Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

No, no and again fucking no! Stop looking for retarded reasons! Ale had nothing to do with the sound at all. Janne does tho, and if Janne left, unlike with Ale, the band would be over. If you wanna argue intelligently do so, but stop saying that the band has changed because Ale left or because Alexi stopped dying his hair or because Janne doesn't have short hair anymore or crap of that sort please, it's very annoying.

Looking for retarded reasons? What are you talking about? I even state IMO, which just in case you didn't know means... IN MY OPINION. And I never, NEVER, once said it was becuase of his hair color or hair length, so I don't know which ass you pulled that out of.

You can't deny that the sound and style changed since Alexander left and Roope joined. And if you are, you must be deaf.
There were other changes during the same time too, like switching Jacksons to ESPs, first time they started headlining tours, and IMO the biggest reason: they started to play a lot in America and also started to tour with not-so-heavy bands.
You can't deny that the sound and style changed since Alexander left and Roope joined. And if you are, you must be deaf.

When I compare the latest Alexander time album HCDR to T,L&S and AYDY I think the biggest change is they started capitalizing the drop-tuning and that affected the nature of the guitar work. I still have doubts over Roope contributing much to the style change as his role is still quite small compared to Alexi's. Can we just agree it was all these together: 1) Alexi's mind, 2) natural sound progression, 3) ESP, 4) Roope joining and Ale leaving.
(Maybe this has been said already, didn't bother reading all)

And the Roope thing, while I don't really believe it to be so, might not be so far-fetched if you think it like this: A very skilled guitarist with a lot of thrash background (Stone, Dementia, Walhalla, Nomicon, etc.) joins the band -> songs start to get more complex and thrashy.
(Maybe this has been said already, didn't bother reading all)

And the Roope thing, while I don't really believe it to be so, might not be so far-fetched if you think it like this: A very skilled guitarist with a lot of thrash background (Stone, Dementia, Walhalla, Nomicon, etc.) joins the band -> songs start to get more complex and thrashy.

Couldn't have said it better.

It's like if you have a recipe for a taste how it does due to the ingredients in it. You change 1 ingredient and the taste of that dish changes.
While it's clear Alexi won't write unreasonably simple 2nd guitar parts when he's got Roope in the team, it still doesn't mean it's a primary aspect when he's composing.

But whatever, in my opinion the change from Hatecrew to AYDY wasn't that dramatic.
If you're serious about that then I must conclude that you've not given even 1 spin to the album.
:lol: I'll let you know why you think this way. It's because my opinion is different than yours and you can't accept it :lol: Trust me I've listened to the album plenty of times, it just doesn't have feeling to it (IN MY OPINION!!!). I can't deny there are some good songs, but come on, some of the tracks are like "what the fuck was that supposed to be?". And about the whole Alexander and Roppe thing, I don't really know what to think, because Roppe was in Sinergy, right? And they had epic songs and solos. For all I know, the problem might come from the whole long USA touring. Their live tone changed a lot as well. I mean compare TW and Seoul sound to the concerts after that. What the hell happened there?
And about the whole Alexander and Roppe thing, I don't really know what to think, because Roppe was in Sinergy, right? And they had epic songs and solos.

Good point. When you think about Inearthed, SW, HB, FTR, HCDR they all have a very different vibe and Ale was there all the time, Roope was in Stone, Waltari, Sinergy... maybe these guitarists' have diverse preferences in music style just like all of us.
Well Alexi could just give most of the lead playing to Roope, so can he concentrate on his vocals. It's like one of thoose things that make COB kinda weak.
^Then it wouldn't be COB, Alexi is COB after all.

Looking for retarded reasons? What are you talking about? I even state IMO, which just in case you didn't know means... IN MY OPINION. And I never, NEVER, once said it was becuase of his hair color or hair length, so I don't know which ass you pulled that out of.

You can't deny that the sound and style changed since Alexander left and Roope joined. And if you are, you must be deaf.

1) the hair and stuff are extra retarded style reasons that I made up to show what I meant, I'm not saying you said them. But that doesn't affect that thinking that a guitar player that wrote nothing being replaced by another that also writes nothing has anything to do with the music. And Sinergy is a great example that Roope and Alexi can play super-melodic things together.

2) I'm not denying the change in the sound, it's as obvious as day and night, what I'm saying it's that it's retarded to blame that on the Ale-Roope swap.

