Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Wow this song is wayyy better than WIWI very interesting. I don't know what you guys are talking about with the keys though, when do they sound creepy or mystical I dont hear any dissonance?
It's probably that vocal effect. It's straight from hell.

I thought you'd ve very pleased with the keys, they sound pretty good to me, some good background mood things that you like. I'm not so fond of the key solo tho. It's cool, but it lacks something, I don't know what.

I don't know what you guys are talking about with the keys though, when do they sound creepy or mystical I dont hear any dissonance?
Maybe creepy isn't quite the word I'd have used, but the keys are definitely different than on the last albums, you must admit that. They're untypical in the way they accompany the verses (or better, the sound of them), although there are still other parts (e. g. solo part, which is WAY too short) which sound like typical Janne :)

The keys kinda remind me of Kings of the Carnival Creation by Dimmu Borgir.
Yeah somehow. So, whoever missed the Black Metalish stuff Alexi promised, here you have it :p
This track is a great fast-paced song that pushes the pace throughout the entire song. The riffs are interesting, sound tight, and are something a little different from the stuff we have come to expect from COB. The keys during the verses blend well, and the chorus is the best part of the song. The keyboard solo was lacking, but Alexi picks up the slack with a very memorable and catchy guitar solo. Regarding vocals, they have always been the main factor in the average listener's decision in whether they like CoB or not. If you like Alexi's vocals and are accustomed to it, you will like them on this track. Simply as that.

Very good song for Cob overall, and miles better than Was It Worth It.

Couple days later and I have to agree that it is pretty good song. Far better than WIWI and anything from AYDY. Would say that it isn't as interesting as for example Chokehold, Blooddrunk or Bodom Beach Terror but the riffs are tight and it is wonderful to hear Alexi try something a little more with the solos and adding those melodic (or singing) pauses here and there. Mixing it up a little.

What I do find disappointing is that the pace of the track and the over all aggression (maybe not as much as IYWP..) lead me to believe I would be blown away by four or more back to back solos ala We're Not Gonna Fall. The two are great and yeah the keyboard solo isn't to full potential like SKO sounds.

Really looking forward now to hear what else the album has to offer. Oh and as a side note I don't believe in anyway WIWI is their most "pop" or "party" song and definitely not their catchiest. I think that has to go to In Your Face. WIWI is quite dull and the second riff after the intro is quite interesting but other than that the rest of the song has nothing going for it. Quite a poor single if you ask me. In Your Face did a much better job being that "stand out track that is like nothing else we've done before".
I'm blowing some terrorist guts out in Modern Warfare listening to this song :D The tempo goes nicely together with the rapid fire and fits the explosions and blood. Funny as hell. Liking the song more than yesterday.
WIWI is quite dull and the second riff after the intro is quite interesting but other than that the rest of the song has nothing going for it. Quite a poor single if you ask me.

I'm with you on this one, though it's perhaps good for us that the single is quite possibly the weakest song on the album. It means we can keep up our high expectations on the rest (strongly backed by Ugly and the fragments of SKO).
I like the intro but the 3/4 bit I need time for, aswell as the verse and solo. None of these songs have blown me away yet. :(
Glad to hear Joonas is liking it more and more. Seems everyone is. I hope this isn't consistent that people just have to find something wrong with it to rag on the band. I thought it was CoB common knowledge at the vocals are bad. Was listening to Hatebreeder again in the car today on the way to the gym. Terrible vocals. atrocious at times.
I really like the new song, it's definately a tad different than the typical COB sound. Some riffs remind me of Needled 24/7, mostly the palm-muted tremolo picked sections, which is a good thing in my case. The verse keyboards and guitar riff have been getting a shit-ton of heat on youtube comments and such I'm noticing. So it's in an odd key and the time signiture isn't your typical 4/4, big fucking deal? They tried the whole odd key thing in Hellhounds, yet it didn't work. Here it works.

I listen to a shit ton of avant-garde and technical metal, and that's probably the closest COB has come to any of that. Personally I think it's an interesting idea, and they use it great throughout the entire song. It all flows nicely, and the solos are pretty good. The guitar solo is a tad simple for an Alexi solo, yet catchy and muuuccchhhh more complicated than the WIWI atrocity solo. All in all, I dig it, and can't imagine how the rest of the songs would be.

Keep in mind, this was regarded as one of the weaker tracks, so I wonder how nice the "great" tracks must sound? :D

EDIT: Actually I really do like that guitar solo..Gotta agree with children-of-cob on that one.
P4T0U has got you there! :D

Can someone clear up exactly what is said in the intro? I don't quite understand the end. Sounds a little muffled.
But not really, House is not an movie, it's an TV-series :lol:

About the end, I agree, it's like it's cut just 0.1sec to early, but it sounds like ''it will'' too me as well.