
I'd definitely like a vintage Matamp, and maybe a 6x12, haha. It might be hard to get hold of one of those though. I like the idea of some really vintage but heavy sounding power amps and cabs. Matamp, Sunn, Orange OR, Laney Klipp, Sound City etc. Oh and I'd die for a Savage 120 power section ---> Engl Pro 4x12.
Keep it cheap! If it was like 40.00 I would not think twice about buying it. If it was like 80.00 I might not buy the thing. Impulses just are not a must have thing for me, but when things are cheap i buy them just to have them on hand.

My 2 cents......
Yeah, or he could even set up a "Build your own impulse pack" deal where you, again, pay more for it than the already pre-made packs. Essentially you are paying more for a custom bundle of impulses. I don't see how that could hurt him at all. It's called options. The more options ANY business has for consumers, the better. Example: He has a pack of 6 impulses for $65. Say I like 3 of them, and then there 3 in another pack that I want. Do I really want to spend $130 for two separate packs if I will only use half from each pack? No. Count me out, I won't buy any of them because of that. But if I had to spend just a little more and I could get the 6 that I actually want, you've got a guaranteed buyer. This is all basic business principles and tactics man.

How many people on this forum have amp sims and only use 2 or 3 amp models?

To say that more options is automatically better for a business is just not true.

He wants to make a big library...similar to Steven Slate Drums, and pretty much any sample pack, synth pack, amp sims, etc. sold. Most of those are sold in packs for a reason. I would have liked to purchase individual Slate kits. I might never use some of the kits that I got. However, I totally understand why he wouldn't do that, and I think this case (recabinet) that is a better way to go IMO.
I think he should just make two versions to start, a full version and an LE version... and then offer the impulses at a set price per unit...

...its going to be too hard to cater to everyone needs and in the end, he should do what seems most universal...

either way, if it sound half as good as that clip on the sign up page, i'm sold.
I'll just wait for the demo pack to see if all the others free IRs are going to be put to shame or not...

and yes savage120 and bogner uberschall/ecstasy power sections!

For your studio, do you charge per hour?

I hope you charge per minute, because I don't want to pay for the whole hour when all I need is 47 minutes. It would be better for your business if you charge per second actually.
I'm going in the direction of having different themed packs, similar to EZDrummer expansions or Pod XT model packs. The main pack will come out this year and will have some variety, but will primarily focus on modern, current-production 4x12 cabinets, as well as some modern bass cabinets, but I may throw a couple of vintagey things in for variety, so that it's a well-rounded pack.

Once I develop and release additional packs, there will be bundle deals, existing customers will get a price break on the new packs, etc., and each pack will have tons of impulses.

Thanks for putting in all the cabinet requests, I will be doing my best to honor all of them, it's just a question of when and in what pack. In order to get the first pack out before the 2008 holiday season, there are understandably some time and logistical constraints. I'm not likely to offer custom impulses, as Recabinet is a product line, not a service - but I will put surveys on the Recabinet site so that you guys can help steer the direction of the product line. And obviously, everything you guys suggest in this thread as far as cabs, poweramps, etc. will be explored.

As for phase issues, I will be doing my best to make sure the impulses can interact well with each other, but obviously I can't cover every combination possible, so I highly recommend using a phase adjust plugin. For the 1.0 release, Recabinet will be sold as packs of impulses, not as a standalone plugin, but it could evolve over time into more than that if there is a need.
hoehlentroll@Yes i am man!! im not sure if theres any of my people r here in this forum... i guess im the only representative!!
~Bring the knowledge in, be a country's metal hero~ \m/

kazrog@will it be downloadable or by shipping? i would request for em' impulses to be downloadable after purchase :D
I hope it will be downloadable, and actually I'm quite sure. hopefully it will be payable via paypal, since I own no credit card
@kazrog: did you see aradaz OUR cab simulator? maybe you could arrange a jointventure, as he already programmed a vst for impulses and dealt with phase issues and stuff. just my two cents ;)
@kazrog: did you see aradaz OUR cab simulator? maybe you could arrange a jointventure, as he already programmed a vst for impulses and dealt with phase issues and stuff. just my two cents ;)

This? What I've gathered is that it's Windows-only, and uses external software to load the impulses. I'm confused...

Windows users can download the free Betabugs PhaseBug if they need a phase adjuster presently. Mac users can use PhaseTone, also free.
Thanks for the links. My bad, I thought this was going to be a plug-in. Well, should have thought it through properly. :goggly:

I was considering plugin development until I got my impulses working in just about every impulse response plugin out there, so no worries about the confusion. I've made a lot of headway since I first posted this thread a couple of days ago.