Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Please chill out over this whole COBTV thing. If/when it's released, it will be a gift to COB fans, as well as a promotional tool. Nobody on this board is entitled to anything and the band doesn't owe us. It's nice that everyone is excited about it, but please chill your shit and wait patiently.
Please chill out over this whole COBTV thing. If/when it's released, it will be a gift to COB fans, as well as a promotional tool. Nobody on this board is entitled to anything and the band doesn't owe us. It's nice that everyone is excited about it, but please chill your shit and wait patiently.

Like FearTheReaper said, a mediocre album (like Blooddrunk) can be talked about a lot. But when the album is either fucking great or horse shit, it isn't talked about as much. At the end the "judgment" of fans (as much as COB can give a toss) rests on the performance of the album. I can forgive the silence if it's epic, but if it sucks, well.. I can imagine the amount of shit there will be.

Maybe the label simply told them you guys will shut up this time and let us handle the publicity and not scream like canary birds about songs' working titles etc. Quite a label. At least (I think) they still allow COB to do the music the way they want. I fail to see what harm could fact-free discussion about a forthcoming album possibly do in terms of selling. It doesn't exactly sound hot when all you've heard is I dunno, maybe the same shit again. (Yes there have been 2 exciting comments during the studio session, but otherwise.) I understand it's easy for the guys to wait with this stuff because they've obviously heard the stuff.

I'm having the feeling tho that they simply trust us fans that we know they're making good shit. Or maybe it's a way to show their divine position vs fans and not be fanzine-asslickers like some bands.

Please chill out over this whole COBTV thing. If/when it's released, it will be a gift to COB fans, as well as a promotional tool. Nobody on this board is entitled to anything and the band doesn't owe us. It's nice that everyone is excited about it, but please chill your shit and wait patiently.

Ask Alexi how he would feel like if he was only allowed to play air guitar instead of real guitar for a year - then ask some of us how it feels to not know anything - it's almost the same. Actually I kind of disagree with the band not owing us anything. They make albums - we buy them, they play gigs - we buy tickets to them, fair and square. But some of us do this fan shit every day and they don't bother to tell anything. :) Maybe we're just not so many? On humane levels, the fans owe their favourite band eternally, and likewise the band owes their fans as long as they remain fans.

I feel better now.
Like FearTheReaper said, a mediocre album (like Blooddrunk) can be talked about a lot. But when the album is either fucking great or horse shit, it isn't talked about as much. At the end the "judgment" of fans (as much as COB can give a toss) rests on the performance of the album. I can forgive the silence if it's epic, but if it sucks, well.. I can imagine the amount of shit there will be.

Maybe the label simply told them you guys will shut up this time and let us handle the publicity and not scream like Canary birds about songs' working titles etc. Quite a label. At least (I think) they still allow COB to do the music the way they want. I fail to see what harm could fact-free discussion about a forthcoming album possibly do in terms of selling. It doesn't exactly sound fucking hot when all you've heard of is I dunno, maybe the same shit again. I understand it's easy for the guys to wait with this stuff because they've obviously heard the stuff...

Joonas, I'm not fussing at you or FearTheReaper (well, maybe just a little...), but this is kind of what I'm talking about. I'm excited about everything COB has coming up, too, but we Americans have a saying about, "making mountains out of molehills." That saying would appear to apply just as much to women wearing push-up bras as it does to the majority (please note my use of a qualifier) of comments on this (fuck me swinging) 44-page thread on an album none of us are going to hear for MONTHS.

I don't intend my comments to cause anyone offense. It's just that you're making yourself (and ME) nuts by getting unnecessarily frustrated. That's all. \m/

EDIT: I said that, and then...

I'm having the feeling tho that they simply trust us fans that we know they're making good shit. Or maybe it's a way to show their divine position vs fans and not be fans asslickers like some bands. Ask Alexi how he would feel like if he was only allowed to play air guitar for 1,5 years - then ask some of us how it feels to not fucking know a thing - it's almost the same feeling. Actually I kind of disagree with the band not owing us anything. They make albums, we buy them, fair and square. But some of us do this fan shit every day and they don't bother to tell anything. =)

...with this, you lost me. I'm sorry, Joonas, but I can't get behind that. For one thing, it's entirely unfortunate that you would suspect COB (even for a moment) of being in any way elitist or manipulative of their fans (even as you appear to balance with another point of view); for another, their creative output is their brand, business, and livelihood. They have the right to release new material at a time and in a manner of their choosing - whether it's previewed with COBTV or some other outlet, or NEVER. I feel certain they must appreciate the support of every single fan, but your sense of entitlement is unwarranted.

