Recent purchases

The girlfriend just arrived with a pair of this:

...And this means "I want an expensive present for christmas" I think.

I already invite her for dinner somewhere out on saturday I am going to park somewhere where we have to walk through a shopping area then pay attention to her when she look at things, if something gets her attention I will buy it for her on monday...

sounds like a plan eh?
don't listen to this silly womens... just buy her diamonds

pfft. your opinion is not valid.


I already invite her for dinner somewhere out on saturday I am going to park somewhere where we have to walk through a shopping area then pay attention to her when she look at things, if something gets her attention I will buy it for her on monday...

sounds like a plan eh?

that sounds like a plan.
She has been complaining about her shitty underwater camera in all the dive trips we have done this year, and since next year we are going to dive the galapagos and the red sea I think she will be happy with a good underwater camera :)

...I am awesome !!!