an impulse by adding a saturation parameter afterwards. likewise with how a ribbon/valve mic might behave or even a mic pre. impulses are a nice snapshot but they're no replacement as far as I'm concerned. FWIW I'm not a fan of impulses for room simulation either, I think the future holds better solutions, just needs someone to tackle it in more depth.

I'm not talking about recabinet specifically here, but I use amp sims a lot and always reamp. Even with a lot of work I'd say amp sims and cabs get me at the very best 60% of what I like in a reamped tone. A well modelled amp and cab should need as little processing as a mic'd up cab does as far as I'm concerned - it feels to me a lot more effort goes into amplifier modelling than it does in cabinet/mic/room/preamp modelling which I wouldn't regard as a linear system.

Fair play if you feel impulses give a satisfactory result, I'm just offering some of my thoughts....
Thanks, guys! Sorry 4.1 has taken so long to get out the door. Getting close now.
I've been away from the forum for a while and didn't realise there was an impending update. Nice one.

The Serpent lead channel with everything dimed has to be my favorite at this hour...

@ Machinated : some GREAT midgain tones (serpent crunch channel for example :D ), trust!!

I wanted to chime in and add that I think Recabinet is the best modeler I've ever used ITB. I am genuinely excited for the update. The amps currently on offer all respond and sound like their physical counterparts. The Framus is the only one I havent played in real life and its actually so cool in VST form that I really want to try one now.

Ive done a couple recordings and little demo tracks for my band recently that I've tracked with sims and then re-amped later and I think Recabinet holds its own against the actual amp tracks. Its funny because when I'm done re-amping I always feel like the actual amp tracks seat easier in the track but a month or so removed I sometimes prefer the Recabinet tracks.

I will say is that I think it would be cool if there were more than one speaker dynamics algorithm in the plug-in. I recall reading that the current algorithm is supposed to simulate the load interaction between the head and the cab as well as the break-up of a vintage 30. Why not add the break-up pattern of a greenback and some other well loved speakers in a sub menu for those that want to explore it? I see both sides (Ed's and Shanes perspective) because I think that Recabinet "as is" is stupid close to the real thing, and IR's have gotten us this close. It could really just be as simple as creating more dynamics algorithms to bring it the rest of the way home. I do still find myself wanting for sims to sit as easily in my mixes, even if I cant tell the difference between the two a month down the line.
Kazrog, you should have Ola review recabinet seems people go crazy over whatever he reviews. And you know it will sound good.
Kazrog, you should have Ola review recabinet seems people go crazy over whatever he reviews. And you know it will sound good.

Glenn Fricker did a review of it, was pretty upfront and honest, probably best kind of review you could get.

It's getting to the point of "which amp sim does Ola not endorse?"
Glenn Fricker did a review of it, was pretty upfront and honest, probably best kind of review you could get.

It's getting to the point of "which amp sim does Ola not endorse?"

I was speaking more to the benefit of Kazrog, not really because of the review content. I don't see Ola as necessarily endorsing the stuff but rather just giving it a run through so people can see what he does with it.
I was speaking more to the benefit of Kazrog, not really because of the review content. I don't see Ola as necessarily endorsing the stuff but rather just giving it a run through so people can see what he does with it.

Ola did some very nice cabinet presets and a quick demo on YouTube during the Recabinet 3 days, and that was quite popular. He's much busier now than ever, and I'm not sure he's had a chance to give Recabinet 4 a spin yet (although he does have it in his account.) In any case, of course I'd love it if he did a video, but I'm not going to beg him to LOL.
Does anyone else get random crashes with Recabinet 4 in Pro Tools? When I'm just messing around and change amps for example, it'll crash. Happened on two computers now.
Does anyone else get random crashes with Recabinet 4 in Pro Tools? When I'm just messing around and change amps for example, it'll crash. Happened on two computers now.

This will be fixed in the next update. Basically, the AAX format in Pro Tools doesn't like the way that amp changes are handled right now. Thankfully it will change soon.

In the mean time, I recommend using a VST wrapper, such as DDMF MetaPlugin, to have a more stable Recabinet 4 experience in Pro Tools.
This will be fixed in the next update. Basically, the AAX format in Pro Tools doesn't like the way that amp changes are handled right now. Thankfully it will change soon.

In the mean time, I recommend using a VST wrapper, such as DDMF MetaPlugin, to have a more stable Recabinet 4 experience in Pro Tools.

Great, thought it was just me. I only use it occasionally so it's not a big deal just now. How close is 4.1? The new amps look very tempting and I'll likely grab them when they come out too.
Just bought R4, did not try it yet tho. Hope it won't crash that often (I'm on OS10.8.5/PT10)
Do I need to uninstall previous version of recabinet or simply install R4?