Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

"Whilst ‘Shovel Knockout’ and ‘Roundtrip to Hell and Back’ were equally as impressive, and perhaps even slightly less so (as again, jaded as the decision may have been, the first track really was a humdinger), I recall making a mental note that ‘Pussyfoot Miss Suicide’ was the weakest track on the album, though with a second listen this opinion may change."

I wonder if he means to say the first track was alone as good as Shovel and Roundtrip 'together,' or if they were 'as' good as the first track. The sentence makes no grammatical sense.

Need more interviews fast.
although worded weirdly it does make sense I guess you gotta be a native! haha. He is saying compared to the first track both of those songs are just as good, or maybe almost just as good.

it will be released in february, but played on the radio around new year ;)
So we will be able to hear it (in shitty quality probably) sometime in early january :)

January: first single, COB TV 4, major interviews.

I really hope both of you are proved right. I want to listen to whatever they have done this time.

The radio single early during the year seems plausible, since iirc they did the same last year with Blooddrunk. BD and the Looking Out My Back Door cover were released via radio earlier than the actual CD-single of BD.
"Whilst ‘Shovel Knockout’ and ‘Roundtrip to Hell and Back’ were equally as impressive, and perhaps even slightly less so (as again, jaded as the decision may have been, the first track really was a humdinger), I recall making a mental note that ‘Pussyfoot Miss Suicide’ was the weakest track on the album, though with a second listen this opinion may change."

I wonder if he means to say the first track was alone as good as Shovel and Roundtrip 'together,' or if they were 'as' good as the first track. The sentence makes no grammatical sense.

Need more interviews fast.
I believe he ment that Shovel and Roundtrip were both impressive, to the same degree, although less impressive than the first track. Not much less impressive though.

The Reaper looks like he's actually shrouded in the Bodom murder tent, the hood is the same colour and shredded and stained with blood. [rest of post deleted]
dude, you really need to get some more hobbies haha :lol: you're farrrr too into this that you have to just come up with random shit because there's nothing going on.

honestly as of now i've tuned out the album and am just not thinking about it at all except checking this thread sporadically to check if anything new comes out. i'm still beyonddd pumped for it but thinking about it was driving me crazy; now i don't think about it as much so the single and cobtv part 4 will be great and a surprise and i can stay sane instead of looking at the cover art and just spouting out random ridiculousness haha
What I'm on about is the Reaper's cloak has remarkable similarity to the Bodom murder tent. Nice thinking, whether it was conscious or subconscious. If you can't see it, I'm sorry. The shoe also sticks my eye. Artists tend to be creative and not conservative. I'm just convinced the artist googled for pics of the murder scene for inspiration at some point, and didn't just draw out of his ass. You should try to open your mind for my ideas and realize they make sense sometimes.
What I'm on about is the Reaper's cloak has remarkable similarity to the Bodom murder tent. Nice thinking, whether it was conscious or subconscious. If you can't see it, I'm sorry.
...sigh, it feels more and more like a troll but I'm suspecting it isn't. I won't even bother replying to what you wrote honestly.
Of course...



It's totally out of question the Bodom murder case might have somehow influenced the mindset of the artist.
A grayish yellow torn out fabric with lots of blood stains, dead people lying on top of each other, a murder weapon, woods far from the city... How could I've been so stupid to even suggest that. There is no lake, so it's impossible.
Ok people, let's get your heads out of your fucking asses: this is not a "let's bash Joonas" thread, and no, he's not here to be bashed for every single thing he says. Yes, he goes way over the top sometimes, I will agree with that and I think even he will do so, but he is also one of the most active and interesting users when news and new albums come up, so you should all take it easy and read and think a bit before rendering anything he says as bullshit. Glad we got that clear.

On the murder tent and reaper cloack thing, I don't think it's that far-fetched. Bodom probably gave the artist a few lines to follow (we're Children Of Bodom, there has to be a reaper in the cover, it has to have a scythe, bla bla bla), and from there I don't see what's so weird about the artist actually going through the Bodom history and taking some things into account.

Also, Joonas, what else had you wrote? I'm interesting in reading whatever it is that you deleted.

...sigh, it feels more and more like a troll but I'm suspecting it isn't. I won't even bother replying to what you wrote honestly.

Have you even read what he's said?
Of course...



It's totally out of question the Bodom murder case might have somehow influenced the mindset of the artist.
A grayish yellow torn out fabric with lots of blood stains, dead people lying on top of each other, a murder weapon, woods far from the city... How could I've been so stupid to even suggest that. There is no lake, so it's impossible.

I had never seen the tent but I will give you props since it does connect, you are very creative and that is a good parallel. Honestly I think it was just coincidence but it very well could be true (when my band has had art done we give him the song titles, a little background on the theme and let him draw something from there) since you're right, it does have a lot of similarities. Very astute to notice that even though I still think you're way too into everything haha :lol:
I'm colour blind (red/green) so I think everyone here is lying.

Shit :D There's also a less saturated version of the cover art with the COB logo un-treated and a dot between Relentless, Reckless. I have it stored.

Also, Joonas, what else had you wrote? I'm interesting in reading whatever it is that you deleted.

Well. I knew that would've made the post harder to digest so I erased it. I wrote about the Reaper/guy having his face covered under the cloak - or tent - could it be symbolically the band's opinion about the real killer, Nils. The scythe is also referably small, indicative of the actual size of the murder weapon that made dozens of penetrations to the tent fabric (the knife). I wrote about the shoe; back in 2003 the court claimed with new DNA test it could prove whoever the killer was, wore Nils' shoes. And I happen to have gone thru famous Finnish murder cases, and there is at least one where the murderer had worn the shoes of the victim for some weird reason, which makes me suspect either the murderer or the behaviour pattern is the same; I don't like believing in strange coincidences. However, I also know to have woken up after a piss drunk night wearing some of my friend's clothes, which I could not understand, and makes me suspect there could even have been a fifth person drinking with them. I was never convinced it was Nils, because they claimed he could NOT have lost his memory despite his head being all battered-up - and it happened exactly by the time in 2004 that I claimed first hand experience it is possible to lose all memory of the night like that, so I thought the doctors' statement was kinda insulting.
Have you even read what he's said?
Yes, otherwise I wouldn't write that.


Joonas, I didn't mean to bash you but I just think your speculations and theories are incredibly far-fetched, you're always trying to find some deeper meaning with everything. You remind me of this:

Btw, look at this picture:

The New York reference in the album cover is indisputable if you compare the picture and the album cover. The artist HAS to have been in New York while doing the album cover, otherwise he wouldn't draw New York city on the album cover.


You see the leafs in the picture? I think they have an quite obvious similarity with the leaf in Canada's flag. I'm suspecting the artist was watching a Toronto Maple leafs game on TV to get inspiration while working on the album cover, and this is the result of it, a clear resemblance.

And another small thing, do you notice that the tree is on the left side? I'm thinking the artist is a left-handed person, therefore he put the tree on the LEFT side because of his subconscious preferring left.