:lol: I'll let you know why you think this way. It's because my opinion is different than yours and you can't accept it :lol: Trust me I've listened to the album plenty of times, it just doesn't have feeling to it (IN MY OPINION!!!). I can't deny there are some good songs, but come on, some of the tracks are like "what the fuck was that supposed to be?". And about the whole Alexander and Roppe thing, I don't really know what to think, because Roppe was in Sinergy, right? And they had epic songs and solos. For all I know, the problem might come from the whole long USA touring. Their live tone changed a lot as well. I mean compare TW and Seoul sound to the concerts after that. What the hell happened there?

I'll let you know this, you're wrong ;)

I don't give a rats ass if our opinions are different, but nobody with a good pair of ears can say that the solo on NMF is killer (yes, not super technical, yes not super fast, yes whatever, but fits the song perfectly, lifts it up like a solo is suposed to, serves it and sounds cool as fuck), that SK doesn't have a great atmosphere or feeling or whatever the fuck you want to call it or that Ugly or COTN don't mix quite well melodic playing with nice heavy stuff. I wouldn't care if you came and said "I don't like it because it doesn't have fast, rabid, sensless Slayer style solos, black metal vocals, super fast double bass, raging hich pitched screams, ..." or whatever other thing, but to come and say the solos feel out of place and weak and that it has no feeling I'm sorry but that's a stupid statement, and it's not because it's not my opinion. I hate Opeth from the bottom of my heart, and I think Mikael Akerfelt or whichever his name is is an absolute arrogant ass, but you will not hear me say that their music is a piece of simplistic punkish boring shit with the dumbest vocals and child-like solos, because it's simply not true.
There were other changes during the same time too, like switching Jacksons to ESPs, first time they started headlining tours, and IMO the biggest reason: they started to play a lot in America and also started to tour with not-so-heavy bands.

I think you hit the nail on the head mentioning touring North America with less heavy bands. But that's purely my opinion and a bit of a bitter point personally as I think many good European bands have been somewhat tainted when they become influenced (consciously or not) by trying to appeal to a North American audience.
^Then it wouldn't be COB, Alexi is COB after all.

1)But that doesn't affect that thinking that a guitar player that wrote nothing being replaced by another that also writes nothing has anything to do with the music.

Hmm.....Alexi has said this in an interview about Alexander

"Then Alexander (Kuoppola), he was a major part of the band. He just decided to bail out. Then Roope just called me up and said, “Do you want to play?” He wanted to know if he should starting learning our songs. We had all these f-cking gigs and this f-cking asshole just bailed out on my ass. So I was like, “Yeah.” He learned 17 songs in two days."

He was a mojor part of the me that means he was more than just the other guitarist who played in the band.

And how can you say Roope doesn't contribute? Doesn't he have a few solos on the new album??? Unless you think Alexi wrote them and Roope just plays them.
Maybe Ale did contribute somethings, he wrote parts of Bed Of Razors and Lil' Ridin' Hood, but you know maybe he got tired of the scene when Alexi wrote Hatecrew Deathroll which is so different, lol. I mean fuck he teaches Bed Of Razors to his pupils at his guitar dojo. That song along with the melodies of Lil' Ridin' Hood are are some of the band's most feelingful pieces. But even if Ale contributed something, he couldn't stop Alexi writing Hatecrew Deathroll, so why would it be any different now? Plus he actually digged Are You Dead Yet? when he heard it.

Someone should really ask Alexi about this. The band's forum is full of people who think the departure of Ale is the reason for the change of Bodom's style because of either mental or musical contribution, does it hold any water.

If band chemistry is the reason old COB sounded the way it did, I don't wanna know what they were doing at night.
I don't give a rats ass if our opinions are different, but nobody with a good pair of ears can say that the solo on NMF is killer (yes, not super technical, yes not super fast, yes whatever, but fits the song perfectly, lifts it up like a solo is suposed to, serves it and sounds cool as fuck), that SK doesn't have a great atmosphere or feeling or whatever the fuck you want to call it or that Ugly or COTN don't mix quite well melodic playing with nice heavy stuff.

Bold = opinions. You argued his opinions are wrong using your opinions. I mean shit, I don't think the solos are out of place or weak or whatever, but that's just my opinion and other people can have their opinions and I may disagree, but I'm not gonna tell them they're wrong.