Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

never knew being a cob fan was about being such a bitch ill leave u too ur weird conversations about how he tones arent good enough for
ok im a lil intoxicated anywooooo is there still a thread for lyrics?????? and has anyone tried the new songs lyrics?
RRF sounds pretty good, especially guitar have a tense, personal bite to them. Very brown'ish yellow sound. I just don't think the songs will be good enough musically to challenge their 2 best albums, but with HCDR this might compete. And don't underestimate AYDY, that album has some catchy songwriting. Just need to hear this whole thing first. So far there's too much thrash influence for my personal taste as opposed to genious melodies etc.

I think this is where the keyboards take big affect to the music. Drums and guitar can become as thrashy as Alexi wants them to be but the keyboards can only add *gasp* atmosphere or melody. So therefore if Alexi is going to go more thrashy with the music you can only expect the keyboards to pick up the missing melody and vocals as much as Alexi can carry them... and we all know Alexi just isn't a good vocalist.

fuk yee been creeping this thread for awhile and havent posted but omg those samples blew my mind seems like this alblums gunna be fastas shit and in your face i cant wait stop dissing bodom if ur not excited then gtfo that is all

As far as I can tell no one is bitching without good reason to do so. If you have a good argument to back up your opinions then bring it to the table. I used to have the same attitude until AYDY because to my ears there really was no reason to hate Bodom until then.

But no one is dissing Bodom without good cause and if they do and cannot support themselves then they are usually out within a few posts.
I think this is where the keyboards take big affect to the music. Drums and guitar can become as thrashy as Alexi wants them to be but the keyboards can only add *gasp* atmosphere or melody. So therefore if Alexi is going to go more thrashy with the music you can only expect the keyboards to pick up the missing melody and vocals as much as Alexi can carry them... and we all know Alexi just isn't a good vocalist.

As far as I can tell no one is bitching without good reason to do so. If you have a good argument to back up your opinions then bring it to the table. I used to have the same attitude until AYDY because to my ears there really was no reason to hate Bodom until then.

But no one is dissing Bodom without good cause and if they do and cannot support themselves then they are usually out within a few posts.

wow some1 who didnt attack me right away... im just saying that yea ok i started listening to bodom around hate crew death row and fell in love with all ther alblums became a huge fan i just think that yea there new stuff isnt as good but they are still the same band in some ways and we shouldnt be on here saying that every new song is shit like ok for example are you dead yet bastards of bodom gets such a bad rap on here and i think its an awesome song the lyrics are sweet im not a musician though and most of you probly are soo yea u got that on me anyways what im trying to say is the new alblum sounds realy good compared too bloodrunk wich i still did realy enjoy i mean u slap thaton in ur car and boom hellhounds on my trail if that dosent get u goin i dunno what will yea alexi sang way better on there first 3 or 4 alblums but i m loveing the in ur face shit there comeing out with now anyways moral of the story is i think way too many people are criticizing the alblum before they have heard it and there not gunna change there opinion weather its good or not they got there minds made up that bodom is shit because of aydy and beyond thats all call me dumb :)
i really think writing like this is unacceptable even wen ur drunk liek off ur ass know wad i mean so anyway like if ur write like that its real hard to get what dumb shit ur sayan bexyz furst of all most of da werds are like messd up and den ofcurs thers no puntcutasion threfurr itz realz hard to folloe the senatnce cuz i c no place where a senzante ends so i really dunno man if ur like realz mad drunk liek off ur ass but i reallyz don tink dat datz da reazon i just think youre retarded off youre ass m8
I don't think anyone has jumped to any conclusions yet regarding the album and those that have have probably already heard it and just won't admit they have. Anything I have posted is just speculation from the samples or the three tracks we have heard. I may be repeating myself but I always say that my mind could change and I repeat that from the samples I have heard I have enough faith in the album that I have already pre-ordered it. That is to clear up my stance and let others know how I feel.

