Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

2013 isn't that far away is it.
Okay, we never make it that far and RRF will be the last CoB album, but that way we can dream of what will never come..

or something like that.
I think we'll get a clearer picture this weekend when another song is played in radio.

I would guess they have 2-4 great songs on the album and some not so special. It's unrealistic to expect all the 9 songs to be great. When I finally hear all of it I will take it with this attitude. If there's more than 4 great songs then that would be terrific. Just hope the overall style and pattern is not too blunt. I don't care about these thrash riffs or funny COB songs. It has to be atmospheric and aggressive. I hope Alexi listened to Hatebreeder a lot before starting to write this material, to understand what it was that made Bodom great all those years ago.
I am whack about Gojira, but Bodom is still in my book one of the greatest bands ever and definitely one of the few active ones I care about.

All I was saying is, if a band one's crazy about doesn't do it anymore, look around for other bands. CoB's a good band, but their standards for good music is lower by the album.

And the problem with the die hard old fans is that they don't want a bone or two they want a full on boner.

With CoB it's easy, just go get some of those naked Alexi+Janne pics.
Dude, get over it and find another band to like, srsly :zzz: The reviews seem to make it pretty clear that RRF will be mostly AYDY-style with slightly better songwriting and a bone or two to the old fans.

Well, if one really calls itself a die-hard fan then (to me) first step is stop complaining about them loosing the neoclassical side. That's gone since Follow The Reaper, and that was 10 years ago. I really don't think their music nowadays is less deserving. Just by not being neoclassical it doesn't mean bad. E.g. to me the melodies and dual solo and solos overall in LDB or WNGF or SPFTD or BFH have nothing to loose when confronted by songs from the first three albums. Yes, I know the whole forum is going to jump on me for this, but if you really take a second to analyse it you'll see it. And when the TLS ep came out nobody bitched about it, then it came in AYDY (the same song, no changes) and now it's as bad as the rest. People focus too much on the loss of the neoclassical side when listening to them nowadays, because yes, keys were reduced in AYDY, a bit back on BD and seem to have found their way back on RRF, but it's not like they just threw them away for good.

Imo bitching about something gone 10 years ago instead of giving the new albums a chance is sad. I know that for many people COB's first three albums mean a lot and think of them as something great that they'll never top, but if they loathe the new albums so much, imo 10 years is more than enough to get over it and admit they're not going back to that. This is not directed at you nor Joonas nor anybody in particlar Crzy_Aus, is just that from hearing it so many times it got me thinking and I just realized that the time span has been way too long for me to understand why people is still not over it.

Now I'll wait for some internet knight that claims to have no ties to anything but feels the need to dissect all my post and find all that I didn't say while purposefully avoiding to even read and understand what I say.
IMO it's senseless bitching about a Band's musical change because they couldnt care less about those people as long as other people buy their album. Like I said a million times, they dont own you anything and if they dont WANT to play that kind of music, why should they? You dont own the band just because you bought or downloaded some albums :lol:
Well, if one really calls itself a die-hard fan then (to me) first step is stop complaining about them loosing the neoclassical side. That's gone since Follow The Reaper, and that was 10 years ago. I really don't think their music nowadays is less deserving. Just by not being neoclassical it doesn't mean bad. E.g. to me the melodies and dual solo and solos overall in LDB or WNGF or SPFTD or BFH have nothing to loose when confronted by songs from the first three albums. Yes, I know the whole forum is going to jump on me for this, but if you really take a second to analyse it you'll see it. And when the TLS ep came out nobody bitched about it, then it came in AYDY (the same song, no changes) and now it's as bad as the rest. People focus too much on the loss of the neoclassical side when listening to them nowadays, because yes, keys were reduced in AYDY, a bit back on BD and seem to have found their way back on RRF, but it's not like they just threw them away for good.

