Thanks for the cabinet requests, guys. Perfect time to do so, I am going to be rounding up some cabs this week. 

Hey Shane,
I don't suppose you've had any plans to trial some impulses for Nebula 3? I understand exclusivity to one software is hardly beneficial to you from a business standpoint, but if the 'making it sound like a real mic'ed cab' aspect is very important to you, I think it may at least be worth a shot.
Just a suggestion, cheers.
Major breakthrough - I've gotten my impulses to work in both SIR and Revalver MK III, with no difference in quality compared to Altiverb!!
I have strong reason to believe that Recabinet will also work in most other popular impulse software (Voxengo, etc.), but I haven't gotten to testing them all yet. An official list of supported software will be available after I finish testing.
Nice one man, I'm signed up and ready to buy. Totally stoked about this.
Also, I know there will be a focus on cabs but have you thought about same cab/different power amp?
Yes, I have, and I'm putting together the plans and rounding up power amps as we speak.![]()
It's going to be a big library, many different modern 4x12 cabs, mics, positions, etc., all organized by subfolders. It's still in development so I can't say exactly how many files it will be yet.
I plan to make free upgrades to the main Recabinet 1.0 modern 4x12 cab library over time for all registered users, and also to add expansion packs such as vintage combos, botique cabs, celebrity producer packs, etc. It's all in the works, but I can't discuss details (yet.) The email list will be the first place I announce news.
I will soon launch a full website with more clips, videos, etc., as well as a free demo cabinet pack.
Definitely agreed. Using apulsoft as a model is perfect. I think you should also be able to buy any single impulse by itself, along side packs of impulses. Say I buy the "Uber Def Metullzz" pack but I also want a Fender 2x12 closed-back that you have in another pack, it would suck for me to have to buy a whole other set to get just one cab that I wanted. The single impulse prices could be a little more than they would be at bulk (pack) prices. Say a pack costs $65 and it has like 10 impulses or whatever, then each one would be like $6, so if you wanted one all by itself charge $10 for it. Or something. Just an idea.
Also, Shane, have you planned on getting a clean SS power amp to do some of the impulses through? So that you can get an uncolored sound from the power amp in case some users have a Hot Plate or similar?
I like the idea of choosing what impulses you need.
haha of course you do
I don't think that's a good idea for him, from a business standpoint though