Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

If it was the final cut then we can even expect it sometime this week?

E: Oh, he said it should be up in the next couple of FUCKING DAYS. It's just a matter of days 'til I can finally hear some bits off the new album ohmygod!
Just hope they have some wicked solos and cool riffs cos that's probably what we could expect instead of all that black metal wet dreaming.
If it was the final cut then we can even expect it sometime this week?

E: Oh, he said it should be up in the next couple of FUCKING DAYS. It's just a matter of days 'til I can finally hear some bits off the new album ohmygod!
Fucking AWESOME, I was expecting it somewhere in the next week lol, seems like I guessed wrong, thankfully :danceboy::Spam::Shedevil:
Btw Sleeper666, how the fuck can you time all updates so well? You posted in the forum like not even an half an hour after his twitter-post? You always post stuff so fast :p Here take some spam! :Spam:

I think it's notable how we've managed to squeeze 42 page amount of speculation out of basically nothing. It's more difficult to be excited when you don't know what to expect. But only the album name alone will be cool to hear, as it will be the name used when discussing this album the years to come. Fingers and toes crossed they use some wild title and nothing too basic.

That is an insanely good point to make. I think alot of this threads ungoing survival is, in part, due to your constant specualtion. :cool:

Its really hard to make posts and discuss your favorite bands new upcoming album when the band/ who ever makes the statements, gives almost no insight.

Its maddening. I just hope we get some news soon so i can make some good posts.

I have alot of thoughts spurring around, but no info to attach them too.
Hey Kal, can you upload COB TV 3 on the site, if nothing is holding up? But not yet because I forgot my earphones home and am at work! :D
Then post the audio-file of the video? :D I will then call you Darth Kal.

No, I can wait a couple more days. These albums come once every three years so a few days here or there changes nothing.
I have no idea how long that takes and if they do it everything at once when the whole thing is recorded or what. And I always suspect they finish things by Friday afternoon so they can get drunk. First show is next Wednesday and they need to practice for that and prepare and travel so the album should be 100% ready by/at weekend. Pretty sure there will be some report within next days.

Kal could you enlighten us about the mix/master process?
I have no idea how long that takes and if they do it everything at once when the whole thing is recorded or what. And I always suspect they finish things by Friday afternoon so they can get drunk. First show is next Wednesday and they need to practice for that and prepare and travel so the album should be 100% ready by/at weekend. Pretty sure there will be some report within next days.

Kal could you enlighten us about the mix/master process?

I can already tell you it does NOT take 3 days. mixing can take about a week, depending on how much needs to be done/how original it is (easier if its just some preset setting they just throw on instead of listening to everything and adjusting slowly). mastering on the other hand takes about a week or 2 as well; though bands don't have to sit there for mastering because its mostly just fixing the levels, not lots of creative stuff (although a lot of mastering people like to update the bands during the process anyway because it is some form of change and has some room for experimentation, thus they want to make sure its on an ok track).
I can already tell you it does NOT take 3 days. mixing can take about a week, depending on how much needs to be done/how original it is (easier if its just some preset setting they just throw on instead of listening to everything and adjusting slowly). mastering on the other hand takes about a week or 2 as well; though bands don't have to sit there for mastering because its mostly just fixing the levels, not lots of creative stuff (although a lot of mastering people like to update the bands during the process anyway because it is some form of change and has some room for experimentation, thus they want to make sure its on an ok track).

I did think it takes week(s), so I thought they'd get everything recorded a week or two before the gigs. Maybe part of the process they can do when for example vocals are not recorded yet, and add them later.. so maybe not 100% ready for a couple more weeks.