Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Yes! Take the time to get a life, have fun... know in your mind it's gonna be out in March and DON'T FIXATE ON IT. If you really think talking speculative bullshit is ok because it gives you something to do is productive then you are really further gone than I thought.

Here we go again. Are you in love with me or something that you feel the need to go crap over whatever I say over here?

sooommeone didnt get his dick wet yesterday

Joe sure didn't by the looks of it.


Lol, do you really think telling him to not think about the new album is going to work? Also, why shouldn't he speculate? It's not necessarily bullshit - that's just your opinion. I personally think he could be on to something.

As for the whole song length thing, I agree that Northpole Throwdown sounds like a short song, but then again IT'S SO RETARDED TO LOOK INTO THINGS. Of course, judging a song's length by it's name makes more sense than tying a CHILDREN OF BODOM ALBUM COVER to THE MURDER AT LAKE BODOM.

Let Joe (Undefined) go, he's only going at me for some reason I yet don't know, he'll just try to get to me and leave when he figures out it's not going to pay off. As long as you're not me you're good to go.

So you mean people should just start making up their own theories and speculate to have something to talk about? You know it's silent cause there is nothing to talk about at the moment, why do you feel the need that it can't be silent for a couple of days?

I don't feel the need that it can't be silent, but I don't see what's so bad about talking over the cover and throwing in some ideas that, even if proven wrong afterwards, do make some sense? As said, if it bothers you so much just put Joonas or me or whoever you want on ignore and it's done, I don't see what's the big deal.

A lot of people who have heard it have said that it sounds more like old school Children Of Bodom. It has maybe a similar feel to our first couple of albums, but written with all the experience we have now. People have said it's our best album yet."

That sounds beyond good. But then they keep speaking about American sound, commerciality and Was It Worth It? and the table turns around. These are two complete opposites. Will just need to hear it. Can't wait. Shovel Knockout definitely has the feel of Hatebreeder but it's modern Bodom.

Your albums tend to be quite short, are you just lazy as band?
^That is the most... fucked up question I've ever heard in my life.
"A lot of people who have heard it have said that is sounds more like old schoold Children of Bodom"

I definitely hope those people are right.

edit:posted simultaneously with Joonas
"The album sounds different, more American - explains Janne" - Terrorizer Interview

"A lot of people who have heard it have said that it sounds more like old school Children Of Bodom" - Other interview :S

This shit confuses me. Did they even record the same Album? :D
Sounding more American isn't necessarily irreconcilable with also having an "old-school Bodom" sound.

It depends on your own perspective.
Yeah, i know.-

My perspective is that American is Blooddrunk-ish. But i'm hoping to be proved wrong by the album, specially with the term "Fresh" maybe they've found a solid middle-ground for their "new" sound :D
Your albums tend to be quite short, are you just lazy as band?
^That is the most... fucked up question I've ever heard in my life.

Well I hate to say that but yeah, thats a complete retarded question.
Even if you look at the business side of music it doesnt make any sense.
It's dumb to put 14 songs on an album when there are just 9 good tracks (i.e. 9 well selling tracks)
I've realized some people understand commercialism in music in different ways. I always meant it as sounding like music that's catchy, superficial, for those who don't understand music that much = more listeners / radio etc. But some seem to think it's bad if a band is advertising their album on their home page or whatever... are they just stupid or what? It's the music that makes the difference. And actually when you look at sales now, the green and blue album have been more selling albums than Blooddrunk and AYDY which everyone seems to think sells more because it's numetal for skater kids. I think Bodom, whichever album, is still extreme metal to pop audience, so what truly matters in the end is how good the music really is.
I've realized some people understand commercialism in music in different ways. I always meant it as sounding like music that's catchy, superficial, for those who don't understand music that much = more listeners / radio etc. But some seem to think it's bad if a band is advertising their album on their home page or whatever... are they just stupid or what? It's the music that makes the difference. And actually when you look at sales now, the green and blue album have been more selling albums than Blooddrunk and AYDY which everyone seems to think sells more because it's numetal for skater kids. I think Bodom, whichever album, is still extreme metal to pop audience, so what truly matters in the end is how good the music really is.

I can understand what you're saying, but keep in mind that music can be catchy without being superficial. A song with hook and catchiness can still have depth.

Also, where have you gotten that information? If you mean they've sold more up to now, they've been around a lot longer, and have had several more years to generate sales. Hatebreeder and FTR came out in 1999 and 2000. AYDY and Blooddrunk were 2005 and 2008.

Not to mention the obvious fact that back around 2000, CDs sold a lot more across the board, for everyone, as it was before the huge explosion of music piracy through the internet.
I've realized some people understand commercialism in music in different ways. I always meant it as sounding like music that's catchy, superficial, for those who don't understand music that much = more listeners / radio etc. But some seem to think it's bad if a band is advertising their album on their home page or whatever... are they just stupid or what? It's the music that makes the difference. And actually when you look at sales now, the green and blue album have been more selling albums than Blooddrunk and AYDY which everyone seems to think sells more because it's numetal for skater kids. I think Bodom, whichever album, is still extreme metal to pop audience, so what truly matters in the end is how good the music really is.

Touche' Where are the figures that hatebreeder and ftr have sold more than AYDY and BD? Please feel free to post the source. Also this is not surprising. BD and AYDY are recent albums... kind of makes sense.

I can't understand what time line those sale numbers are based on tho, maybe their first year being out. And yes these figures are obviously just Finland's sale numbers. Globally according to Wikipedia AYDY was the most selling when it came out..

And if someone's too lazy to click:

Hatebreeder 31 737
Follow the Reaper 29 014
Hate Crew Deathroll 24 716
Are You Dead Yet? 24 253
Blooddrunk 23 247
Something Wild 22 692

And yes they're Finland sale numbers.
I found a statement in Wikipedia claiming after the Blooddrunk session the band "confessed being lazy in practicing, and are promising to make more songs in future albums." This is being interpreted wrong by whoever the interview was given to. Obviously it has now emerged they were partying and drinking half of the studio time in the Blooddrunk sessions, and you can hear it :D or putting it more nicely: you can hear RRF was recorded more focused, as Alexi and Janne said. And I can quarantee they didn't mean they'll start doing more songs, 9 tracks is the perfect amount for COB as Alexi states album after album, but to be more focused in studio.

Found something else too, this dude, Kai Nergaard from Griff was originally supposed to replace Alexander Kuoppala. I arrived here on cobhc first time back in 2003 when it was in HCDR colors and I saw the announcement and interview about Alexander's departure, but can't remember this. Is he an Alexi fan?

I'd like to know why he declined. COB rhythms aren't that hard to play, they could've chosen songs with not difficult 2nd guitar sections. Touring must be harsh or else these guys don't exactly love the music.