Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

I play Ugly since 6 hours now. It's propably the hardest COB song I've ever played yet (but with a very easy solo). Can play it perfect now though :) Haven't recorded something for the last 7 months so a new song will be on Youtube tomorrow for you guys!
Metallica used to be cool back before the 90's. Nowdays they don't have a single good track. And as far as megadeth goes.. they have only several tracks that are real good, the rest are not something special in my opinion.
I play Ugly since 6 hours now. It's propably the hardest COB song I've ever played yet (but with a very easy solo). Can play it perfect now though :) Haven't recorded something for the last 7 months so a new song will be on Youtube tomorrow for you guys!

I agree, very fun yet difficult song to get down.

Did you ever learn LoBodomy? I thought that was one of the hardest off of BD.
Yeah I have the CD already. Bought it on release day. Fucking excellent CD. Probably their best one. This LP is limited to 500 so I won't be opening it. I know of another local record shop that has a copy as well.
I agree, very fun yet difficult song to get down.

Did you ever learn LoBodomy? I thought that was one of the hardest off of BD.

I started to learn it but stuck after the first riff... Or lost my interst for it. It's weird that this is a drop C song because this really awesome riff at the beginning is much easier to play in standard D. And yes, it is definitely the hardest song of BD. It's strange that most people are hating COB for their new albums (starting with AYDY) but their riffs are more technical, complex and harder to play from album to album. When I think back I needed at least 1 hour for one complete song of HB,FTR or HCDR (for all guitars + solos) an now I spent hours on one song to get it down perfect (except WIWI).

To be honest... I've lost my interest for their older songs because it makes much more fun for me to play their newer stuff. Bodoms old shit is too easy to learn and play and doesn't give me any challenge.

To be honest... I've lost my interest for their older songs because it makes much more fun for me to play their newer stuff. Bodoms old shit is too easy to learn and play and doesn't give me any challenge.

It's fun to play challengig stuff yeah, but do you play guitar only for challenge? :p

To be honest... I've lost my interest for their older songs because it makes much more fun for me to play their newer stuff. Bodoms old shit is too easy to learn and play and doesn't give me any challenge.

Fully understandable, of course, from your perspective. Doesn't mean they're nicer to the ear though. I personally tend to appreciate more complex/atmospheric arrangements and harmonies rather than tricky riffing. I guess that's why I prefer black and sympho to death and melodeath.
I personally tend to appreciate more complex/atmospheric arrangements and harmonies rather than tricky riffing.

Seconded. Tricky riffing is fun to play, but mostly boring to listen. Of course there are exceptions like this (harmonies are pretty strong here too):

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"and NEWS!!! today Alexi Laiho gave uss his own GUITAR!!! it`s going to be on the walll!!! ROCK`N ROLL!!!"
I still don't really understand atmosphere which is probably why I'm not much of a black or sympho fan lol

But I think with being a guitarist you kinda come to love songs that are really complex because thats what's fun to play but I do think musicality is more important!

And on a side note Megadeth kicks ass! Peace Sells and Rust in Peace are killer! Metallica also rocks in my opinion, nothing after the black album though lol this probably has to do with me being a major thrash fan...oh well =P
Petri Lindroos is a fucking badass!
Norther was fucking awesome, when he was in it. Just look and listen to this.

I agree. Norther just isn't the same to me without Petri, I've listend to the new singer and its not that i hate it, its just that i can't get into it. I like Ensiferum when Jari was in the band (Token Of Time be my fav) and I like them anyways with Petri. [still so damn sad I couldn't go to their show last week in San Francisco:mad:]

Anyways have any of you seen the was it worth it music video already? It's out but the link cob put on their fb doesn't work for me.
I agree. Norther just isn't the same to me without Petri, I've listend to the new singer and its not that i hate it, its just that i can't get into it. I like Ensiferum when Jari was in the band (Token Of Time be my fav) and I like them anyways with Petri. [still so damn sad I couldn't go to their show last week in San Francisco:mad:]

Anyways have any of you seen the was it worth it music video already? It's out but the link cob put on their fb doesn't work for me.


It's not the same at all without Petri for sure. Liked them alot more before but still do. The worst thing about them is the lyrics.:Smug: I find the music quite atmospheric and just got into it very well. THe main reason why I even got into them was because they where so bodom-like -as many other.

But some songs are just stunning! Don't care what people think.

Token of time and the whole selftitled album is just a masterpiece itself. Especially Old Man and Token Of Time (as you said) Wish he whould be releasing the "new" wintersun album sometime... ;)