Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

I had to stop wearing Bodom shirts because of the response I was getting back in Canada. It really was equal to OMGZZZ ALEXIIIII! And I was at a gig in 2005 and I knew so much of the band that I had to be a "secret member but not admitting it" so said one idiot. Uhhh yes. It could also be that I just happen to know a lot about them and am not an ignorant fool.
Weird. I'm in Canada but I havent seen that here, then again I'm in newfoundland so I guess theres maybe 20 fans so less chance. I have met plenty of OMG (insert guitarist name here) people though, unfortunately.
I never have that problem. Over here they just look strange whenever you where a band shirt. Doesn't matter from which band it is.
Ignorant people..
I;m a CoB fan, but really i havent still bought a tshirt or a hoodie, for some reasons. Not that i give a fuck about true metalheads or smthn. Maybe it's just they havent released a tshirt which would appeal to me.
About WIWI video. It's basicly standing in middle of skatepark they easaly could have done it without skaters becouse its waste of their skills, but ofcourse its not a skate video! It's just that there is skaters so they would check it out.
Anyone still wonder why "true metallers" disregard Bodom? It's because fans like Bodombaby are the ones who wear their shirts. :)

Also this:

"There are so many ignorant assholes here. If you are a true fan, you'll like everything the band makes. They are my favourite band, and they'll always be. This song and Ugly are freakin' awesome. All their albums are epic, because it's METAL! COBHC FOR LIFE!!!"
a guy on Youtube talking about WIWI
The word true is so fucking annoying.

"True fan this, or true fan that"

Fuck, just crawl back inside your mother's cunt and die!

My apologies for being too harsh:grin:
Would you all please stop feeding the troll? It's so obvious guys, I can't belive you're falling for it!

+1. BD is among the worst sounding Bodom albums. None of them qualify as good by any audiophile standard, but BD really is far off. HCDR is probably the closest, though I still have to give AYDY? a go on my stereo setup (what with me not liking that album and all).

I'm not considering RRF yet for obvious reasons, though I admit I don't have high expectations in this regard.

What? BD is bad, too pushed, but HCD or HB or FTR (besides ETID which sucks sound-wise) or even AYDY sound pretty good, AYDY lacks a bit of strength on guitars but sounds good, and of all of them HCD is to me one of the best tones I've heard in metal :ill:

And to return on-topic, I agree on horrible production on BD, the overall sound is just unpleasant to ear.

Yep, there are songs that with HCD's or RRF's or even TMR early version's sound would be much more fun to listen.

Yeah that's pretty much the thing, I'd rather have one rhythm guitar and one distinct lead guitar. These days they do a lot of complex double rhythm'ish parts and sometimes do leads and then have a separate solo section. If they did another SNBN the fans would go bonkers, and I can't see what's stopping them. Oh well.

Because SNBN it's so special because it's unique, make 3 of them and that uniqueness is gone. I myself like it much better when they change things and aren't predictable, knowing that ok now comes main riff, then they'll do a dual melody, then trade solos and then close the song.

Great point. Roope's solo in WIWI doesn't hold shit against even Janne's let alone Alexi's. It would be just a waste of time. How much leeway does Alexi give him I wonder? It last just a few seconds though to add another four beats could extend the song too far. I don't know if I could stand another few seconds of wankery that goes no where.

Roope's solo in WIWI doesn't hold to what? It's the best of all three, dunno what you're talking about. Alexi will be really excited about having nailed his job with the whammy bar, but the solo is really boring, and so is Janne's. Having Roope have one at least is refreshing, plus it's not the usual thing. Also, go listen to Roope's solos in Sinergy and tell me afterwards that he can't play on the same league as Janne and Alexi.
Roope's solo in WIWI doesn't hold to what? It's the best of all three, dunno what you're talking about. Alexi will be really excited about having nailed his job with the whammy bar, but the solo is really boring, and so is Janne's. Having Roope have one at least is refreshing, plus it's not the usual thing. Also, go listen to Roope's solos in Sinergy and tell me afterwards that he can't play on the same league as Janne and Alexi.

Sheesh I'm getting flak from all fronts here.

I know what Roope is capable of I've listened to Sinergy in the past but I like Alexi's solos better and on WIWI I think Janne has the best solo of all three, the best solo on Ugly and the melodic piece before the solo on CotN is better than the solo itself. I don't have a problem with Alexi trying new tactics. He cannot play the same style his whole life... look at Yngwie Malmsteen. He's been soloing his ass off with the same arpeggios for years and it doesn't even phase me anymore when I listen to a new album of his. Yawn, same shit.

But now that Alexi is beginning to try new things I don't really dig it. Sure, the solos are good but I've heard him play better ones. Of course, I don't actually play solos myself so I cannot comment on the technicality of them. Just years of listening experience. :D
Because SNBN it's so special because it's unique, make 3 of them and that uniqueness is gone. I myself like it much better when they change things and aren't predictable, knowing that ok now comes main riff, then they'll do a dual melody, then trade solos and then close the song.

But we won't have that unpredictable approach anymore. Alexi said it himself that he just wants to get to the point and write songs of typical structure these days. :popcorn:
Weird. I'm in Canada but I havent seen that here, then again I'm in newfoundland so I guess theres maybe 20 fans so less chance. I have met plenty of OMG (insert guitarist name here) people though, unfortunately.

There's plenty of those annoying fans here in the bigger cities in western Canada, so it might be just being located in a smaller place that's allowed you to avoid the annoyances.
To stereotype, it's the 'emo' styled kids that are the worst for it around here. Wearing a COB shirt around here is almost asking to get bombarded by these idiots while walking in a store or something.
The first (after translated with Google Translate) gives the impression that the band has reverted to HCDR days. The second is a waste of time. Don't bother reading the second review.
the austrian link is not working and the english mini review is worthless :zzz:
can u post the google translation of the first one plz?