Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Feels like someone's screwing with us. How long are they planning to keep their mouths zipped. I thought people's interest levels lift up when the process is described and the good things brought to knowledge. I've seen certain projects fail because no-one bothered to do anything about it and just let bad rumors take control over internet. Then again, maybe that everything you loved made x times better is all the potential buyers will ever get/need to hear. If you're not exactly a fan of COB, all you've heard is that line on Blabbermouth, while we fans will buy it anyway. Just getting impatient. I understand it's a bit lame to scream like a cuccoo about an unfinished project, but it should be ready basically..
dude chill out not everyone is as obsessed with the band as you are; if it's not coming out until spring they have a huge amount of time to reveal whatever info they want. if you start promo too early you have to spend a ton of time and money and people forget about it so it's wasted, if they make huge announcements and reveal things closer to the release date that'd keep people really into it close to the release date. clearly its working because you're going crazy thinking about it; i'd like more info but i actually am starting to enjoy not knowing anything because i can forget about the album until it's close to release so the wait isn't random moments of new info and being forced to wait for it. i can't pretend i know what the label and band want to do but there are many routes besides revealing the info almost half a year before its even possibly going to come out.
Happy Birthday Stella

This is what goes through my head everytime someone mentions your name.

It's exciting this thread was born a whole tour before they even started designing the album, and now it's ready, done and dusted, maybe some mix/master process still under works. Too bad we never got to hear anything about the process, but the excitement hasn't even started yet.
I think the ultimatum regarding the lack of news is this, the album will either be absoultly amazing, or it will suck. Why else would the band keep all the news locked away? You certaintly dont do that when you have an in between album. Maybe they want to surprise everyone because the new shit is THAT good, or maybe it truly does suck.

One thing is certain,

I've had enough of this endless specualtion without any facts. My expectations for this new cd continue to diminish as weeks go by without any incite.
What is cobtv 3 going to show us honestly? 1 or 2 riffs? Thats not good enough at this stage. We've been waiting for news for months. This is fucking ridiculous.

COBTV3 would've been nice 6 weeks ago. Now its nothing but a futile formality to shut fans up for a while.
Well, this particular fan will be happy to get COBTV 3 and see whatever they throw even if they don't show me a single riff. COBTV 1 and 2 were fun, if 3 has the same style, bring it on. Yes, with Blooddrunk we had huge coverage, with Scythes Of Bodom's special section for it with all the info, and yes now we have nothing, but that won't stop me from enjoying COBTV 3 if they ever upload it.