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SkeetsMaloy said:
Just bought 'Crush the Insects' by Reverend Bizarre. Awesome. Love it. Having said that, what other doom bands w/ mostly clean vox will I enjoy?
cathedral (first album and ep only)
count raven
saint vitus
solitude aeturnus
the obsessed
mirror of deception
good list, havn't heard of revelation


black sabbath
place of skulls

possibly mood/wall of sleep

i checked out sevenchurch since the 'top ten doom metal albums' list or whatever came out, and i liked it
Just came across the band Vore, are they any good?

yeah, get lord of storms, it kicks ass

MasterOLightning said:
Nothing on Filosofem is as good as Det Som Engang Var (song)

100% correct

but Dunkelheit and Jesus' Tod are better than the other songs on HLTO.

100% incorrect

It sucks.

100% incorrect

I'm pretty much in these 2 bands lately:

Shape of Despair

If you've heard of them, do you find them good?

agathodaimon are pretty bad, haven't heard SoD but their name is gay

Ceremonial Oath -the book of truth.

yay or nay ?

nothing especially original but i like it
No fucking shit, I think it should be relatively clear to at least you two by now that I'm a Burzum fan.
Authentic Metalhead said:
What does everyone think of Burzum's "Filosofem"?

First two songs are great and the ambient rack at the end is good, the two guitar things and jesus tod or whatever are shit
I dont mind the layed guitars, but the drums are way to drowned out on jesus to
Erik said:
cathedral (first album and ep only)

Ignore Erik, he's a trend whore. All Cathedral, save for possibly Caravan beyond Redemption, is better than most Doom bands can ever hope to be. Disliking Cathedral past their first couple of releases is de rigeur these days, apparently :rolleyes:
Carcassian said:
Ignore Erik, he's a trend whore. All Cathedral, save for possibly Caravan beyond Redemption, is better than most Doom bands can ever hope to be. Disliking Cathedral past their first couple of releases is de rigeur these days, apparently :rolleyes:
you fucking retarded retard

i haven't said SHIT about the quality of other cathedral, i was just recommending old cathedral because *DRUMROLL* the other ones DON'T SOUND LIKE REVEREND BIZARRE WHICH WAS WHAT HE ASKED FOR! *CRASH*
Reaper69 said:
How good is Mastodon? Where should I start looking?

Very, very, very good but to be avoided if you're mostly into traditional sounding black/death/thrash metal as they're very modern in their approch and have increasing amounts of hardcore, prog and hard rock influence on their albums (with Remission having some and Blood Mountain having LOADS). I love love love Remission with a fiery passion because it is just the most emotionaly crushing and yet utterly rocking album ever, so start there. Leviathan is far slicker (but not in a bad way, negative though that often is) and less intense but might have better songwriting in places. Its also where they start to get pretty catchy and reveal that they have a great collective ear for unusual, Faith No More style melodies which are fully expanded and explored on Blood Mountain. I only got it a couple of days ago but so far its shaping up to be just as good if not better than Leviathan with every song being different, creative and containing at least one total WTF moment. Single songs don't do it justice.

My response is a bit OTT because this band get little praise and lots of shit on this board so I'm trying to give a bit of balence. :)
Erik said:
you fucking retarded retard

i haven't said SHIT about the quality of other cathedral, i was just recommending old cathedral because *DRUMROLL* the other ones DON'T SOUND LIKE REVEREND BIZARRE WHICH WAS WHAT HE ASKED FOR! *CRASH*

See? I told you that you were a cunt, and I'm right:kickass:

If you think that modern Cathedral doesn't sound like the first three tracks from Crush the Insects, you need your fucking ears syringeing.
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