Imo bitching about something gone 10 years ago instead of giving the new albums a chance is sad. I know that for many people COB's first three albums mean a lot and think of them as something great that they'll never top, but if they loathe the new albums so much, imo 10 years is more than enough to get over it and admit they're not going back to that. This is not directed at you nor Joonas nor anybody in particlar Crzy_Aus, is just that from hearing it so many times it got me thinking and I just realized that the time span has been way too long for me to understand why people is still not over it.

Now I'll wait for some internet knight that claims to have no ties to anything but feels the need to dissect all my post and find all that I didn't say while purposefully avoiding to even read and understand what I say.

Dude, bitching will never end. Germany is one country since the fall of the Berlin wall but it's still metaphorical split into west and east and nearly every Easterner is bitching about Westerner and the other way around. Bad example, I know, but this was the first thing which came in my mind.
I know I know, but exams are over here in Austria, I have the whole month of february to myself and I have A LOT of free time, and thought I'd add my 2(k)g of sand haha. And also, I just got struck by the fact 10 years have gone by since FTR and people is still on it, but yeah, just a huge amount of free time ;)

IMO it's senseless bitching about a Band's musical change because they couldnt care less about those people as long as other people buy their album. Like I said a million times, they dont own you anything and if they dont WANT to play that kind of music, why should they? You dont own the band just because you bought or downloaded some albums :lol:

Kind of my point but made general, spot on mister.
Imo bitching about something gone 10 years ago instead of giving the new albums a chance is sad. I know that for many people COB's first three albums mean a lot and think of them as something great that they'll never top, but if they loathe the new albums so much, imo 10 years is more than enough to get over it and admit they're not going back to that. This is not directed at you nor Joonas nor anybody in particlar Crzy_Aus, is just that from hearing it so many times it got me thinking and I just realized that the time span has been way too long for me to understand why people is still not over it.

Oh, I'll def. give the album a chance. I was just talking about that review.

I'm not one of the people to bitch too much about the lack of the neoclassical vibe. Sure, I love classical music and love seeing it in metal, but I've never considered CoB a band to do it to a significant extent - at least not in the same way as many other bands with sympho influences I like. I've always found HCDR to be the Children's best effort, and it's certainly not very neoclassical. But somehow it's still significantly better than AYDY and BD. Maybe because it's more melody-centric than riff-centric, I don't know. Maybe it's just general quality. But I'd love to see something like HCDR again.

I also don't get die-hard fans (of anything, really); I simply don't understand how it's possible to unconditionally love anything that comes from a [source] even though you (figurative) might actually not so now you're just pretending you are. *shrug*
^^Once again, it was not aimed at you, sorry if it came up that way, considering your tastes you're pretty neutral when it comes to Bodom.

About die-hard fans, there are things in COB that no matter how much people tries to prove otherwise, have not changed. And that is the melodical side of it, the guitar solos and the dual harmonies with the keys, the great key solos... you know it's Bodom even if the style has changed. Those things are what some of us like even if they're dressed up as neoclassical-ed black/death/power metal, thrash metal or my-mom-makes-it-better-look-how-cool-I-look-how-good-I-play metal, they're always there and we like those. And let's face something: I like power meta, I like death metal, I like thrash metal, and I like those qualities. Why should I not like them just for moving them from power metalish neoclassical black vocals mix thingie to melodic death metal to thrash metal? That's at least how I see it, there are certain things I do find in all albums and that are what I expect from them.

Also, agreed on HCD, to me it's indeed the best they've ever made, combines all perfectly and has the best tones imo.
I listen to Bodom since beginning of 1999 and they are my favorite band but to be honest... I don't care how the new album will sound because I don't have a favorite album. Every album has some good and some bad songs. AYDY was long time my favorite album but now... I can't really say. SW is definitely the worst. BD has only solid songs - no really good and no really bad. The other albums are good but for me there is no outstanding album because every album has something what I like, and something what I don't like. HB has great melodies and solos but I don't like the voice. Same with FTR. Don't really like HCDR but YBOD and BBT are brilliant. I really like the drop C guitars in AYDY and that ALexis voice has changend plus it has Trashed on it. But it only has one really good solo. BD has some killer riffs, a really good mixing but that's all.