Now, as always, you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but that's where your entitlement to this band ENDS. No one makes you click the links, watch the videos, dig for scans or even buy/listen to the music in the first place. What you already receive in return for your support is a sufficient exchange. Don't look a gifthorse in the mouth, Joonas.

I can see that we're not likely to agree on this matter, but I would still encourage you to be a little more circumspect in your comments.
Well, this particular fan will be happy to get COBTV 3 and see whatever they throw even if they don't show me a single riff. COBTV 1 and 2 were fun, if 3 has the same style, bring it on. Yes, with Blooddrunk we had huge coverage, with Scythes Of Bodom's special section for it with all the info, and yes now we have nothing, but that won't stop me from enjoying COBTV 3 if they ever upload it.

Count me in on that, Jose, well said
Joonas, I'm not fussing at you or FearTheReaper (well, maybe just a little...), but this is kind of what I'm talking about. I'm excited about everything COB has coming up, too, but we Americans have a saying about, "making mountains out of molehills." That saying would appear to apply just as much to women wearing push-up bras as it does to the majority (please note my use of a qualifier) of comments on this (fuck me swinging) 44-page thread on an album none of us are going to hear for MONTHS.

I don't intend my comments to cause anyone offense. It's just that you're making yourself (and ME) nuts by getting unnecessarily frustrated. That's all. m/

It's not a big deal, I'm glad there's an album coming and excited, just a little impatient, is all.

Now, as always, you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but that's where your entitlement to this band ENDS. No one makes you click the links, watch the videos, dig for scans or even buy/listen to the music in the first place. What you already receive in return for your support is a sufficient exchange. Don't look a gifthorse in the mouth, Joonas.

I need to state some things radically at times to get discussion going, but if others start taking my negative comments too seriously this will not be fun anymore. :D Plus there's the tendency of people missing my point. If band wants it this way, cool. But if it's a "nobody asked!" situation, then not so cool. Thank God this will end soon.

Don't wanna look like a rock police dick or anything, just an anxious fellow.

What is cobtv 3 going to show us honestly? 1 or 2 riffs? Thats not good enough at this stage. We've been waiting for news for months. This is fucking ridiculous.

COBTV3 would've been nice 6 weeks ago. Now its nothing but a futile formality to shut fans up for a while.

I feel you man. :lol: It all depends what coloured sunglasses we're wearing.
Well, this particular fan will be happy to get COBTV 3 and see whatever they throw even if they don't show me a single riff. COBTV 1 and 2 were fun, if 3 has the same style, bring it on. Yes, with Blooddrunk we had huge coverage, with Scythes Of Bodom's special section for it with all the info, and yes now we have nothing, but that won't stop me from enjoying COBTV 3 if they ever upload it.


Ok, it sucks that we dont know that much about the new album as we did when they were recording Blooddrunk. Im looking forward to the COBTV 3 but its not like its their main job to do some videos for the fans instead of consentrating of doing a kickass album.

Soon there will be a bunch of new interviews about the new album and a bit later someone complains why those interviews are just all the same, why cant they ask some other questions than only about how was the process of recording the album, how was the composing, etc.
Soon there will be a bunch of new interviews about the new album and a bit later someone complains why those interviews are just all the same, why cant they ask some other questions than only about how was the process of recording the album, how was the composing, etc.

Well, they start the American tour, and there will be a couple of interviews done by some chick who know nothing about the band. Nine questions out of ten will be the basic how are you doing, how has the tour been, how is the crowd, do you enjoy it, do you like America, who drinks more whiskey you or Zakk, and the final question: oh btw I heard you're making a new album, how is it? and how could you possibly answer anything else than well it's actually pretty good, we're satisfied with it and it's coming next year.

That's the problem, the first interviews "about the album" being like this, I remember that was frustrating in the past now that you mentioned it, when in theory they could be asking questions like can you describe how was the studio session this time, can you describe how the music changed with this album, do you have favourite songs on the album, can you reveal the album title / your favourite song title, what kind of vibes do yo have going on it, is there a particular theme like depression or drinking or anger or mental struggles? But I guess it's part of the game on sheer tour interviews; they don't dig into too deep (altough I always thought they should ask insightful questions about song selections for the setlist, I mean at least act interested and not like school kids doing an "interview".)

But evidently there will be some cool thorough interviews where people sit down to ask the right questions! It'll come.
Last time we had the enormous SOB interview, but maybe if we had it this time, they would not approve to it.

