Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

It does seem many are unable to understand metaphorization or take it way too seriously. This is supposed to be a metal band's forum where people don't cry and whine about using metaphors. If someone has trouble understanding what the Nickelback-riffs and In Flames-vocals referred to about Was It Worth It, I'm sorry. :)

Nah you got me wrong. I get most of them and understand what you're trying to say but I think they're just bad (not talking about nickelback and inflames thing) :lol:
Fighting over opinion never gets old :lol: I think Joonas is right on this one, but however, it's not a fact. I just share the same opinion with him. Hey, if you guys can't handle his opinion, why even bother coming here? He is obviously getting under your skin. I do understand what he is saying and for me personally the "WIWI" track was crap, but Shovel Knockout sounds nice. I guess we will wait and see.

I can handle opinion, but when people:
  • Make idiotic comparisons
  • Parade their opinion as fact, like a fucking retard
  • Say "i was just using a metaforrr sorry you dun understand herp derp"
It pisses me off.

Just stop spreading distorted and misleading shit about me, you immaturate fool. Like I said, once your ear infection heals, go listen to the song and come back here and apologize me (at least deep inside you) as you realize it does it indeed include simplistic riffing and computerized vocals. Since when has this become "the Joonas-thread" where only my comments are taken into "careful" evaluation. It's annoying.

Distorted and misleading shit? Not at all. Every idiotic post you make leads me ever so closer to believing that you possess an extra chromosome, since no person that isn't a fucking idiot, would make a claim that a metal track sounds like "Nickelback with In Flames vocals".

I do not need to actually listen to the track to know this; I have several friends IRL who have seen your comments (and they're not COB-fellating faggots like a lot of people in On-Topic), and said "wow, that was a shitty comparison, Joonas is fucking stupid". It just so happens that I am the one who actively posts on Ultimate-Metal often, so I am the messenger, passing the message on, so to speak.

Since none of them are guilty of making fucking retarded comparisons, and in general, showing sub-par intelligence, I'll take their word over yours, thanks.

It does seem many are unable to understand metaphorization or take it way too seriously. This is supposed to be a metal band's forum where people don't cry and whine about using metaphors. If someone has trouble understanding what the Nickelback-riffs and In Flames-vocals referred to about Was It Worth It, I'm sorry. :)

Saying "it was a metaphor" doesn't change the fact that it's wrong. You can't just make dumb claims and then claim "hey it was just a metaphor man", that's not how shit works.

Also, here is the definition for metaphor. In order for it to be a metaphor, there must first be likeness. Stop being a fucking idiot, and learn words before you speak them.

Oh, and for the final fucking time:

I'm tired of people using that famous Janne-episode against me when attacking me, I know it's a good shield of course that COB's keyboard player stepped down his ivory tower to call me one of the biggest fucking idiots ever on this planet. The reason for the argumentation was I exaggerated Peter Tägtgren's role in the synthesizer sound production of the Blooddrunk studio session (and of course I'm the only fan ever who'se said anything bad about Blooddrunk), as the band reguested him over to guide Alexi with the vocals and help with some keyboard sounds. They even wrote something along the lines of "you only need to hear some of Pain [the other of Peter's two bands, the one with for example the famous Same Old Song with awesome keyboard layers] to get an idea how great he is with digging keyboard sounds" so I thought he was responsible to much of the keyboard sounds created apart from the solo one, but then Janne pointed out he'd only helped with one sound.
There, and I trust this is the final time I need to bring this up and explain it.

tl;dr tbh

The reason Janne blew up at you, is because you overanalyze everything Bodom does, then go on to draw up absurd claims and comparisons, to the point where it seriously looks like you have a mental disability.

I don't even really know why I'm continuing this, since both On and Off-Topic here are filled with AIDS, and I've already said what I wanna say ("Joonas, get fucked; yada yada, etc").
I can handle opinion, but when people:

  • The reason Janne blew up at you, is because you overanalyze everything Bodom does, then go on to draw up absurd claims and comparisons, to the point where it seriously looks like you have a mental disability.

    I don't even really know why I'm continuing this, since both On and Off-Topic here are filled with AIDS, and I've already said what I wanna say ("Joonas, get fucked; yada yada, etc").

  • Exactly.

    I, as well as others apparently, really wish you would just chill the fuck out. And this has nothing to do with your particular opinion of the music either. It's great that you care about the band and their music, but you seriously need a hobby, or something to make you gain a little perspective here.

