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Graveland, definitely. but Krig, go for anything after and including Creed of Iron, knowing your tastes.

Hades - Dawn of the Dying Sun
Nachtfalke is most definitely for you. Get Hail Victory Teutonia and Doomed to Die

Morrigan - Enter the Sea of Flames, Celts, Headcult
Krigloch the Furry-ass said:
I just got the new Drudkh and its awesome. Which one should I get next?

also, name me some more good black metal.
you should try Negura Bunget - 'N Crugu Bradului
also: Fjoergyn - Ernte im Herbst, Windir - Arntor, Sort Vokter - Folkloric Necro Metal( it's grim :heh: ), Lord Belial - Enter The Moonlight Gate, Fleurety - Min Tid Skal Komme
cookiecutter said:
Hey Everyone,
Is Atheist any good, and if so what album should I pick up first.
Listening to them right now. Just bought "Unquestionable Presence" the other day. This is my second listen through. I'm getting more into it now. I'd say, "Get it!" :kickass:
Neith said:
It really is. I have to be in the right mood for it though, which is now..:kickass:

I find the album to be hit or miss, kind of like As the Flower Withers. I love the title tracks from the three eps (Symphonaire, The Thrash of Naked Limbs, and I Am the Bloody Earth) while the rest doesn't do too much for me. At least they dropped the godawful remix at the end of the Bloody Earth ep and replaced it with the awesome bonus track from The Angel and the Dark River.

BTW, whoever recommended Fleurety's Min Tid Skal Komme... :headbang: That album RULES.
Piece of time, made in 1990, and even by todays standards is crazy technicle so imagine listening to it back then (and the songs are made and flow better then that say of "Watch Towers" efforts) :heh:

Atheist is mega mannn, i like unquestionable the most, so many twist in turns and it actually does so smoothly.Memorable riffs and solo's ( 'Enthralled in Essence' :headbang: ) and the drumming in the breakdown at 1:48 during the solo in 'Retribution' is AWEsome :worship:

Elements often gets ridiculed because it's a little different but i think it was necessary that atheist changed the for this album, which is still a kickassssssss album :kickass:

I suggest 'Pestilence' if you like Atheist, Death if you don't already know it's Greatness. And after all this if you become a tech freak... Spastic ink, Watch Tower, Psyopus, ALarum (singers a bit gay :mad: ) and Necrophagist... which then might lead you into becoming a Brutal grind freak :headbang: :kickass: :headbang:
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