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i want to venture into black metal, the few ones ive heard so far - behemoth, burzum, mayhem, enslaved, emperor, thats about it, what are the other quintessential bands that i must check out, thnx :)

P.S - not looking for anything obscure, just some great known bands.

Satyricon, Darkthrone, Bathory, Dissection, Summoning, Gorgoroth...
Can anyone recomend me more ablums like "Death Cult Armegedon" and more artist like Ihsahn(his solo prodject, NOT emperor or peccatum).
You keep saying Fearrange, but it's Fearrage. :p Probably got a badly tagged copy or you would've known that.

Don't make retarded posts that are only funny to you.

Haha yea, oh well, not too big a mistake. Oh I tend not to buy as many CD's this time of year due to limited income and college taking up most my time/money, so yea, probably a badly tagged MP3 from soulseek oh well.

*Don't say I'm cheap either I have over 120CD's lol*
i want to venture into black metal, the few ones ive heard so far - behemoth, burzum, mayhem, enslaved, emperor, thats about it, what are the other quintessential bands that i must check out, thnx :)

P.S - not looking for anything obscure, just some great known bands.

Immortal, Naglfar, Kvlt of Azazel, Anorexia Nervosa, Old Man's child, Dissection, and of course Belphegor
Can anyone recomend me more ablums like "Death Cult Armegedon" and more artist like Ihsahn(his solo prodject, NOT emperor or peccatum).

I agree with dude who said just listen to immortal.

You should listen to Naglfar, I hope I'm not the only one pimping the hell of them, they fucking rock. Their new album Harvest was recently leaked; I don't think it's out yet, but as expected, it is amazing. And well, everything they've done is pretty incredible.
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