Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

^Wow, Joonas must be proud he even got someone from COBOT to at least partially agree with his idea, good to see you're not here just to troll a bit.

Krofius, you really need to stop. Are you really telling me you think Joonas reasoning is by any means comparable to the "let's glue shit and meat together" thing you put up there?
^Wow, Joonas must be proud he even got someone from COBOT to at least partially agree with his idea, good to see you're not here just to troll a bit.

Krofius, you really need to stop. Are you really telling me you think Joonas reasoning is by any means comparable to the "let's glue shit and meat together" thing you put up there?
Obviously I am exaggerating =)
But I really think his analyzing and speculations about everything is too much.

Krofius, you're a fucking dumbass.

You might believe it makes you instantly "cool" to jump on the Joonas hating bandwagon, but in this instance it makes you look like a shit-spewing, buffalo smelling, manure loving ballsack.
I'm not jumping on any band-wagon, I'm just kidding around a little man. I was ridiculing Joonas post, after all it's the internet. Sorry you didn't like my post, cause I for sure did. I don't think I'm ''cool'' btw. Your words, not mine.
Krofius, you're a fucking dumbass.

You might believe it makes you instantly "cool" to jump on the Joonas hating bandwagon, but in this instance it makes you look like a shit-spewing, buffalo smelling, manure loving ballsack.
I'd never seen the Bodom murders tent before but now that I have, I will have to say Jonas may be on to something here.

I think most bash him for things yet they don't know the real truth behind what he is saying, like the tent thing. Instead of bashing him all the time maybe we should listen as he has been right about quite a few things so far dealing with the new album.

The cover art may not be related at all, and if that is the case, it is a really really weird coincidence.
Thank you for posting the artwork in bigger size Joonas, first time I actually noticed all the details properly. Like it a lot more now. When it came out, my first thought was "oh great, another cover not worth buying if some new merch comes out" like all the recent American stuff, but now I could imagine a tee with it, let's see.
Not everything is always just the way it seems on the surface. There's a lot of depth in a lot of things, except maybe Laiho's lyrics. Some artists like writers, drawers, musicians, secret political programmers like to capitalize on the deeper stuff such as symbolism to make the outside appearance seem as wanted. Can't really see why this should be far-fetched. I'd say there's at least something that came subconsciously, there's too many similarities to the Bodom murder scene for coincidence. Maybe they even meant it that way and we're just too blind to realize it has purposeful similarities to the murder night - which I think is even likely. Same elements in different form = symbolism. Just like in your nightmares an un-processed emotion takes a visual form of something completely different and you need to analyze it to understand your psyche.
Not everything is always just the way it seems on the surface. There's a lot of depth in a lot of things, except maybe Laiho's lyrics. Some artists like writers, drawers, musicians, secret political programmers like to capitalize on the deeper stuff such as symbolism to make the outside appearance seem as wanted. Can't really see why this should be far-fetched. I'd say there's at least something that came subconsciously, there's too many similarities to the Bodom murder scene for coincidence. Maybe they even meant it that way and we're just too blind to realize it has purposeful similarities to the murder night - which I think is even likely. Same elements in different form = symbolism. Just like in your nightmares an un-processed emotion takes a visual form of something completely different and you need to analyze it to understand your psyche.
First of all, I don't mean to insult you or anything, so don't be offended.
Too much ''Number 23'' vibes from this man. SERIOUSLY. You ARE analyzing too fucking much. You always try to find some meaning behind everything about CoB and it's annoying at times. Often when you are striving to find some meaning behind something, you find something that you think are connected, but it doesn't mean it is. Your analyzing of the album cover might be true, but do we know? NO WE DON'T. I know we are all very much looking forward to this album, but please skip the CSI'ing until we actually know anything. But hey, it's freedom of speech! I'm just saying though, you sound like some fucking conspiracy person when you start with your theories.
No you're not, and I still don't see what's wrong about Joonas bringing up points that may be true or may turn out to be bullshit, but at least are something to talk about the new albums until we get better news. What should we do then, just sit and wait and not talk anything? Those who don't like Joonas, the ignore list is there for something, otherwise don't jump at him when he comes up with a crazy idea, that's his thing and sometimes it provides a healthy and lengthy topic of discussion.
But hey, it's freedom of speech! I'm just saying though, you sound like some fucking conspiracy person when you start with your theories.

Nah, he's more like one of those lit./film critics that pull symbolism right outta their arse.
First of all, I don't mean to insult you or anything, so don't be offended.
Too much ''Number 23'' vibes from this man. SERIOUSLY. You ARE analyzing too fucking much. You always try to find some meaning behind everything about CoB and it's annoying at times. Often when you are striving to find some meaning behind something, you find something that you think are connected, but it doesn't mean it is. Your analyzing of the album cover might be true, but do we know? NO WE DON'T. I know we are all very much looking forward to this album, but please skip the CSI'ing until we actually know anything. But hey, it's freedom of speech! I'm just saying though, you sound like some fucking conspiracy person when you start with your theories.

I completely agree with Krofius. For Joonas to start bringing in a political perspective on the matter I think is absurd. Children of Bodom are a band who enjoy what they do, and don't take things to seriously. To start bringing in the analysis of a political agenda or otherwise, I feel to be nothing to do with COB. They are a band who enjoy themselves and in regards to the album cover, I'm pretty sure the band chose it because it looks good, nothing to do with the idea of the reapers cloak being the same type of material as the tent. I seriously think you guys look so deep into something which is so simple. Its seriously rediculous.
at least are something to talk about the new albums until we get better news. What should we do then, just sit and wait and not talk anything?

Yes! Take the time to get a life, have fun... know in your mind it's gonna be out in March and DON'T FIXATE ON IT. If you really think talking speculative bullshit is ok because it gives you something to do is productive then you are really further gone than I thought.
You can't tell people to stop thinking. That's absurd. And I'm not buying this COB don't think at all, just have fun. At least the composer, Alexi, must have been thinking something when writing many people's favourite music. They're not the Kylähullut who get drunk to make whatever that's punk and sounds "good." It was important to get this vehicle going but I guess it needs brakes too. It was silent as grave in here.

Besides, it's the inability to think deep (symbolically) that makes us have fundamentalist and particular type of atheist people among us, who only see the concrete matter in front and can't analyze it with their own brain.
I gotta agree with Johnas, what else shall we talk about? It's a discussion forum, it's always better to see some posts going here rather than nothing going on. "BUT OH MAH GAWD IT'S CONSPIRACY!" krofius, you are known for having 0 credibility :lol: so please stfu :lol:
Okay, more discussion with no evidence:
We all know that their albums are usually very short. (36-38 minutes) and there is always one song (just) over 5 minutes (not counting SW) Those songs usually are the slower songs. They said in the Soundi interview that there where no real slower songs on the album though.
So will we see one or two longer songs or will the average of the songs be a bit longer so that maybe we finally beat the 40 minutes?

To me Cry of the Nihilist sounds like a song that could go on for a while and Northpole Throwdown sound like a fast song that doesn't reach the 4 minutes by far.
Haha, it's interesting to try to guess which songs are longest by the song title. I'd say it's impossible. You could think Roundtrip to Hell and Back is a 5 minute song, but maybe it's a 3:30 song and just extremely heavy/fast. The average length of a COB track is a few seconds above 4 minutes. But for example LDB tops 5 I think because of the intro and long solo section (and outro). There's no slow song on this album but maybe they do some crazy shit and not always use the same formula. Anyways it's not so much the slow tempo as it is the atmosphere that makes their slow songs unique.