Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

The album may actually have leaked some time ago. However it may be a virus so I've not risked downloading it. Can't post the link though or I'll be banned.

The album may actually have leaked some time ago. However it may be a virus so I've not risked downloading it. Can't post the link though or I'll be banned.

No shit. And a link wouldn't be needed anyway, it can't be hard to google it. I don't understand the point anyway, no fan would illegally download an album before it's release.
Well holy fuck that was horrible. I think I like WIWI a lot better now, at least WIWI has a bit of CoB style.

Well, the solo was kind of nice, and the chorus is acceptable. But the rest of the song is just not doing it for me (to put it mildly).

I think that wiwi is worst song in relentless reckless forever, this is best of three we have heard compeletely
I know the translation for mediocre and I also know that Necroravens post was contradictory but Norbix is a faggot who's talking bullshit most of the time and the thing that he can't see that there is a difference between mediocre and medicore makes him even more foolish than he was before.

What the fuck? shut up, maybe he did write it wrong, so what?
No shit. And a link wouldn't be needed anyway, it can't be hard to google it. I don't understand the point anyway, no fan would illegally download an album before it's release.

Particularly being the release date so close and already having three songs out. If the leak came out two months before the release then many of us would think about it (after all we've paid for it, preordered it, why should we listen to it later than the people who won't even buy it?), but now that the album is just 2 weeks away and we have 30% of it I don't see the point, I myself will wait for it.
Particularly being the release date so close and already having three songs out. If the leak came out two months before the release then many of us would think about it (after all we've paid for it, preordered it, why should we listen to it later than the people who won't even buy it?), but now that the album is just 2 weeks away and we have 30% of it I don't see the point, I myself will wait for it.

Oh yeah, it's so soon already. But yeah, I'm probably a bit "old-school", I'm not THAT excited about this album, but for the ones I am excited about (like new Watain, Thulcandra, Repugant etc.), I don't listen to any samples or anything. I want to listen to whole album from start to finish with the perfect cd-quality.
Oh yeah, it's so soon already. But yeah, I'm probably a bit "old-school", I'm not THAT excited about this album, but for the ones I am excited about (like new Watain, Thulcandra, Repugant etc.), I don't listen to any samples or anything. I want to listen to whole album from start to finish with the perfect cd-quality.

Hah! No wonder you don't like Bodom's newer stuff when your favorite bands consists of Black/death bands like those! Why are you still roaming this forum?

On Topic:
Cry Of The Nihilist is fucking great, except from the two first verses which is kind of Blooddrunky and unnecessarily progressive. But hey who cares when the chorus and Solos are Sinergy/FTR standard, Impressive Alexi!
Hah! No wonder why you don't like Bodom's newer stuff when you're favorite bands consists of Black/death bands like those! Why are you still roaming this forum?

Because I'm still a bit excited about new Bodom, and those samples brought a little hope for the band after AYDY and BD. I also still like Something Wild and this forum is entertaining.
Hah! No wonder you don't like Bodom's newer stuff when your favorite bands consists of Black/death bands like those! Why are you still roaming this forum?

So you're saying that you can only be on this forum when CoB is your all-time favourite band and don't care about any other band ever in existence apart from Sinergy and Warmen?
So you're saying that you can only be on this forum when CoB is your all-time favourite band and don't care about any other band ever in existence apart from Sinergy and Warmen?

If all you do is bitch about the forum band and only like one album of the band, it is kind of pointless to be on the forum except for trolling it and slugging out flaming comments in all directions.
My favorite band isn't Bodom either, but at least I like most of their music and have the respect not to fucking talk shit about the songs I don't like and the fans who do like them.
This is the most troll filled and flame-whored forum I know of, no wonder why I don't care to post here more often. :hotjump:
Isn't thulcandra the sideproject of one of the guitarists in Obscura?

Yeah, it's Steffen's other band. Their debut is excellent, though maybe a bit too much Dissection influence.

If all you do is bitch about the forum band and only like one album of the band, it is kind of pointless to be on the forum except for trolling it and slugging out flaming comments in all directions.

In case you referred to me, you should read my post more carefully. I don't call people faggots or retards out of the blue, or without a reason.

This is the most troll filled and flame-whored forum I know of, no wonder why I don't care to post here more often. :hotjump:

I don't actually see many trolls here. Some people are just plain stupid. You're right about the flaming though.
So you're saying that you can only be on this forum when CoB is your all-time favourite band and don't care about any other band ever in existence apart from Sinergy and Warmen?

I think he meant that, why is he here if he dont like new bodom. why to spend your time in this thread if you're not curious about new album.