All of Bodom's material has had aggressive tones to them. It is much easier to throw on Blooddrunk in your car and get geared up over Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper because the new material is indeed thrashier and thrash metal has always been more aggressive in nature than melodic power/death metal. Someone who comes here looking for fans who love the shit out of the newer material will be saddened to find out that we mostly prefer the older albums because if you take the time to listen to them they are just generally better albums. That is the truth! I still think the new material is good music in the metal genre. Better than half the shit I listen to but as Bodom albums I just don't see them as that good.
I think this is where the keyboards take big affect to the music. Drums and guitar can become as thrashy as Alexi wants them to be but the keyboards can only add *gasp* atmosphere or melody. So therefore if Alexi is going to go more thrashy with the music you can only expect the keyboards to pick up the missing melody

Still I see some thrash bands occupying a keyboard for their new album to sound more fresh (while it's often not necessary and makes them sound wannabe-commercial) I guess just by the presence of keyboard sounds, but I think it has a lot to do with the song writing, I mean when you compare the guitars of FTR and the guitars of RRF there's a different vibe for sure (the sound/tone of the guitar plus the songwriting itself) but not easy to describe literally. Some bands can do atmospheric stuff with just guitars, while others fail to make atmosphere even with a keyboard.
Someone who comes here looking for fans who love the shit out of the newer material will be saddened to find out that we mostly prefer the older albums because if you take the time to listen to them they are just generally better albums. That is the truth! I still think the new material is good music in the metal genre. Better than half the shit I listen to but as Bodom albums I just don't see them as that good.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. There always comes a pussyfoot miss suicide on the forum now and then to yell why are you bashing the music, gtfo, btw where's the lyrics?? but I'd call it critical analyzis by fans who especially love the older albums which obviously aren't easy to top.

Now I don't want to look like a cynical old guy, I too bang my head to the new stuff, let's not be too b&w.
Still I see some thrash bands occupying a keyboard for their new album to sound more fresh (while it's often not necessary and makes them sound wannabe-commercial) I guess just by the presence of keyboard sounds, but I think it has a lot to do with the song writing, I mean when you compare the guitars of FTR and the guitars of RRF there's a different vibe for sure (the sound/tone of the guitar plus the songwriting itself) but not easy to describe literally. Some bands can do atmospheric stuff with just guitars, while others fail to make atmosphere even with a keyboard.

Now keyboards in thrash is something I am unfamiliar with because I just don't listen to a crazy load of thrash. It is about my least favorite sub-genre. Can you give some examples?

I think what was important with the older albums and that mysterious atmosphere they did was Alexi was found more often than not playing straight lead guitar melodies while Alexander was doing rhythm underneath. Janne would switch between the two playing melody where it was leading along with Alexi and adding atmosphere with Alexander's power chords. It wasn't *as* often that the two guitarists would perform a double sonic attack on the riffs which is what Alexi and Roope do now which Janne is left driving the melody end forward.

I think this change started to happen with FtR but it wasn't until Roope joined that they started to be more "Alexi on the left, Roope on the right and lets riff the shit out of this joint".

You're right Joonas, it is hard to describe and if I had more time I could find samples in the songs of exactly what I am trying to explain. If you listen to Hatebreeder you can hear a lot of moments when Alexander is playing just power chords (sometimes Alexi too) and Janne is playing a keyboard melody or Alexi and Janne on melody and just Alexander on power chord rhythm. I suppose this is party as to where the "power metal" tag came from. That just isn't heard as much these days.
... but I'd call it critical analyzis by fans who especially love the older albums which obviously aren't easy to top.

And when they come here and start shouting at us I am more than glad to say, "whoa whoa, listen to the track Children of Bodom. Really listen to it. Tell me they were not doing something extra special there that not only tops what they are doing now but a lot of the metal out there". If they take the time to listen to it and the rest of the back catalog they'll realize exactly why we think in the state of mind we do regarding the band.

Unfortunately a lot of people like the newest album(s) and not actually the band. In that case suggesting the back catalog is a lost cause because they just don't care about the band just looking for other people that are like...

fuk yee m8 only guy that didnt throw me under the bus apperantly theres 2 many hardcore fans here 4 me ill just sit back and wait:popcorn:

I wouldn't say I am a hardcore fan. Bodom is definitely in my top 10 favorites but what it is for me is that I just love discussing them. They are the band I find the easiest to pick apart and discuss the music. The only band I can actually hear every section and melody with ease. If I was anything I would be a "hardcore Devin Townsend fan" and I frequent his official forum too but man do I have a hard time discussing the music because I just don't find it as easy to discuss as Bodom's.

Sure, it might sound strange... but that is the way it is. Can't explain that! :lol:

*edit* It is possible that once the album is released a few more OMGZ fans will come out of the wood work then you can all drool and worship together. :D

omg isn't he amazing i mean everything he touches turns too gold lol ive already been labeled but yea that's far from what i think....
the official lyrics of was it worth it actually make the song kick ass cause its all about being hungover or what not. But yea ill probably be called a dumb ass for saying that cause alexis voice is just another instrument sorry hard