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I'd be interested to hear what you think. I seem to be the only person who thinks they reek of medicority and achieve nothing new or interesting. I don't see what is even remotely appealing about it.
byrne said:
I'd be interested to hear what you think. I seem to be the only person who thinks they reek of medicority and achieve nothing new or interesting. I don't see what is even remotely appealing about it.

Everybody already knows what you think of Tearstained because you feel compelled to mention it every time the name is mentioned.
Thanks for the recommendations, Carcassian & CookieCutter.
They're both very good. Necrophagist has good guitar, but i don't like vocals. Annihilator is better at that part.

Do you know any other bands with skilled guitar riffs?

EDIT: I forgot to mention Avenged Sevenfold. I like their guitar and vocal. One of the best bands i've heard. Can someone recommend me something similar?
Necuratul said:
Everybody already knows what you think of Tearstained because you feel compelled to mention it every time the name is mentioned.

you are such an angry cunt. i think tearstained has been mentioned twice in the last 8 months, but yes, on both occassions (including the one above) i have shared my view. heaven forbid i should do that on a metal fucking chat board. you wouldnt be complaining if i didnt think they were shit.
You fucking went out of your way to comment on the fact that Tearstained WAS NOT on a list that I made, so what the fuck are you talking about? You must just get a chubby about the fact that you think a band that I like it mediocre or something, or you wouldn't feel the need to regurgitate every they are (and sometimes even when they're not) brought up.
°Oblivion°King° said:
I forgot to mention Avenged Sevenfold. I like their guitar and vocal. One of the best bands i've heard. Can someone recommend me something similar?

Okay, here is some news. Avenged Sevenfold sucks. No one will reccomend any bands based on mainstream metalcore. Tell me what you are looking for, generally. I will do my best to make recs and im sure others will too.
I like the guitar in their songs.

AstrumInfinito said:
Tell me what you are looking for, generally. I will do my best to make recs and im sure others will too.
I'm looking for bands that have a lot of guitar instrumental parts in their songs, or that have complete instrumental songs. I'm not sure if you understand what i mean when i say instrumental. I mean >>no vocals<<.
Bands that were recommended to me before are also good, they have good guitar players, but it would be better if they had less singing & more playing.

I hope you understand what i'm looking for...
V.V.V.V.V. said:
byrne: seriously, all I ever see is you insulting shit.

I prefere people dissing bands than fanboys that only make posts when someone does not like their favorite band. Some users have not attempted to discuss anything and pop out of nowhere when a band being good or not is questioned that they like being a cock. I just think to myself how full of themselves they must be. fucking elitists
If you did not discuss other music besides agalloch and only said things to people when they regarded agalloch you would be gay as fuck and a fanboy. Some users only post when there favorite band is dissed not trying to discuss being dickheads. It's like they're personally insulted or something. YOU'RE NOT IN THE FUCKING BAND!!!!!.
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