Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

One thing I've realized after listening to the old albums for the Song Survivor, is that the vocals on RRF are actually passable/decent. I was used to vocals sound on RRF, and comparatively the vocals on FTR sounded really weak, and basically like shit.

Now if only they got rid of the thrashy riffs and chugga-chugga and went more melodic...

I totally agree. However, as a fan of black metal I would've thought you'd have liked the older vocals more as they seem to sound more black (albeit weak black vocals I suppose, but I kind of think all black vocals sound weak and cackly TBH) whereas the newer vocals just sound more modern to me, but also more refined, like he is pushing more correctly/powerfully from diaphragm with a better and more balanced resonating tone.
The tone of Alexi's vocals has improved exponentially since the first albums. But my gripe with the vocals on this album is that there really aren't any stand out performances. It's kind of just there... unlike Angels Don't kill or Sixpounder where the vocals are the main instrument in some parts.
Feb 20
After a quick round through all the samples I really must say that Roundtrip & Not my Funeral got my attention just like that! Mostly because of the "exposured"-keys!

NPT sounded like bit of a joke, can't really explain why but just the way I felt about it. Who knows, whould't be surpriced if like it in the end. Just like Was It worth it when i heard the sample, only the exact opposite effect of it all.

Thanks for the linkup. Just came to think of the enjoyable moment I just spoiled for myself though, when clicked on it.

Said it.. I actually like it now but it took a while =)
Finally, I have listened to all songs. And my first impression after first listening of all songs was like this: SKO > NMF > RRF > RtHaB > CotN >= Ugly >= PFMS = Northpole Throwdown >> WIWI

I can definitely say that SKO is in my top 15 all time favorte COB song list :) very good song. In my opionion WIWI is song which was forced to make for mainstream, MTV, party people etc. It totally does not fit in album. It could be like a bonus track.
Not My Funeral - awesome intro. Rthab to me it's ballad of album, and good one.
In RRF keyboard totally attracts me.
Overall album is better than AYDY and Blooddrunk but i can't agree that it's better than HCDR ;) Good album - next week going to buy it!
Crushing riffs followed by epic melodies, such sensation. SKO is their new Hatebreeder, somehow similar vibe to that song.

Can't disagree! Don't know from what Alexi was influenced on this song but it's epic! Album is very diverse, i can see they wanted to please all fans, old, new, mid. And it shows that they can do it if they want to.