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Blood Ritual is the perfect middle of not being overly simple or complex and it's just a riff fest while remaining solid song writing. I'm suprised more bands don't have a similiar sound of blending just regular middle paced crushing rythmn with more extreme vocals.
°Oblivion°King° said:
I just checked them out. Not bad, but they guitar sounds too acoustic. I like the amount of instrumental parts in their songs, but it would be good if guitar was more distorted.
Thanks for the recommendation, btw.
Cheers. I understand, they only really fit a certain mood... If you want to hear something with extremely good distorted guitars with some instrumentals, you would do well to check out In Flames - The Jester Race. :rock:
byrne said:
@doden: you are an idiot. regardless of whether i brought it up or not, my point still stands. the band has seldom been discussed since you introduced people to them months, maybe even a year or two ago. and the fact that this is a forum for metal discussion totally validates the context. in the first instance, i was being somewhat tongue in cheek, but you had to take offence. why? i dont know. perhaps its because you think you are too important to be insulted or something. but i assure you there are many bands you like that do indeed suck arse and if felt the need to get off on disagreeing with you, id probably have another 3,000 posts. so i apologise if you were thinking you were more important in my life than you actually are.

@ vvvvv: re-read through the recommendations thread and talk about music you like thread. i think you will find the entry before this little e-faggot saga (not referring to you) was re: me recommending aeternus ... and so the night became. a few of my posts (e.g. tearstained, behemoth, slam death metal) of late HAVE been negative, but why does that matter, especially when the vast majority of my posts are positive.

aside from that, my use here is probably more suited to negative comments given i dont have the time to search all day for bands that are unknown to users. being the 800th user to say "yeah, check out powerslave" really isnt helping anyone. me saying "hey you know what, steer clear of the amenta, they are really fucking boring" is probably going to be more appreciated.

and for any smartarses who are thinking the above infers that the vast majority of my posts are therefore not useful, think again. :P

youre a terrible poster
metal_wrath said:
Cheers. I understand, they only really fit a certain mood... If you want to hear something with extremely good distorted guitars with some instrumentals, you would do well to check out In Flames - The Jester Race. :rock:
I've heard a lot of good things about The Jester Race lately. I'll check it tomorrow.:rock:
I need some doom/death.

keep this in mine if you want too help

1. low vocals.

2. heavy rythmn guitars

3. scattered acoustic and clean guitars

4. guitar harmonies over rythmn

5. piano's,cellows or other stringed instruments.
°Oblivion°King° said:
I just checked them out. Not bad, but they guitar sounds too acoustic. I like the amount of instrumental parts in their songs, but it would be good if guitar was more distorted.
Thanks for the recommendation, btw.

just listen to Opeth or Dream Theater they have singing of course but they also have a lot of instrumental parts in the songs as well as Nevermore, unless you want something heavy then listen to Dismember even though they aren't instrumental just listen to them...and metallica had some good instrumentals and uhh And the World Returned by At the Gates it's acoustic and has some crazy violins for a darker melody, not very distorted though. hope this helps a little
DarkBliss said:
I think that's always implied,when not present. No one is stating facts here. Actually when I state an opinion, I always put imo at the end, but it's cumbersome and fucking awkward to type like this all the time

The way it was stated and the emphasizing of 'is' makes it come across as this person speaks a fact on behalf of all, which is most certainly not the case.
Darkspace rules, yep.

Everyone check otu the new Pagan Reign, Tverd. Great album. More aggressive and BM-oriented than usual, but still catchy folk stuff.
I'm looking for Black and Black/Death Metal bands with a thick, bassy tone and an occult oriented sound, like Hail, Beherit, Archgoat, Varathron, Rotting Christ, Necromantia, Barathrum, Mortuary Drape, etc.
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