Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Are you some kind of fucking advertisement for these super shitty bands. My god if that's what you listen to then no wonder all of your opinions are so awful

This is so awesome it's gotta go to my signature.

If you're into vocals that sound like a 10 year old trying to sound as hardcore as fuck

That's EXACTLY what Alexi sounds most of time :lol: Though obviously your post is just a bad trolling attempt, or you're simply stupid beyond any limits.

I might as well be a moderator, because you people are getting out of hand.

It's the nature of conversation to brance into multiple directions, it all starts on-topic. It's of course a different thing if there are pages of off-topic, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Also you're the one getting out of hand, most of your posts are just whining about what others do here.

EDIT: And there wouldn't be much discussion, if every non-cob-related post would be deleted. This would be more like a news-board.

Pretty much every new poster here is pushed away by you internet warriors.

Because most of them register here and their first post is something like: "hey gUis wat eyeliner omgAlexi uses???! and where can i bui similar underwear like Alexxxi???!!" They're simply fags like you.

And what's the point to these? Obviously it's 5GB of russian dwarf gay porn or something, but even if it was the album, who posts download links of nreleased albums to the bands official forum? :lol:
This is so awesome it's gotta go to my signature.

That's EXACTLY what Alexi sounds most of time :lol: Though obviously your post is just a bad trolling attempt, or you're simply stupid beyond any limits.

It's the nature of conversation to brance into multiple directions, it all starts on-topic. It's of course a different thing if there are pages of off-topic, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Also you're the one getting out of hand, most of your posts are just whining about what others do here.

EDIT: And there wouldn't be much discussion, if every non-cob-related post would be deleted. This would be more like a news-board.

Because most of them register here and their first post is something like: "hey gUis wat eyeliner omgAlexi uses???! and where can i bui similar underwear like Alexxxi???!!" They're simply fags like you.

And what's the point to these? Obviously it's 5GB of russian dwarf gay porn or something, but even if it was the album, who posts download links of nreleased albums to the bands official forum? :lol:

Couldn't you all stop this shit. you make yourselves sound like a 10-year old kids. *sigh*

Or maybe not.
If you guys don't want to see what people are saying then either don't read it or put them on your ignore list....or just keep bitching at each other. I find it very entertaining to read.
"Obscura is a shitty band with terrible song structure"???.....are you deaf???
this band is amazing!
you're pathetic!

Are you kidding me, dude? That song reminded me of half of Something Wild. Wild tempo changes into riffs that just don't belong. That and the song just sounds like garbage, nothing blends well ... at all. I finally realize the type of retards I'm dealing with. Are you guys the type of people who walk outside in all black clothing, giant boots, makeup, etc? I don't know how anyone could call that song music. If you play that song to most people they'll just be like wtf is this, I don't know what's going on? Is the vocalist 9 years old?

This is so awesome it's gotta go to my signature.

LOL, a new level of idiocy!!! You're going to quote me revealing how terrible your musical taste (and therefore talent) is.

That's EXACTLY what Alexi sounds most of time Though obviously your post is just a bad trolling attempt, or you're simply stupid beyond any limits.

I'll be honest, it took me a LONG time to accept COB vocals. The reason I did though is because you can hear great music. COB writes amazing melodies, stuff that anyone can just listen to and immediately recognize talent and appeal. That's the difference between a good opinion and a bad opinion. You can listen to bands like the beetles, led, maiden, ozzy, and its common sense that it's good appealing song writing. COB, while modern, writes stuff that's generally appealing to the ears of most people and you can easily recognize that it's good. On the topic of vocals, this guy is taking terrible vocals to another level... I mean come on, are you seriously going to sit here and try to tell me that this type of shit is acceptable? I honestly believe if this type of music appeals to your ears then you have some deficiency in your auditory cortex, and possibly your temporal lobe.

It's the nature of conversation to brance into multiple directions, it all starts on-topic. It's of course a different thing if there are pages of off-topic, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Also you're the one getting out of hand, most of your posts are just whining about what others do here.

EDIT: And there wouldn't be much discussion, if every non-cob-related post would be deleted. This would be more like a news-board.

It's the same people derailing the discussion every time. It's not hard to stay on topic, either. And even if the discussion were to be slower, that's better than advertising bands whose primary demographic is 13 year old emos.

Because most of them register here and their first post is something like: "hey gUis wat eyeliner omgAlexi uses???! and where can i bui similar underwear like Alexxxi???!!" They're simply fags like you.

No, not really. Recently there are some normal people here talking about normal things but they're gone now. Hell, someone even made Joonas almost leave the board. And for what? Nonsensical forum bullying.

Couldn't you all stop this shit. you make yourselves sound like a 10-year old kids. *sigh*

Yes, I would like something done about it .. but I'm really just trying to make this board a better place. Sorry that I blow up easily, but my patience for idiots is quite thin.
Can I join the popcorn gallery? I'm starting to lose interest with bitching at someone who obviously has no clue. And yes, scores should be nice.

Are you guys the type of people who walk outside in all black clothing, giant boots, makeup, etc?

Alexi wears makeup herp derp.

that's better than advertising bands whose primary demographic is 13 year old emos.

Like CoB, you mean? :lol: Skateboarding 13 y.o. emos at that.

Recently there are some normal people here talking about normal things but they're gone now.

Because half of the forum is now filled with your whining and they lost interest. :rolleyes:
Hey dudes! I was on COB's facebook and I looked at the posts on their wall and someone posted this

"OMGGGGGGGGGG~! Children Of Bodom has new a record coming out and we'll premier some new tracks on The Witching Hours tomorrow nite! and DevilDriver frontman Dez will be chatting with Rachie too w your chance to win the new record and a sick! DD hoodie from Fusion Pit!" That was posted by someone named THE Mistress of Metal. Never really heard of her, but I wonder if she's being serious and it IS some new songs other than Ugly and WIWI?
Are you kidding me, dude? That song reminded me of half of Something Wild. Wild tempo changes into riffs that just don't belong. That and the song just sounds like garbage, nothing blends well ... at all. I finally realize the type of retards I'm dealing with. Are you guys the type of people who walk outside in all black clothing, giant boots, makeup, etc? I don't know how anyone could call that song music. If you play that song to most people they'll just be like wtf is this, I don't know what's going on? Is the vocalist 9 years old?
(off topic)
I'm not the biggest fan of the obscura singer but I have to say that all of
their songs are very well structured and definitively know nothing about music!
"OMGGGGGGGGGG~! Children Of Bodom has new a record coming out and we'll premier some new tracks on The Witching Hours tomorrow nite! and DevilDriver frontman Dez will be chatting with Rachie too w your chance to win the new record and a sick! DD hoodie from Fusion Pit!" That was posted by someone named THE Mistress of Metal. Never really heard of her, but I wonder if she's being serious and it IS some new songs other than Ugly and WIWI?
Maybe they are trying to attract more listeners , But they say
DevilDriver frontman Dez will be chatting with Rachie too
They wont lie about that .. So just wait and see :D
Exactly! I decided to ask her if these songs are going to be ones we haven't heard yet (WIWI?/Ugly), so hopefully i'll get a response from her soon to see if this is for real or not. I'll post the response here though once I get it :]. One can hope she's being serious and isn't just replaying songs like Ugly. Lol.
WIWI and Ugly are new to everyone except fans. Why waste another track when the release is only like 13 days away. I wouldn't mind tho.
At this point I don't even care. The album is 2 weeks from release so a single new track now wouldn't mean anything when we get the entire album soon enough. In fact I don't think I want a new track at all. No more spoilers. Next time I hear something new I want to hear the entire album.