That Swede!
They havent even released the LP yet and he's hoping that the NEXT album will be better or more successful?
That is... worrying, since it wont.
Maybe more successful in the terms of selling more albums and reaching a few more charts.
Well. Maybe it will be the best of the new style albums. Of course it won't touch the classics. My hopes have actually lowered, but I guess there will be some 4-5 good songs. Looking at the duration of the songs made me think they're using the same pattern a lot. Judging on these reviews that are suddenly popping up like mushrooms on a rainy day, I just want to hear NMF, SKO, RtHaB and Ugly, while the rest of the songs the reviewers make seem like atmosphere-less thrash. Best COB album? I don't think that's easy. I hope they'll surprise me.
Want to hear SKO and Ugly aswell, now that I've seen the duration time of every track. The "mystiqe" of Ugly like saying "Everytime I Die" or "Angels Don't Kill" -Style is really making my fantasy-part of me choke-starting.