    I don't have anything against you personally, I don't know you. But from here you seem more than a little obsessed. It's not healthy dude. Even a lifechanging band, for someone who absolutely loves music, is still just another band. There's simply no good reason to speculate and rant this much about every tiny detail and possibility.
Or you can just put him on your ignore list and stop wining.
I'm pissed of about him most of the time, but I'm not complaining. So why don't you follow my lead?
And every now and then he does have something cool to say and that is more than most of the people here.
The obvious Butt-Troll is obvious. Except his trolling skills seem to have gotten worse during his time away from the forum. What I don't get is, why does anyone still bother to react to his crap?
Cool. I'm not gonna waste my precious free time here if I'm not wanted and most think I'm a fucking idiot. :) See you when the album is out, I'll post a review or something.
The obvious Butt-Troll is obvious. Except his trolling skills seem to have gotten worse during his time away from the forum. What I don't get is, why does anyone still bother to react to his crap?
Sorry but I fail to see where he was trolling in his last post? I think it was a very good post and I fully agree with his opinions.

Joonas you don't have to leave the forum lol, just try to reduce the overanalyzing and weird comparisons.
"The butt" is an ass , in all the ways , coming here and lookin' for a fight or something...
just STFU next time you want to flame here .
Sorry but I fail to see where he was trolling in his last post? I think it was a very good post and I fully agree with his opinions.

Not last post, first post. A classic troll. Starts by driving the thread off-topic and ends in a juicy personal insult. The rest of the posts just pick on random shit to keep the argument going. The validity of opinion does not matter since the purpose is bullshit. Had this been a normal forum with active moderators, the guy would've been banned at post one.

Not that Joonas isn't faulty of over-analyzing, but please, saying that The Butt makes a good argument is fucking hilarious. The dude's just bored and trying to piss Joonas off. And succeeding, as it seems.

@Joonas: Chill the fuck out, dude. Too few people would care if you leave or not; you're just making an ass of yourself by giving in to silly, obvious provocations so easily.
This is a metal forum right???

I have never seen so many whiny bitches in one place at once.

If you don't like what Joonas or anyone else has to say put them on your ignore list. it's really that simple.
Cool. I'm not gonna waste my precious free time here if I'm not wanted and most think I'm a fucking idiot. :) See you when the album is out, I'll post a review or something.

The thing is that it's your own fault when a lot of us guys bash on you. You are on this forum since almost 6 years but you make the same mistakes every year again which I can't really understand. You know for yourself that your overanalizing, comparisons, facts and trees are the reason why you get bashed but you start with this shit over and over again. Also your generalizations are annoying - at least for me. What I mean is, you have the bad habit that you often say "....bla bla what WE wan't..." "... for US..." " WE wan't this and that..." you know what I mean? It's not everytime WE. It's often just you and a hand full others...

If you would stop with this I'm sure you would be more well-liked.
It's not like Joonas is preaching his word outside of this forum, so with that said if you're reading this thread you should have learned by now to take Joonas's word as purely his opinion. Or, you could just ignore it ... I don't agree with half of what he says but it doesn't affect me at all, and it's not like it's going to affect you or the band either. It appears to me that this forum and him sharing his thoughts is a big part of his life, like some kind of weird obsession or hobby, so I wouldn't have the heart to say leave.
It's not like Joonas is preaching his word outside of this forum, so with that said if you're reading this thread you should have learned by now to take Joonas's word as purely his opinion. Or, you could just ignore it ... I don't agree with half of what he says but it doesn't affect me at all, and it's not like it's going to affect you or the band either. It appears to me that this forum and him sharing his thoughts is a big part of his life, like some kind of weird obsession or hobby, so I wouldn't have the heart to say leave.

It's not like Joonas is preaching his word outside of this forum, so with that said if you're reading this thread you should have learned by now to take Joonas's word as purely his opinion. Or, you could just ignore it ... I don't agree with half of what he says but it doesn't affect me at all, and it's not like it's going to affect you or the band either. It appears to me that this forum and him sharing his thoughts is a big part of his life, like some kind of weird obsession or hobby, so I wouldn't have the heart to say leave.

Your Norbix sense got it right for once!
You all need to fuck off with the Joonas hate; he gives his opinion, that's all. Sometimes his ideas are a little far fetched but I find his posts to be some of the most interesting on the board and he usually sticks to discussing Bodom. If his ideas really piss you off that much, you deserve to be pissed off and will be so regardless of Joonas... You are Dostoevsky's metaphorical mice.

Get over it and quit being dicks.