Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

So just cause it's someone's standard, it's good? Geez, consumers these days.

And yeah I bitch cause there's bitching to be done. Not about everything, just when something sucks. I bring the Zen to this forum, restore the equilibrium with the "OMG anything Bodom is awesome" posts. Or maybe I'm just fooling around. I have fun with it. Your problem?

Market standards =/= Good. Get used to it!

And ehhh no you do not. You make an ass out of yourself, you seem more and more like a bitchy woman having a nasty bit of period-bitching than anyone having fun with anything.

The reason I jumped on you because It was a while since I actively posted and you are still the same annoying prick. And for the record I have not counted myself a Bodom fan for a long time so I do see I had a very fresh perspective.
Not everything that sells is always quality. Just stupid people buying worthless shit. All these digipack releases are rather annoying.
Has anyone heard any ArthemesiA (Jari's old band), the solo in "Ancestor Of Magick" gives me eargasms!

Yes, truly an awesome band. It pretty much sucks, that the band quit a week before the had a show booked in my hometown, and ArthemesiA was one of those bands, that play live once in five years :(

Anyway, their both albums are superb but also very different, they don't even sound like the same band. First album is a great piece of melodic black metal (though it's debatable if it really is black metal, but anyway) with Jari's awesome solos. The second album is almost a masterpiece of atmospheric black metal. Also Valtias' vocals are greatly improved on that album, and the sounds work perfectly for that kind of music.
Congrats dude,great sense of humor.
I'm really trying to understand what's the funny point of bashing people on the internet...It's kinda ridiculous that you miss no opportunity to insult someone through a display but it seems like that makes you happy so keep on having fun like a 2 years old kid.

Your text is pretty incoherent sometimes.
I didn't want to insult him,that's for sure.Fact is that I don't understand why there is always someone who come here just to bash on someone else. I mean man I don't even think he needs a lowyer,my joke was clear but people here like insulting cause they believe they're cool and that's it.
I didn't want to insult him,that's for sure.Fact is that I don't understand why there is always someone who come here just to bash on someone else. I mean man I don't even think he needs a lowyer,my joke was clear but people here like insulting cause they believe they're cool and that's it.

Wha... cool? I just simply don't have anything else to do with my time. And don't take my posts too seriously. About 10% of shit I've written here should be taken seriously. But don't expect me to tell which posts you should take seriously, you can figure that out by yourself very easily.
There's always so much hate in the COB forum, that's why it's so interesting. Plus you can swear here which is fucking funny.
Market standards =/= Good. Get used to it!

And ehhh no you do not. You make an ass out of yourself, you seem more and more like a bitchy woman having a nasty bit of period-bitching than anyone having fun with anything.

The reason I jumped on you because It was a while since I actively posted and you are still the same annoying prick. And for the record I have not counted myself a Bodom fan for a long time so I do see I had a very fresh perspective.

So... I didn't change the way I post for your sake.. You've always jumped at my posts and then the first thing you do when you come back is jump at my posts again... That's fresh perspective? Oh, please. Makes me wonder which one of us two is acting the prick, really. At least I don't go out of my way to try and insult people.

And I said that I have fun with it. It has nothing to do with your perspective. I you don't like it you can go cry in the corner for all I care.
Going back to the Wintersun thing I've listened to them a bunch of times and cannot seem to get into them. I don't know their solos just sound more shred-tastic then substantial if that makes sense lol and trust me I've tried so hard to like these guys I guess they arent for me hahah
Obviously being able to shred is not everything, there needs to be feeling.. it's not a sport tool. I know there are bands who are more about show off than writing something that's actually memorable. Those are not so close qualities after all. Some guys who can't master any instrument can write awesome music.
Jari makes cool songs, and Wintersun is indeed a big band, it's just that Wintersun fans are just too fond of themselves and the band. The band itself is cool, has nice ideas and Jari looks like a really cool guy.
Wintersun sounds too un-serious for my taste. Like speed metal with solos and black metal vocals and about as serious as folk metal. No climatic feel.
Obviously being able to shred is not everything, there needs to be feeling.. it's not a sport tool. I know there are bands who are more about show off than writing something that's actually memorable. Those are not so close qualities after all. Some guys who can't master any instrument can write awesome music.

TBH I've always seen Bodom as a show-off kind of band :lol: Or at least Alexi, anyway. Can't deny that a lot of their stuff is also pretty catchy, though.
Show-off because a lot of their music (and image) is centered around technical fast-paced guitar playing. It's not like "catchy" and "show-off" are mutually exclusive. KTS is both, for example.
I see nothing bad about wanting to show your skills, especially when your solos are catchy. To call that show-off is jealousy imo. Show-off is when people play fast but un-creative solos that are just simple patterns being played back to back, to fool people who don't understand guitar playing. But it's unfair (and completely retarded) to say for example COB is uninteresting just because they have composions that have notes within certain scales. It's like saying you're uncool and unoriginal if you buy clothes and don't make them yourself.