Like FearTheReaper said, a mediocre album (like Blooddrunk) can be talked about a lot. But when the album is either fucking great or horse shit, it isn't talked about as much. At the end the "judgment" of fans (as much as COB can give a toss) rests on the performance of the album. I can forgive the silence if it's epic, but if it sucks, well.. I can imagine the amount of shit there will be.
Maybe the label simply told them you guys will shut up this time and let us handle the publicity and not scream like Canary birds about songs' working titles etc. Quite a label. At least (I think) they still allow COB to do the music the way they want. I fail to see what harm could fact-free discussion about a forthcoming album possibly do in terms of selling. It doesn't exactly sound fucking hot when all you've heard of is I dunno, maybe the same shit again. I understand it's easy for the guys to wait with this stuff because they've obviously heard the stuff...
Joonas, I'm not fussing at you or FearTheReaper (well, maybe just a little...), but this is kind of what I'm talking about. I'm excited about everything COB has coming up, too, but we Americans have a saying about, "making mountains out of molehills." That saying would appear to apply just as much to women wearing push-up bras as it does to the
majority (please note my use of a qualifier) of comments on this (fuck me swinging) 44-page thread on an album none of us are going to hear for MONTHS.
I don't intend my comments to cause anyone offense. It's just that you're making yourself (and ME) nuts by getting unnecessarily frustrated. That's all. \m/
EDIT: I said that, and then...
I'm having the feeling tho that they simply trust us fans that we know they're making good shit. Or maybe it's a way to show their divine position vs fans and not be fans asslickers like some bands. Ask Alexi how he would feel like if he was only allowed to play air guitar for 1,5 years - then ask some of us how it feels to not fucking know a thing - it's almost the same feeling. Actually I kind of disagree with the band not owing us anything. They make albums, we buy them, fair and square. But some of us do this fan shit every day and they don't bother to tell anything. =)
...with this, you lost me. I'm sorry, Joonas, but I can't get behind that. For one thing, it's entirely unfortunate that you would suspect COB (even for a moment) of being in any way elitist or manipulative of their fans (even as you appear to balance with another point of view); for another, their creative output is their brand, business, and livelihood. They have the right to release new material at a time and in a manner of their choosing - whether it's previewed with COBTV or some other outlet, or NEVER. I feel certain they must appreciate the support of every single fan, but your sense of entitlement is unwarranted.
Now, as always, you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but that's where your entitlement to this band ENDS. No one makes you click the links, watch the videos, dig for scans or even buy/listen to the music in the first place. What you already receive in return for your support is a sufficient exchange. Don't look a gifthorse in the mouth, Joonas.
I can see that we're not likely to agree on this matter, but I would still encourage you to be a little more circumspect in your comments.