Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

I second that. The navigation on that site is absolutely useless, and the site itself seems to have been constructed by a 5-year-old. Then there is apparently some directory of...songs, that have been played from 2000 to like 2005 (But not any further?). Which, also makes no sense, beings that there is only like 20 in each year. That whole website is just absolutely baffling. :yuk:
Yes, the site surely seems to be up to date...NOT -.-
Maybe that kid was lying about hearing it, but why would he? We'll hear it soon enough guys, don't worry. Rather wait more days before hearing WIWI so that when I hear it the first time it's less days to the actual release date :D
But of course I wouldn't mind hearing it NOW either..
That's what he said. Sounds reasonable. Oh well, we'll see.
Yeah, I'm not surprised if no one ripped it either, since I don't think it was announced in Japan when it was going to be played today. And how many Japanese people hangs around this forum? :P Hopefully it'll be aired on radio in Finland soon.
Shouldve been Finnish radio first oh well, We'll wait

EDIT : guys ,we are only 2 months away now from the album release ,wow caught me by surprise!
Plus, both the japanese official and unofficial sites aren't updated since 2008. I really doubt it has broadcasted over there.

Yeah and how the fuck would a kid know, that it will be aired on a Japanese radio station? And no one from the forum knew about it? Sounds like loads of BS to me. At least K-man or someone else would post here and say "hey guys, I know you are hyped about it, so at *insert time here* the song will be aired on *insert radio station here*" makes sense, yes?
He said that also:

I recorded a program. However, it is difficult to broadcast the new song for the Internet. DJ said that it to will be able to listen to the new song on the COB's site after several days.

(DJ Masa Ito - Power Rock Today)
So they released it on a Japanese radio channel that is unable to broadcast online?... Maybe just release it here before next weekend? Or if they want to release it with the video, but that would be later.

It will be broadcasted 1:11 today, which... was. I can't immediately find a link to broadcast online, I need to work now too so I'll leave it to you.

Some translator stuff I came up with:
"The first single "Was It Worth It?" In the shooting has already finished PV seems. Apparently, the perfect party song or something, but always with a different hair color Chirubodosaundo hey, Alexi itself seems like a Mecha" :Smug:

It will be broadcasted 1:11 today, which... was. I can't immediately find a link to broadcast online, I need to work now too so I'll leave it to you.

Some translator stuff I came up with:
"The first single "Was It Worth It?" In the shooting has already finished PV seems. Apparently, the perfect party song or something, but always with a different hair color Chirubodosaundo hey, Alexi itself seems like a Mecha" :Smug:


oh and..

The sound source already seems to have already arrived in the recordmaker of various countries in the world. When I ask favorite DJ for the broadcast of the new song, how?
He knows a lot about it.

Has it really come to this: discussing the possible broadcasting of a single in Japan.. this thread is so hilarious at times.
It must be some kind of fortune to be born as Japanese. You're so important even the hc fans will be left drooling just to let you hear the band's new shit first. Such a mythical race. But they make much of the world's best art, they're the opposite of Hollywood, so I accept it, at least they're not some assholes who claim to have heard something to make others jealous.

I'm not particularly looking forward to this song as it's their "most commercial offering so far", the reason I wanna hear it is if it happens to be good, the other songs should be great.
Should try from some Japanese Bodom fan site, there are some. I don't have an automatic translation/cloaking so maybe someone else could try.
Great comeback dude.

Radio Rock Tänään Radio Rockin iltapäivässä Rautaa vai Roskaa biisinä juuri julkaistu Children Of Bodom - Was It Worth It. Äänestys tapahtuu tutusti -sivuilla. 31 minutes ago

2 hours and 40 minutes to go. I'm at work so will have to keep the headphones quiet and all as it's Monday. Sucks. Now do we have someone to rip it?

Just press play on the screen.

...They're releasing the new Bodom single in two and a half hours and no-one's paying attention.