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Come on guys, I need some good brutal death metal suggestions.

Cephalectomy - Eclipsing The Dawn
Saprogenic - The Wet Sound Of Flesh On Concrete
Saprogenic - Ichneumonid
Goretrade - Perception Of Hate
Poppy Seed Grinder - Oppressed Reality
torrents are not illegal...but okay

They are in the United States, and in various other places. This site can get in big trouble if it is found to be linking to sites which are illegal to access in other countries. To think this isn't true is to be an egocentric asshole. Surely you are not one?

He may live in Russia, etc. where downloading is okay...they have their own problems though, so I digress!
can anyone recommend me crossover thrash, besides Dirty Rotten Imbeciles?

I have checked relapse's distro and they are out of stock with these bands:

Verbal Abuse
Broken Bones
Cro Mags

any bands I'm missing?
yea I hate it as well, but there have gotta be more good bands in the genre like deeds of flesh and suffocation

Even though you're a complete idiot who overgeneralizes stuff WAY too fucking much, check these bands out:

Septycal Gorge
Ingurgitating Oblivion
Inherit Disease (burpy vocals but very competent riffs)
Lecherous Nocturne
Vomit The Soul
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