Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Great!, I wanted to learn for my exams today, but this info just ruined my plans. I'll just sit down, watch our christmas tree, drink beer and listen to Radio Rock! ;) Damn I am lookin forward so much!
I guess they'll speak over the intro and fade the climatic end of the song under a bored monotonous dialogue. :) But that's part of the charm of radio rips.
say how do you rip ?
Because i want to try ^^
any special program need to download ? thnx for helping!EDIT : i heard him (the broadcaster) saying children of bodom ,wow i feel high!!
please don't let it suck please don't let it suck please don't let it suck please don't let it suck please don't let it suck please don't let it suck please don't let it suck .....
"Let's test how hard the ice of lake Bodom is."
My heart is in my throat because I'm afraid to get disturbed at work while listening to it in two minutes. :D
i hear anegla in the song that played now , and im recording this with my phoneXD
i think a lot of people wont like it cause its blooddrunk alike .