Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

If all you do is bitch about the forum band and only like one album of the band, it is kind of pointless to be on the forum except for trolling it and slugging out flaming comments in all directions.
My favorite band isn't Bodom either, but at least I like most of their music and have the respect not to fucking talk shit about the songs I don't like and the fans who do like them.
This is the most troll filled and flame-whored forum I know of, no wonder why I don't care to post here more often. :hotjump:

Nice, that's my sentiments exactly but you're much nicer than I am. ; )
If all you do is bitch about the forum band and only like one album of the band, it is kind of pointless to be on the forum except for trolling it and slugging out flaming comments in all directions.
My favorite band isn't Bodom either, but at least I like most of their music and have the respect not to fucking talk shit about the songs I don't like and the fans who do like them.
This is the most troll filled and flame-whored forum I know of, no wonder why I don't care to post here more often. :hotjump:

this is kinda nest of trolls
I've been listening to this track for a really long time, and I can't help but feel like there should be some keyboard in the chorus. The chorus is brilliant but it seems to me like it could be much better with more atmosphere in it. Come to think of it, the entire song could use some more keyboard imo. All of the parts with the keyboard (even though it's a simple chord progression) stand out so much more than the rest of the song.
I've been listening to this track for a really long time, and I can't help but feel like there should be some keyboard in the chorus. The chorus is brilliant but it seems to me like it could be much better with more atmosphere in it. Come to think of it, the entire song could use some more keyboard imo. All of the parts with the keyboard (even though it's a simple chord progression) stand out so much more than the rest of the song.

I actually agree, they shouldn't be so stingy with keyboards in general.
Yeah, it's Steffen's other band. Their debut is excellent, though maybe a bit too much Dissection influence.

In case you referred to me, you should read my post more carefully. I don't call people faggots or retards out of the blue, or without a reason.

I don't actually see many trolls here. Some people are just plain stupid. You're right about the flaming though.

You type down comments about being retarded if you can't spell one word right and faggots because you don't share your opinion about something or someone.

Come on! Get another hobby dude!
You type down comments about being retarded if you can't spell one word right and faggots because you don't share your opinion about something or someone.

Come on! Get another hobby dude!

You apparently have read my posts only from the last two pages.
Well I'm glad we agree on something at least. Time to hit the gym... nothing helps with the pumps more than some new COB. : D
Faggotry is beautiful. Faggots protect other faggots.

You sir need to learn how to grow up.
The album is out in 2 weeks goddamn it, if you want to download it, then google it and shut up.
You didn't think someone would give the link away just to calm your faggotry down ?

Plus I'm not really sure the album is leaked yet, there might be a shit load of fakes out there.

It wasn't leaked yet, check'd it

PS. Agreeing with someone doesn't make me fag