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How is Abyssmal Nocturne's "From the Astral Abyss"?

And which Carcass CD besides "Heartwork" and "Necrotism..." would be a good addition?

And how is Mayhem's "Live in Leipzig"?

Symphonies, Wake Up and Smell The Carcass, Swansong, Barbed Wire Soul (Blackstar), Reek of Putrefaction

In that order.
2 of their best ("Warrior On The Edge Of Time" - my favourite). By the way which are the "utterly terrible" Hawkwind albums?

Well, pretty much anything after Electric Tepee to start with. Most of their '80s albums weren't too hot either. Take Church of Hawkwind and Choose Your Masques for instance. If I recall correctly, those albums were just as much random electronic droning as they were actual rock music - and the rock tracks weren't much to speak of. A lot of their post-70s albums consist largely of SFX bullshit, though there are some marginal exceptions like Tepee, Space Bandits, and Chronicle of the Black Sword. Their only truly solid period was the Lemmy years, I'd say.

My favorite albums are the Lemmy ones plus Astounding Sounds, Amazing Music and Levitation. It did take me a while to develop a taste for the last two, though, since it's quite a different sound from the Lemmy stuff.
I was hoping you would put "Chronicle Of The Black Sword" out of the "terrible" list, although i wouldnt call any Hawkwind music "terrible", mediocre - yes. It is difficult for one to be directed to the mediocre Hawkwind albums though, since generally there is not much talk about them.
hey now, I actually like that album! so much that I would consider purchasing it with a number of their 70s albums.

Eh, there were a few good songs on it, but a lot of cheesy ones too in my opinion. I just don't think any of their stuff compares to the '71-'75 period. After that, their discog gets really patchy.
"Live in Leipzig" is a must. One of the best live albums ever. Great atmosphere, raw sound, some of their best songs and top of all that Dead vocals.
I gotta say, Black Blood that girl's tits in your sig are way too fucking big, its borderline disgusting even.

On topic: recommend me some sweet Doom like Isole.
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