

Kazrog, Inc.
Mar 6, 2002
Recabinet is my latest project. Many of you have been asking about it, now hear it:

Anyone who's interested should sign up for my mailing list on the site.

UPDATE 08/31/08: Major breakthrough - I've gotten my impulses to work in both SIR and Revalver MK III, with no difference in quality compared to Altiverb!! Disregard the "Altiverb only" related posts!!!

I have strong reason to believe that Recabinet will also work in most other popular impulse software (Voxengo, etc.), but I haven't gotten to testing them all yet. An official list of supported software will be available after I finish testing.
hmm, I have always noticed differences between e.g. Voxengo Boogex, Pristine Space, VoxengoAFimpulse, keFir, etc.
Interested in comparisons as well tho, should be interesting.
This is pretty strange... what's the sound difference? Can you set up a comparison?

Not a direct one, because the type of impulse I am using is incompatible with other software. I would have to approach the sampling process totally differently, but I suppose I could show the difference between the same mic position on the same cab using two different sampling approaches. Perhaps that is something I could incorporate into the site's clips. :)
Altiverb is $500?

wow... what is the price range in which you are looking to charge for your efforts, cause this be a pricey switch for some?

I'm not looking to make this a pricey switch, and similar to Steven Slate I'm also thinking about releasing an "LE" version with fewer impulses at a lower price. I haven't worked out the exact pricing yet, but I plan to keep the pricing very affordable.

Again, if there's any possibility I can support other impulse software without sacrificing quality, I will do it. I love Altiverb, but I realize that the price barrier is significant. I'll be staying actively aware of what's going on in the impulse software space throughout development so that I can anticipate and adapt for this.
Hmm. I think a lot of people will want to opt for the free options in this regard. The very reason that impulses are used is so we can cut costs/time/hassle on using a real cab. It's all about doing it cheap cheap cheap, it seems. Consider that Revalver 3 has its own cabinet/impulse loader and people just won't see the appeal.

The only time I would personally consider paying is if there were a lot of cabinet impulses to come out on Nebula 3. I personally still see the impulse technology to be flawed and will never really replicate the sweetness of the real deal without all the other aspects that Nebula attempts to recreate.
I thought that too moonlapse but at the same the samples I've heard so far have been the most convincing impulses I've heard.
I think paying for top notch impulses makes sense for the same reasons paying for top notch samples makes sense.
I dunno... i think if we're talking the $40-$60 range for the full version, similar to REALLY awesome plugins like APTrigga and the like, it could work...

and who knows, maybe if it catches on, people like Andy and Suecof etc etc would make some and you could sell add-ons and what not... (just talking out my ass here)
To be honest I was really, really looking forward to this. It all seems counter intuitive now though, considering the cost of Altiverb. I always saw impulses being the domain of the bedroom/project/hobby whatever producer, at least for the meantime. The cost would be point-blank prohibitive for me.

Seriously, you can get Superior 2.0 for under £200, and the amount of work and effort that has gone into it, and thus the incredible impact it has on my recording, is immense. Its not like you can't download impulses for free...albeit maybe lesser in quality. I've heard worse tones from many of my commercial CD's versus some of the tones on here using said impulses. Compare all that to over £300 for Altiverb + the cost of the Impulse pack. Too pricey if you ask me.

I really don't want to flame this, as its a great idea and one I was going to invest in. My advice would be to really try and get it to work with something cheaper, other than Altiverb, as a concerted effort, not a happy coincidence.

Major props for the work, nonetheless.
I think it is a great idea and would love to get it. Would it be possible to build your own plugin to hold just the impulses, and to run them in the same way as altiverb, but under your own construction? Or would the amount in development cost too much?

Have you thought about going to someone like Massey or another smaller plugin maker and offering the idea to them?
Would it be possible to build your own plugin to hold just the impulses, and to run them in the same way as altiverb, but under your own construction?


I think this would me more beneficial in the long run for everyone involved (developer and customer alike)... especially because the VST source is available for developers...

I could then see you being able to charge more for it (still reasonable, though) and it being worth it in the long run...