It's easier to find negatives things to whine about even tho they're probably making a great album and we should be having the horns up and waiting. My shoulders just got numb holding the horns up while waiting. :)
Well, this particular fan will be happy to get COBTV 3 and see whatever they throw even if they don't show me a single riff. COBTV 1 and 2 were fun, if 3 has the same style, bring it on. Yes, with Blooddrunk we had huge coverage, with Scythes Of Bodom's special section for it with all the info, and yes now we have nothing, but that won't stop me from enjoying COBTV 3 if they ever upload it.

no COBTV3 this weekend:(...but I hope they`ll post it next week:) (maybe they`ll publish it when they start their tour with BLS- who knows?)!
Please chill out over this whole COBTV thing. If/when it's released, it will be a gift to COB fans, as well as a promotional tool. Nobody on this board is entitled to anything and the band doesn't owe us. It's nice that everyone is excited about it, but please chill your shit and wait patiently.

Haha, nice one! Couldn't agree more.
I hope the new album will make me feel as amazed and inspired as HB/FTR. Those albums inspired me to learn guitar, the atmosphere and musicality is just so perfect. Then along come AYDY/BD with chug chug chug, and it's just so bland. When you listen to the early albums, it's clear that they put time and effort into what they're doing, and trying to make one hell of an awesome album. Now it seems like they've lost their path.

I hope they find it again.
I hope the new album will make me feel as amazed and inspired as HB/FTR. Those albums inspired me to learn guitar, the atmosphere and musicality is just so perfect. Then along come AYDY/BD with chug chug chug, and it's just so bland. When you listen to the early albums, it's clear that they put time and effort into what they're doing, and trying to make one hell of an awesome album. Now it seems like they've lost their path.

I hope they find it again.

Nice one. I agree, even tho I realize there are things they do better now and things they did better in the past. Now that would blow my head off if they made a sort of "modern day" HB or FTR.
I hope the new album will make me feel as amazed and inspired as HB/FTR. Those albums inspired me to learn guitar, the atmosphere and musicality is just so perfect. Then along come AYDY/BD with chug chug chug, and it's just so bland. When you listen to the early albums, it's clear that they put time and effort into what they're doing, and trying to make one hell of an awesome album. Now it seems like they've lost their path.

I hope they find it again.

Nice first post, I fully agree with you. On a side note, I always thought HCD was a good compromise between their neo-classical days and modern metal...
Nice first post, I fully agree with you. On a side note, I always thought HCD was a good compromise between their neo-classical days and modern metal...

+1, I agree HCD was quite a good compromise between the old and new, I still enjoyed that album very much and thought that it felt like an album they worked hard on. There are a few songs on there that I'd definitely consider up with the ranks of HB/FTR, at least in the atmosphere aspect. If I may be so bold, I'd say HCD was their last good album for me.
They should've made Needled the single of that album. You only need to hear the 2:30-2:40 part to realize fuck this should've been single. Maybe process was not completed on that song in time so they picked that other one. And imo Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood had potential for an absolutely great track, but I have a feeling something didn't go according to vision, maybe the album's aggressive in your face guitar tone fails to capture the atmosphere in that particular song, and there's too many yaow's that take away 'momentum' or the feeling of a big hit song. It's just the lack of atmosphere why I can never call it my favourite album, almost out of principle, but I sort of understand if they like to call it their top form.
I tried to figure how some Bodom song titles would sound like in Latin, here's some interesting bits:

Versus Mortuus Terminus - towards dead end
Sapor Meus Falx - taste my scythe
Contemno Mihi! - hate me
Levamentum Borealis - northern comfort
Sixtalentum - sixpounder
Suffoco Habitum - choke hold
Bodom Brevis Formidonis - bodom shore terror
Trinus Somes Pango Pulsus - triple corpse hammer blow
Sis Pacis... Instruo Pro Bellum - if you want peace... prepare for war
Cruor Madidus - blood drunk
Ligo Meus Funis - tie my rope
Vexillum Caelitus - banned from heaven
I tried to figure how some Bodom song titles would sound like in Latin, here's some interesting bits:

Versus Mortuus Terminus - towards dead end
Sapor Meus Falx - taste my scythe
Contemno Mihi! - hate me
Levamentum Borealis - northern comfort
Sixtalentum - sixpounder
Suffoco Habitum - choke hold
Bodom Brevis Formidonis - bodom shore terror
Trinus Somes Pango Pulsus - triple corpse hammer blow
Sis Pacis... Instruo Pro Bellum - if you want peace... prepare for war
Cruor Madidus - blood drunk
Ligo Meus Funis - tie my rope
Vexillum Caelitus - banned from heaven

Versus Mortuus Terminus - Maybe has something to do with In Flames' Versus Terminus off Come Clarity :D