Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Yes you're taking crazy pills.

because you don't seem to understand that a solo has nothing to do with writing a song... or a riff.. or anything.

just because roope playes a solo doesn't meen he wrote the riff behind it.

Roope played the solo on the song twilight of the thunder gods with amon amarth.... it doesn't mean he helped writing the song.

And often you don't write a solo or compose it, you improvise it. I don't know if that what Roope does but it do sound like that sometimes.

You seem to NOT have read everything children of COB and I were talking about.

I said I think the reason the band has gone in a thrash direction is due in part to a line up change.

He then stated Roope never writes anthing, but has written his own solos....which indeed means he has written his own material, and then I pointed out that he did indeed contradict himself.

IMO, if you write a solo for a song, you are a contributor to that song. Simple as that.
You seem to NOT have read everything children of COB and I were talking about.

I said I think the reason the band has gone in a thrash direction is due in part to a line up change.

He then stated Roope never writes anthing, but has written his own solos....which indeed means he has written his own material, and then I pointed out that he did indeed contradict himself.

IMO, if you write a solo for a song, you are a contributor to that song. Simple as that.

I know what you were talking about......

But what I don't understand is what Roopes solo on If You Want Peace... has anything to do with the Riffs in SIxpounder, In Your face or any song at all.

And Roope hasn't written any Riffs in COB. He only plays some solos over something Alexi already written.

And a solo is nothing like writing a song or apart of a song.

A song doesn't become another song just because it's a different solo on it.
I know what you were talking about......

But what I don't understand is what Roopes solo on If You Want Peace... has anything to do with the Riffs in SIxpounder, In Your face or any song at all.

And Roope hasn't written any Riffs in COB. He only plays some solos over something Alexi already written.

And a solo is nothing like writing a song or apart of a song.

A song doesn't become another song just because it's a different solo on it.

Ok, I never pointed out those songs, so not sure what you are talking about by mentioning those.

I know writing the riffs in a song is not the same as writting the solo/solos for a song. But the guitar riffs are not the only thing that make up a song. The solos, the drums, the bass, the other guitar, the vocals. Many aspects to make up a song.

If we go by what you and Children of COB are saying then I guess Henkka gets no credit either as I am sure he probably just mimicks the guitar but on bass. What about Jaska? He doesn't write his drum parts until the guitar riffs are sorted out, so does he not get any credit for the songs either? I mean he just played drums over the song that Alexi already wrote?

If I follow your formula for songs, then Alexi would be the only one to get any credit for writing songs in the band.

To me, it takes everyone in the band to make that song happen. They are Children of Bodom....not Alexi Lahio with guests Children of Bodom on instruments. So, IMO they all get credit for making that song sound the way it does.

I guess we just have different opinions on the matter. Simple as that. No point in arguing about it anymore.
Ok, I never pointed out those songs, so not sure what you are talking about by mentioning those.

I know writing the riffs in a song is not the same as writting the solo/solos for a song. But the guitar riffs are not the only thing that make up a song. The solos, the drums, the bass, the other guitar, the vocals. Many aspects to make up a song.

If we go by what you and Children of COB are saying then I guess Henkka gets no credit either as I am sure he probably just mimicks the guitar but on bass. What about Jaska? He doesn't write his drum parts until the guitar riffs are sorted out, so does he not get any credit for the songs either? I mean he just played drums over the song that Alexi already wrote?

If I follow your formula for songs, then Alexi would be the only one to get any credit for writing songs in the band.

To me, it takes everyone in the band to make that song happen. They are Children of Bodom....not Alexi Lahio with guests Children of Bodom on instruments. So, IMO they all get credit for making that song sound the way it does.

I guess we just have different opinions on the matter. Simple as that. No point in arguing about it anymore.

You said they become more thrashy when Roope started to play in the band, so I just wanted to know how his input into the band hade anything to do with the "change" in their music just because he has never written anything for the band.

Ofcourse Roope playes the songs his way but that has nothing to do with the writing, he just playes the riffs so it feels comfortable for his playing style.

Henkka mostly just follows the guitars as you said.
And when it comes to the drums in all kinds of music they are most (99.99%) of the time just there to back upp and give the music a beat or a rhythm.
I find it hard to belive that Jaska writes melodys and riffs on the drums. I do find drums to be a big part of a song and sometimes the most intresting part of a song. But when it comes to get credit for writing on a song I think you actually must write some music and not just play something that fitts to an already written song, and that goes for all the instruments.

I do think that everybody in the band should get credit for making the songs sound the way that they do but I don't think that they sould get any credit on the songs that they haven't written anything on... and solos don't count.

No maybe there is no point talking about it but I just say that Roope has nothing to do with the writing of the music and has even said so himselfe.
It's not that Roope doesn't write anything for CoB, guys. Alexi is the main songwriter, but Roope (and Janne too i think) also comes up with certain riffs and all. So Roope does do bit more than just write a few solo's. In that way he does influence the sound of CoB, may it not be that much.
I personally feel that if 1 member in a band changes that band as a whole will sound different.

I think it would be a great interview question for Alexi.

If Roope left the band and you replaced him would the sound of Bodom change?
just to set al the misery about who getting all credits....

Who cares who gets wich credits... we or you guys are making it a higher item than it is ... do you think alexi or roope or Any of these dudes Care who get Credits for making there piece to the song... believe me.. no one is thinking like i wrote that and bla bla bla....

they are a band and they do things as a Band...

and again. if alexi made a huge solo and put his name under that.. he would say i dont care i do it for joy and we like what we do. As a BAND

I personally feel that if 1 member in a band changes that band as a whole will sound different.

I think it would be a great interview question for Alexi.

If Roope left the band and you replaced him would the sound of Bodom change?

This already happend.

look at how things changed when Alexander left. Are you Dead yet was the first album with roope there. you can hear the Diffrents between all the albums before AYDY and after it.
But does it matter? does the music they now make is bad compared to the old albums.. i would say.. its only a good thing that things changes... Why

if you got 5 albums wich sounds all the same.. bodom would be a dead band already, Why? things wich are the same get bored...
i cant deny that there old shit is Super cool.. but Everything in the world changes..

your getting older. cars are changing. city's are changing, people are changing, so is music.